Saturday, April 20, 2013

Properties of the spirit

Properties of the spirit, according to the four elements, as follows:

will, which is subject to the principle of the fire;

mind with its parallel aspects, such as the mind and memory, which is subject to the principle of the air;

feeling with all its aspects, which is dominated by the principle of water

and mind and with all his aspects as a link of all three elements, which is subordinated to the principle of land.


Go deep thoughts to yourself, watch out for each other and for the functions of the spirit and pomiditiruyte about it. Each function corresponding to the element, you should be able to be clear about. Once you are able to distinguish between the functions of the spirit, that is, when formed a clear picture of it, you can move on.

This is a preparatory exercise is very important because it enables the magician like myself and others to influence these functions to an item master it, strengthen it or disable it.

The following exercise is to make all of the mental body inside astral body and together with the latter in the body of crude material, just as a hand would be dressed in thin silk glove and moreover, even in a thick glove. Your hand should feel both of these gloves. Likewise, should be with all spiritual body.

You need to feel your spirit in the subtle astral body and in the crude material. This feeling is the spirit. Meditate on that at any available opportunity. If you have the confidence that your spirit is the soul container and crude material body perceives it and moves it and that all the actions he performs by means of these two shells, you can take the next step in its development.