Sunday, May 12, 2013

Untouchable from Alabama.

Untouchable from Alabama.
Can you imagine that - one of the most powerful armies in the world was scared of a single and also obviously sick woman? But that is exactly what happened in 1939, when an American general was unable to find justice for certain woman, living in the desert. It happened one morning in July in the state of Alabama ...
Witness what happened - a former FBI agent - until very recently, did not tell anyone about the incident from the 1939. He did it just recently in the Mexican edition of the magazine "OVNI", he felt that getting older and may not have time to tell anyone about the mysterious event.
In those early years the security agency worked closely with the military over the implementation of several projects. Then one day an FBI agent and his staff received notice that a certain prophetess told the colonel, who occupied a high position, some information about his work ... This information was classified as top secret.
Colonel reported the case to his superior, who in turn passed all the information to Washington. They called in the FBI, and the investigation began.
Our witness was sent to lead the work on the subject, and he had to go to a rural area in the state of Alabama, where she lived estimated fortune teller. Along with it there just in case the other two went to the agent.
Upon arrival, they saw a woman sitting in the hallway of his house. The agent pulled out his ID and showed it to the woman. Then he asked some sort of document the lady, and she told them who she is.
The agents asked a woman to answer some questions, but before I started talking, she smiled and said that, first, it does not prophetess.
Surprised agent said that no one told you she is not. The woman, still with ulybko'y noticed it, so that it is so, no one talked about it, but, apparently, this is the question on his mind. This statement is totally confused our FBI agent, because he really just thought about it.
The assistant did not have time to take a step in the direction of a woman when he was suddenly seized cramps and it's all fine trembling.
As for the women, she continued to sit in his chair, as if nothing had happened, and then with the same calmness turned to the master agent, if he intends to take it or against it, none of them will be able to get out of this house.
Seeing this situation, the main agent told her that he would no longer try to take her away with him. And as if by magic, febeerovets, cramped, immediately came to himself, as if with him and nothing happened. After that, she warned that knows about their intention to return to it with a great help, but if that happens, she refuses to take the consequences. Also stressed that he would not be anywhere for the talks, and added that she can show them what can happen if they disturb her again. The agent asked her to clarify what is at stake. The woman then explained that to do this, select uninhabited place, an area of ​​about two hundred and fifty square kilometers. Febeerovtsy should place posts on all four corners of the area, and come the next day to tell her how it's done.
At this point the agents thought it best to leave this house as soon as possible. They left the woman and went to the headquarters of the FBI, which set out in the report about everything going on.
They contacted the head of the military, and told them the content of the document. After a few hours in the FBI's office was a general and said he intends to fulfill the requirements of this woman, to do away with all the nonsense and arrest her. He also said that the military has a few polygons in the desert and they have already fulfilled all of its instructions.
Early in the morning the next day, General on the phone told that everything is ready and done exactly as it was stated, and this area is free. Then, together with an FBI agent, he went to the woman's house. And when they got to her, she quietly waiting for them, all sitting in the same chair.
Both men got out and approached the house. Agent barely said a few words, representing the general, when a woman interrupted him and said that knows who he is and what's doing here. She then asked whether all, she ordered. The general replied in the affirmative.
The woman inquired whether the aircraft flying over the territory, and received the reply that the air space is covered. She gave him a meaningful look have asked, whether those things. General confirmed that he is sure of it.
No one had a clue about what's going to happen.
The general asked when she is going to show them what it promised.
A mysterious woman confined to answer that everything has been done. The General, in turn, said that if she ventured for the sake of a simple circus, he personally come to arrest her and take you to jail.
The woman just smiled ^ remarked that if he or somebody else will come back again to molest her, or even some sort of a forgotten thing, that today's demonstration will seem nothing compared to what will happen then.
Both men got out and went to the places each of his service. The general called the test area and ordered a reconnaissance tour of the area and its surroundings and reported anything unusual there that she meets.
Soon ... commander was informed that in this area there are no signs of life, as the plants have died, and that w e thing happened with insects and small animals, as well as the birds that flew over the area and fell dead on the fly.
The general said all this to the FBI agents who had gathered about him at headquarters, and gave strict orders that no particle that this information did not leave the walls of this room.
From this time the case took the military. The general also gave orders that no one, under any circumstances, no closer to the house of the woman. Since none of the employees of the FBI, who were devoted to the merits of the case with anyone on this subject did not say, and never led the conversation, as far as our witness, a retired FBI agent, nobody disturbed woman his appearance and did not try to enter it in Contact.
The informant is well aware that all narrated like a passage from a thriller or science fiction novel, but says that's the way it was. The answer to the question, what was this woman, probably to be found in the archives of the FBI.