Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Who you got?

Who you got?

Who are the other voices? Who's that says it all? And why? And who do we mean by YOU when we say, "YOU - real teacher"?

Do the short experiment. Try to feel, to understand your body. Quickly "scan" it from head to toe. What feelings do you notice it? Are there any areas where tension? Is every piece of it feeling good? If there were any pain or discomfort? You feel tired or alert?

Now turn your gaze to the emotions (or better to say, "Pay your ability to feel the emotions"). What do you feel?

Excitement? Fear? Irritability? Peace of mind? Do you often feel sensations in the heart (in the center of the chest), and in the stomach. What do you feel there?

Another object of observation: Pay attention to your thoughts. What thoughts swirling in your head? Listen to your mind, engaged in the process of thinking. Someone once timed on the clock speed of human thought and said what we think at 1,200 words per minute. As they counted them, we do not know. As they moved thinking that takes place in the form of visual images and feelings into words, we do not know. However, this figure creates a sense of "chatter" that sounds in our heads.

Listen to the chatter at this moment.

Thank you. Now a few questions: who does it all? Who investigated the body? Who listened to the sensation? Who is watching the mind?

Maybe it was something more than a body, more than the emotions more than the mind. Maybe it was you.

No one can be exactly the same as I do. Sometimes even I can do it the hard way.

Tallulan Bankhead

Maybe you are more than your body?

The body has great wisdom: it circulates your blood, digesting your food and performs the necessary functions thousands every second, even though you did not even think.

The body protects itself from getting sick, and treat yourself if it still happens. It sees, hears, feels, taste and smell - and feels like it does all this without being taught how to do it. It performs the most complex work, balancing on two legs - given its size, proportions, and center of gravity.

Alas, the body - such a wonderful in itself - is not very "resourceful." Some instincts. Animals also have a body, endowed with wisdom and instincts. But something, whatever it was - by reason, intelligence, awareness, soul, or "ingenuity" - separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Ask yourself whether you are located (that's YOU) inside the body or somewhere outside? This, of course, a loaded question. Who can resist the temptation to associate themselves with the "something outside" (especially with something mysterious external)?

Even a simple question: "Are you more than your physical body?" brings us to another interesting point: no matter how wonderful was our body, we somehow know that we are even more remarkable than it is.

John-Roger, Peter McWilliams

(To be continued)