Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The features and quality of the protected person

The features and quality of the protected person

What features and qualities have positive and light-protected persons? First of all, the inner spirituality is not synonymous with formal religiosity, coupled with higher sources. It tells him some inner light and a special organization aura felt by other people, stretching up to him and in many cases does not even think about any attacks on him. Often Higher Will assigns him any strikes, because the connection to the person it says it a special property, which is perceived by others as luck.
A truly secure person can not be perpetual fascination with his egocentric, terry selfish, closed introvert. He has a healthy openness to the world and in the collectivist soul, capable of easily establish relationships with the outside world, with people and with its nearest neighbors. Contact, openness, kindness in helping him communicate freely to attract all the new friends who protect him in a difficult moment.
Protected man has managed to rein in a deep aggressive, and therefore in dealing with people he is not inclined to make sudden movements and to cause rash strokes, inevitably causing response. He transformed his innate aggressiveness in hardness and will to achieve. He is kind and forgiving, but for these properties had somewhere in the hidden depths of a powerful core, inner strength, which comes to the surface only if there is a real danger.
Protected person does not rely so much on the attitude of other people for himself, but rather on how he relates to his own personality and behavior. He is, above all, a man of honor, and just words of Pushkin: "You yourself - your Supreme Court." He is self-sufficient, or aspires to be such, and in the course of communication can rely on himself, not looking for a permanent self-sustaining. It is not afraid to express their views, even if they disagree with the majority. He knows how to defend their own interests, relying on the code of honor. He is able to make decisions and carry them for a reasonable risk.
A really secure people do not tend to painful Introspection and mentally analysis of others' opinions about their own person. It is the whole man, for whom thought and action are inseparable to each other. He may, for a time to seriously ponder whether to commit him to a certain action or not, but if the decision is made, it will no longer fluctuate and be able to put aside all doubts. In most situations, for him it is more important than the nuances of relationships, although he can insist on their views and their own decision, without hurting other people and properly explaining them the reasons they made a personal choice. If he is by nature very sensitive and thin-skinned, he gradually forms a kind of corset security, soften the blow.
Protected person - this is a purposeful personality. In any situation, he knows and remembers what he ultimately wants. It does not wander along the winding paths of life, and tries to choose the road, most short path leads him to the goal. The memory of the goal and move towards it creates in his life a kind of magnetic connection to, which performs the protective function and gives him extra strokes and problems.
Protected persons - is a person with the right attitude to time. He always has time to time do things trunk of his life and one that is already defending itself against possible recriminations, dissatisfaction and high expectations. He lived a full life in the present and at the same time, always focused in the future. He was able to learn from the past, adopt all useful, for which he had met in my life, and at the same time cope with the majority of psychological trauma. Meeting with situations similar to previous ones, is traumatic, it is not compressed like a rabbit frozen in mute horror at a boa, he remains calm and confident in the fact that this situation he would be able to pass with dignity. He remembers that in the end, as Solomon said: "And it will pass!"
Protected persons in his life followed a certain order, clarity, and systems. In his daily existence is no place to chaos and confusion that could interfere with the efficient achievement of goals. As a result of its actions become such a good beat, which carries a protective force and absorbs many shocks. People feel this rhythm, unconsciously imbued with his power and begin to adjust to it, and they did not occur impulse to aggression.
Protected person has as a healthy self-confidence and self-esteem, which radiates its aura around him and creates a special atmosphere that you do not want to violate dissonant actions. People automatically imbued with an atmosphere of self-esteem, which bears the person, and then can not rebuild itself on a different wave. Energy self-esteem is contagious in a positive sense, and therefore protected by human aura is woven not only of its own, reaching energies inside, but outside of energy pulses emitted by other people who are imbued with respect for this man and also begin to defend him. This multiplies the confidence and creates a more secure identity.
Protected persons properly react to obstacles. Barriers not only suppress it, but on the contrary, inspire him to new efforts and achievements. Such people only get excited when a new obstacle and always set to overcoming them. He is protected from depression and doubt, even if his path appeared a significant obstacle, which is called invincible. But in this case he will find out: a retreat, will accumulate strength and fighting on the line-crushing blow, breaking his defense, or find workarounds or perezhdet when an obstacle is naturally subside and liberate his way. Even if the obstacle from an external point of view, absolutely in the principle, it would still be his assault at least to toughen internally and train to overcome it. Only thus can develop their strength and patience. If the obstacle on his path of life are people protected person is not afraid of fighting with them and, as a true master of martial arts, is not afraid to be beaten or live - physically or metaphorically - the psychological sense.
In case of failure, intractable problems or mistakes protected person is able to enjoy a good method of protection, which immediately devalues threat, reducing its strength - with humor. He uses this medicine is not only to direct the enemy or others involved in the conflict, but to the whole situation, being able to look at it as if from the side and laugh at her. He is highly capable of laughing and of ourselves as alone and in front of other people that are very good strikers disarms people who expect that he will suffer victim syndrome, always reacting to the threat of excessive seriousness and domestic terminals. Comedy protected rights on the one hand can be regarded as a manifestation of his excess of vitality and inventiveness, the ability to always find the unexpected break the deadlock, or to offer him a look from a different perspective and laughing over the apparent deadlock, but on the other hand - it is a manifestation of the deep human wisdom , are well aware that nothing is eternal under the moon, and therefore should not be so serious and to heart to take a lot of problems, threats and psychological blows. Such humor requires the ability to instantly find the words man and resourcefully respond to any attack or an attack against him.
Protected persons - this is a balanced man who could calmly accept malicious attacks, outburst and threats. He is in harmony with itself, able to accept yourself for what he, as a starting point for further improvement and perfection, and has a close relationship with the center itself, with its own soul and spirit. He appreciates his state of emotional equilibrium more than the profit or the desire to spite the other person and therefore does not accept easily and thoughtlessly change for him at the dubious pleasure of anger or irritation, an assignment that still does not bring the desired result. He deliberately maintains internally stability and calm and try to make these qualities in their behavior that is regarded by others as self-restraint and good manners.
Protected persons must possess considerable reserves of vitality and health, to strongly reflect any attacks attack. This also applies to cases of passive reflection when a person silently and calmly listened to threats, attacks or temper tantrums, but inside is not broken and remains stable self, and in cases of active defense against aggression, when it comes to tough dialogue, issues scathing replies, parries accusations or countercharges irony. Vital Force provides internal elastic the aura and strengthens its external borders. It helps the harmonious work of subtle energy centers of the individual - the chakras, providing them with good tone and coordinated activity.