Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Telepathy. How to seal your aura.

Telepathy. How to seal your aura.


Universal telepathy. We constantly send messages to each other, whether we realize it or not. (This is one reason why life in the city may cause stress. Scorer us information from all sides, and we can feel overload, do not find an explanation of his). None of our thoughts and no sense does not tuck properly, whatever we tried to disguise them.

In many cultures, past and present, telepathy is used in normal everyday use. Tahiti has become famous for its "coconut radio", in which the news spread in the island telepathic. When visitors come to the village, they are already waiting!

In accordance with the wisdom of Huny, everything connected with each other by means of "aka-threads". This invisible energy cord emerging from the solar plexus. Close friends have a stronger aka-threads than, say, strangers, only to exchange views at the meeting. On this telepathy takes place more easily between friends and lovers.

Because send and receive telepathic messages, our main "I", the task of conscious "I" is the following: first, to give clear, perhaps even in writing, specify ( "I want Mary to urgently contact me", "to convey my love uncle Fred in the hospital ". Then, provide the main" I "the necessary force (build" Manu "or energy). This can be achieved breathing, relaxation or a sense of love, the test to the individual. And finally," leave away from the road " and trust in the Basic "I" in performing this task. (Because aka-threads transcend time and space, it does not matter whether your destination in a neighboring apartment or a thousand miles from you).

After some practice you will be able to send more complex messages, but start with something that will send their love, or ask someone to contact you. (Think of how often it happens that you just think about someone and then the telephone rings, and you already know something, who breaks it to you).

Then start to improve: set to your favorite people and see how he or she is doing, get the answers in words, images and sensual experiences.

Any doctor knows that a person can send not only ideas but also able to disregard the emotions, when, for example, a patient or a friend go from you out of the Cabinet (or hang up the telephone handset) and you still feel perfectly in one moment feel something, if you hit the mule hoof right in the solar plexus! This is because "undesirable" emotions were transmitted to you by aka-nityam.

There is an old technique of shamans against such cases. Imagine the power cord between themselves and another person, connecting your solar plexus and his. Then, dramatically lower the arm down, as if pererezaya this link. Do this with the firm intention to break any emotional impact of this man. (This technique can be used unobtrusively, even during business meetings and in other similar situations). If emotion "reset" in the room, loudly enough to be pop's hands - a simple but very effective medicine.

How to seal your aura.

(This is a useful technique for "not dopuskaniya" to a negative energy from other people and places. We are becoming more sensitive to energy, so it is obvious that we feel is not entirely comfortable in a crowd or in a tense atmosphere, and we want to or "close" your field or learn how to balance the aura of energy, maintaining their high vibration. Strictly speaking, "sealing" aura is part of "military" tradition, but sometimes I find this method very useful at times, I simply TAS light around a long circular motion, and it helps me no less).

Completely relax with your eyes closed. Now imagine that the flow of golden light comes into your head through the crown. Making the breath, inhale, and also that beam down to the solar plexus and heart. Inhale to the 1-2-3, hold your breath to the 3, then exhale to the 1-2-3-4, and then hold your breath to the 4. Feel how the force is organized in your body for several minutes, while you breathe in this way.
Now its aura in the form of ovoid cocoon that surrounds your body. At this time during exhalation Imagine that the energy ( "mana", which you build, fills the cocoon golden light. Inhale the golden light from above and exhale it in the cocoon in the same rhythm. Imagine that the outer layer has become a cocoon like a thick shell of transparent plastic, and it will pass only the positive binding energy inside your cocoon. When you feel that the process is complete, mentally verify that your aura is now sealed.HYPNOSIS