Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The root causes of insecurity

The root causes of insecurity

"As all the rivers have their source, and every human weakness generated by another weakness."
(Eastern wisdom)

"If you have difficulty saying" no "today, so once was impossible."
(Scott Edmont)

"Look at the person's behavior, to delve into the reasons for his actions, watched him in his hours of leisure. Will it then for you a mystery?"

We are easy to fight back the same type, but skipping others. Each person has their own little protected zone of psychological and Auric, its Achilles heel. What are the reasons for its emergence? What causes human insecurity in the face of aggression? Why am I seeing an increasing number of vulnerable people? Here are the main reasons leading to mental trauma and breakdown of energy shell:
Separation from the spiritual realm, from God, refusing to serve the Higher Will. Man, for whatever reason, decides that he will rely only on ourselves, and God as the supreme defender he is not needed, greatly weakens himself, even if initially it does not feel. Sooner or later he will receive from the life of blows that shake his confidence.
Painful affection for himself, egocentrism, and pervert the whole process of perceiving the world. Each of us is faced with people belonging to the world or arrogant, or overly timid and cautious. When a man receives a signal that the world and people in varying degrees, do not take it for him, this information is extremely painful and then almost any kind of interaction with people can be considered as aggression and attacks. People of this type have a special aura, which is a power vortex on one side closed to the outside world, but on the other hand is extremely dependent on the opinions of others. If someone refers to the owner of this aura is not so, as he expects, for the latter it will be a big blow that can deform its aura.
Increased aggressiveness, motivating people, crowded these sentiments, attacking others, calling them a response of aggression to obtain a legitimate delivery and suffer from the reverse shock, if they're stronger than he expected. Many mental injuries the man had long-standing roots, unexplainable his own aggressiveness.
Excessively compliant, weakness, submissiveness, forcing people internally to shrink, shrivel and psychologically, and on the Auric level. The practice of life shows that the demonstration of weakness and submissiveness, a habit to give in response to pressure from the aggressor would never able to appease him. Aura is a loose, flabby, and its owner gets used more and more sag to new attacks. Weakness only infuriate people with psychology, prone to violence.
Willingness to meet in life but good to her attitude, not understanding that people along the way, are not obliged to love you, and unpleasant circumstances that sometimes you have to face, do not have to warn you about its existence. Usually, this property is inherent to people at an early age, during adolescence and youth, but then life is severely punished for this sort of naivety.
Morbid psychological sensitivity and tonkokozhest with which people are born and which determines its painful reaction to the seemingly most insignificant touch of life. This property leads to the fact that the fragile film of consciousness are imprints of strikes and unpleasant effects, obtained when dealing with people. In the future, these prints are not dissolved and is not erased by the other tracks, which leaves a person's soul lives, train his endurance, but are fixed and fixed even stronger. One begins to see the world through the prism of his vulnerable psychological skin and treats it as a continuous threat and pain.
Psychological trauma, which were so strong that deformed the man's consciousness, which failed in a timely manner to protect themselves and now whenever a situation arises at least partly similar to the one previous, traumatic, one starts with a new force to feel pain and negative emotions.
Lack of goals, shows how chaotic behavior, devoid of clear logic and aspirations, and makes people very specific energy security, familiar to any aspirations of man. The people adrift, far more often reveal themselves diverse influences and shocks than those who constantly strives for a goal, like the boom.
Too serious attitude to himself, over-sensitivity to other people in relation to self, lack of a sense of humor. Such people tend to exaggerate a trifle, scrolling in the minds of every word said against them is extremely sensitive to even the slightest irony, do not know how to defuse the situation with the help of magical energy a smile and a good joke.
Stereotypical view of life, a tendency to see the world, people and human conflicts of a standardized manner. Any unexpected event, painted in dark tones, it is for the people of the warehouse problem, pain, stroke. People stereotypical can very confident feel in familiar surroundings, but once the rules of the game are changing, they begin to feel helpless and unprotected.
Lack of communication skills, lack of secularism and practical experience of contact with confident people, ignorance of the rules, which are based contacts. People in this category usually malokontaktny and feel extremely vulnerable and, when emerging from its isolation in any society.
Disharmony chakras, manifesting in communication, lack of development of various energy centers. Typically, people who do not have chakra harmonious development, in acute situations of conflict or a strong psychological pressure or energy tend to feel uncomfortable and to give stronger opponents. The very disharmony related to spiritual problems caused by man and karma.
Disharmony in the relationship between the physical and subtle bodies, manifesting as weakness, chaotic and contradictory behavior. People who have mental, astral and physical bodies are not sgarmonizirovany among themselves, as a rule, can not protect themselves either from the psychological impact and pressure, either from fine effects.
This is only the most important causes leading to what the person feels insecure and similarly manifests itself in behavior. Finding security is only possible when these reasons.