Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Excerpts from the book Zora Aleph "Answers uninitiated II"

Excerpts from the book Zora Aleph "Answers uninitiated II"

Again, "will stretch his hands" to the subject of rural black magic and advertised in the newspapers Privorot "and" turn-ups. Is it possible that occult influence?
The occult effect of such a plan possible. It is well known for its own mechanism, but I would like to draw attention to something else. Law analogies strongly argues: impact on the environment is possible only through the presence of elements such effects.
What does this mean?
This means that an impact can be realized only person who has a quality similar to those addressed to his influence. By this logic can not envoltirovat to death living outside the human notion of death and not afraid of death, not envoltirovat to sexual passion of Man, owning your own feelings or living in a triune love. It is impossible to ruin envoltirovat Man, giving up their blood and flesh. Thus, the only similarity are sent influences make us vulnerable to these impacts. As newspaper advertising ...
Sorry, interrupted. In connection with dispassion ... Not going to play the issue as a crude joke: Is it possible to envoltovat sexual passion - impotent?
Man with impaired sexual function may envoltirovat the attachment. (Dependence). Let's just say: the morbid fixation on the personality of another person. Although occult influence, known as "coding feelings" and linked to the promotion of sexual instinct, based on some sort of personality, nevertheless encode a purely sexual attraction is not paramount here. There are many types of coding feelings, and aspects of psychological attachment plays a major role.
How is itself an occult influence? Of course, there are different kinds of it. But as he takes this process? For example, in the black magic used dolls, which are stuck in the needle. The doll, as it assumes the shape of man, being influenced by ...
What are you talking about refers to envoltirovaniyu to death. It creates a so-called physical reference point, which is named the victim. The doll is equipped with those vital agents that can be extracted. It's blood, nails, hair, sweat, tears ... All this has a magnetic connection with the person. The doll is made of wax ...
Why wax?
Wax - a unique natural absorber of energy type. It absorbs any energy, which it is saturated: both negative and positive. And in this sense it is even more active than water. The most information about a person carries blood. That is why the ideal is wax, blood-soaked victim. At that arises here invisible magnetic communication with a person or a sorcerer magician directs its negative influks. Previously, he tries to take a maximum of information: external and psychological aspect of man, as he dressed, what has the habit ...
All this is building in the minds of the black magician clear impression of the victim, who can compare with the exact e-mail address to send a message.
After all, to send an e-mail, dial a certain code ... Similarly, the energy sent by a particular person finds it on the maximum number of identifications, which the sender exposure may build in his mind. Thus, the doll, imitating the victim, "sprayed" favorite scent of this man, her worn clothing, reminiscent of his clothes. More talk about these methods is inappropriate, because a lot of thoughtless people would want to use them, not realizing that the reward for an act of black magic is inevitable. If the black magician once and does not feel physically retribution, the process of destruction and disintegration of personality structure of consciousness begins with the very implementation of the action. This action we call Satanic, though it may not be accompanied by direct invocation of demonic forces, or devil worship. However - it is essentially satanistichno: chaotic, destructive, has a negative goal and thus involves a law, known as HAVAYOT.
Still, as the proceeds itself is the impact? We know, for example, that radio waves penetrate broadcast ... And here - what is going on fine plan?
Exposure through the appropriate vibrational level of the astral plane. For example, the victim is at the level of negative sub-sub-plane Sephiroth Tiferet - a certain "slice" of energy. If you imagine the energy structure of the world as a "layer cake", then in one of these layers the energy of the victim will be the most active. The energy of a man exists in the space around him in the first place - in himself. And he has a unique code that distinguishes it from other people. This is an internal specificity of its most active sefirot.
That is, in order to influence the victim, a black magician should tune in to that wavelength on that vibration, which is typical for the victim. It should be copied exactly as it was a sacrifice in itself. Most often, this contributes to the identification of mechanical dolls with the image of the victim.
How does he do it?
Take the famous ritual "zakolachivaniya nails. Wanting to kill a man, a sorcerer should be followed at some distance and nail in his tracks. This is one of the most fearsome and effective rituals of black magic, while clogging of each nail is accompanied by a curse. Wizard, as it copies the energy of this man, copies of his gait, and maybe something else. Suffice it is to hammer a few nails that man got quite a serious energy kick.
Naturally, if a person is subject to such influence. Exposure is determined, first of all, analogies that arise between the individual human being, personality and essence of the impact of the sorcerer. It does not matter whether a person believes in such an effect or not ...
Another question. When the wizard to configure it, so to speak, a wave of victims, whether there is value, if the person on whom it affects, in the next room or on another continent?
No it does not matter.
But then the radio is easier to break into the space at a short distance.
This is conditional. When you call on her cell phone from Moscow to New York, the connection can be better than a neighboring apartment. Psychic energy vibrates even thinner, it is more flexible and even easier to find addresses that than any radio-waves.
However, if a person is on another continent, in its next wizard will not be able to hammer nails ...
Yes, the sorcerer is more limited in some ways the impact, he has to rely more on their mental capabilities. But if they are "open", the negative energy can be sent over any distance.

Zor Alef "Answers uninitiated II"