Sunday, May 9, 2010

Algorithm training patience

S.Y. Klyuchnikov
Algorithm training patience

I had a lot of work on themselves, educating themselves in this quality, and I gradually created for itself certain rules and an algorithm to maintain stability, peace and endurance in collisions with monotone-violent world, these rules and methods that I try to cultivate themselves and who are trained in seminars and consultations of interested people, as follows.

When you are experiencing frequent and painful psychological blow in communication and life in general, do not let the conscious mind, that pressure will last forever. Try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and even if you do not see it yet, then at least remember it - ahead. There is no pressure and eternal darkness. Negative life bar must be replaced by a positive and a light period.

Learn to perceive the very force of circumstances, strokes, and a negative attitude on the part of other people, not as a dead mechanism and reinforced concrete walls, which are strangling your freedom, but as a live game of energy, time concentration of currents, which is bound to dissolve over time. Then you will be much easier to go through all the trouble.

Learn to enjoy the light volitional effort in itself, aimed at better introspection and vision of itself as a whole, the self and the development of a soft but very strong will. Constant internal doing yourself vyleplivanie of itself a strong confident winner of obstacles creates an internal energy security and patience, which is more powerful than the energy of external aggression.

At the pressure and aggression, there are three most effective response:

- Do not respond at all;
- Consistent with the softening of force;
- Meet the outwardly tough, inwardly calm.

When choosing a particular response, try to fill it with energy of patience. Your patient response suggests that you are able to extract from the depths of the body and mind its own internal resources and hidden forces. If a person is unable to connect to these forces and re-charging itself in the case of mental exhaustion, he will not be able to be really patient.

Having done all that can and should be independently refer to higher sources for help. Calls on the forces and energies of the beginning, when its own forces at the end of a tired arm and is ready to release a saving rope. Remember that true patience - a gift from heaven, but he is given only to those who behave properly on the ground.

If you apply these methods and add their own discoveries and know-how, then your security will be much stronger.

(To be continued).