Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The conscious creation of Elementals

The conscious creation of Elementals

In contrast, thoughts, images, forms with their mental or spiritual sphere, the Elementals - is the essence of a certain degree of intelligence who knowingly created a magician. These elementals are on the mental level to perform a variety of tasks, and can therefore be regarded as obedient servants of the magician.

Magician can create a lot of servants, depending on what goal he pursues with. Through the creation of elementals so-called "mental magic" magician can achieve anything in the mental sphere, it does not matter whether it's yours or someone else on the field.

Because of the versatility I shall mention only a few examples. Thanks to the Elementals magician can in various ways to influence the thoughts of another person, can strengthen or weaken the intellectual powers, to protect himself or another from foreign influences, to turn friendship into enmity, or vice versa, can create a friendly atmosphere in dealing with people, to subordinate his will any the human spirit, which is underdeveloped and does not have a strong will.

Businessman can increase their clientele, the elementals are well as provide many other services. If the magician wants to beat higher, up to the highest, the magical stage of maturity, then it will always be only good, noble and altruistic motives. The practice of creating elementals is very simple, the whole thing only in the imagination of the magician, one needs to observe the following rules:

1. Elemental should be given the appropriate form depending on the desire that want to fulfill. The shape you want to create an intense imagination.

2. The shape, the so-called "vessel" is to get any name. Everything that exists in the form or without form, has its own name, something that does not have a name, does not exist.

3. Elemental must be reported indication, that is ordered by a will or power of imagination, what action it should call. Take note of the order form in the present tense, as I quoted in the chapter on the subconscious.

4. Elemental to inspire effective force, no matter whether it be long or the elementals of limited duration.

If you want to successfully use these four basic rules, they must be respected. Let me explain this technique on a practical example.

Suppose that the magician has the intention to help strengthen someone's elementals memory or other mental abilities. He must do the following.

He is currently a huge universal sea of ​​light, the light of the substance of which it forms a large ball of light, compresses it as much as possible, that is, store energy, as long as this does not become a ball the size of 30-50 cm Thanks to seal ball becomes like a shining sun. This ball magician impregnates desire and firm conviction that he will show those strength and the ability to have a certain person should wake up, strengthen and reinforce the desired mental quality - the memory, the ability to speak and so on.

Once the wizard has created a mental sun - the ball - he gives it an appropriate name, for example, Lutsis, or any other. He then determines the time that this ball has to act in the mental sphere appropriate person, for example: "You're going to have effect as long as that person is not fully possess such power and it will not enter it into a habit." After determining the life of the magician gives the order that the elemental after the execution of the orders must be dissolved again in a light sea. This determines, to put it magically, the birth and death of an elemental, like the fate of the man or any other creature. Since elemental unknown neither time nor space, he was sent to the mental sphere corresponding rights. Sending it happens all of a sudden, as if torn between the tape and an elemental. Immediately turn to other matters and stop thinking about the newly created elemental. This gap can be accompanied by referring back gesture, as well as his creation is also accompanied by some gesture.

All of this is available to decide for himself the disciple, as it should have been already so advanced in their stage of development, that such support he can create with his developed intuition. The freer from the magician will be elemental, that is less than during the day magician will think about it, the more will be its effect on the mental plane of the person for whom it was created. It can operate independently in the field of mental person if the magician will not stop him from his thoughts about it. It is necessary from time to time to give a new elemental charge to give it a more enhanced energy distribution for this elemental summoned by the name of the mental sphere appropriate person gets a new charge of accumulated light energy and is sent back. After carrying out its task elemental dissolves itself in a light sea.