Tuesday, May 28, 2013

About larvae.
Let us turn to the subject, which introduces us to the so-called "larva."

The difference between the elemental and larvae is that elemental consciously created a magician, while Larvae appear in the relevant field of mental themselves through strong mental excitations do not care what kind. The more excitement, the denser and more viable larva is, especially when the same mental stimulation is repeated regularly and frequently. This spontaneous formation of larvae in the mental sphere is everyone like magically prepared, and humans without any magical training, the young or old, smart or not, regardless of whether he knows it or not. Once the mental excitement terminated, ie when the object is no longer excited to pay attention, the larva itself ceases to exist completely dissolves, fades. As a result, people in the mental sphere there is a long birth and disappearance of larvae caused by his mental experiences, which is due to mental substance of the man himself. The cause of such mental stimulation can be different: fear, distress, fear, worry, hatred, greed, and so on. Form taken larva depends on the cause of mental disturbance and always symbolic.

Those who know a bit about symbolism, can gain a clear idea about it. For example, the idea of ​​love is symbolized most often in the form of heart, hatred - in the form of lightning or arrows, and so on. Although Larvae, these unwanted inhabitants mental, invisible to the ordinary person, they nevertheless exist, and well-trained magician takes them on a mental level. In sensitive or easily excitable natures, they are magically prepared or not, the mental substance is separated easily and the emergence of larvae as a result of this is easier and more intense. Such people will cause harm to themselves, as their health and nervous system, and spiritually, as well as attract the sympathy of other people who are easily influenced. This is the cause of all mass psychosis. I hardly need to describe how effective are such mass psychoses, where everyone made their observations and has the experience.

From all this it follows that the larva becomes stronger, the greater the return to the grounds of mental excitement and more attention paid to it. If the larva strongly condensed, it is more developed instinct for self-preservation, and it seeks as much as possible to continue to exist. Therefore, whenever possible, she tries to stab the spirit of a specific person to re-draw his attention to the cause of unrest and re-animate it.

Thus, the well-fed larva may for sensitive or easily excitable man to become existent punishment and many cognitive disorders, such as delusions of persecution and so forth, are the result of just that. Many people are in the delusion that they are being persecuted and want to destroy the black magicians, but in fact they are a victim of your own imagination, or rather, a private Larvae, which they themselves have created. Usually people understand this only after leave their carnal shell. In fact, there is only a very small percentage of those who do pursue the black magicians.

(To be continued)