Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ideal Weight

Lise Bourbeau
Ideal Weight

In discussing the problem of weight is equally important to stay as excessive obesity, and in extreme thinness. If you're too thin, then you attach little importance to their material life. Underweight indicates a sense of guilt that arises within you at once with admiration material things or a desire to deliver a material pleasure.

It may also mean that you spend too much time worrying about world problems. Disturb you very easily - you always are interested in the events surrounding world and deplete its own resources, slinging the responsibility for others.

A third reason may be that you give more than receive. You have to learn to accept gifts of life. Change your attitude to yourself, begin to appreciate yourself - and your weight will become more balanced. It is important to allow the body to function in its own pace. Listen to him.

The problem of the opposite kind - you different excessive fullness or too easily gain weight - points to a few points. "Sitting on a diet", a man shows an absolute inability to take responsibility for their lives. He wants to change the result, having found no cause.

The success can be achieved through diet - no more than an illusion. Therefore, it is always temporary (statistics show that 98% of the persistent success achieved can not). The body must respond to the mistreatment of themselves: after the diet, most people "recruited" more than they managed to lose.

Remember: the body - it's your best friend, who with the help of the superconscious supported in touch with you. To communicate your body uses a variety of ways. And you instead of gratitude to resist. You think that your body should look different, that it is not like you want - that you and strive to change it. Through communication with the body you can get to the source of the problem, and then losing weight will be simple and natural process.

Number of pounds of discarded each person will be different, but I can assure you: weight, which you get to be the ideal and most comfortable for you. Do not expect that ten kilograms, which you typed in for many years, disappear for a couple of weeks. Give your body the time needed to adapt to your inner transformation. Change your mindset - and all else will follow.

Because the causes of a set of excess weight may be different - the habit of overeating, trying to satisfy emotional or sensual hunger, - in its approach to weight loss you should start from a specific motivation.

The use of food in quantities greater than necessary to your body, will lead to the accumulation of fat. This is one of the ways used by your body to convey your message. It should be noted, however, that this provision applies not to all people without exception. I am sure among your friends there is at least one person who eats a lot, but not improving at the same time or per gram.

These people simply increased metabolism - their digestive system is constantly running at high revs, and the calories they consume, burn up faster. As a result of such a man, apparently, soon burn - his body is aging rapidly. Everyone gets their own internal communications. Our body, our best friend, always finds a way to tell us about your needs.

To avoid problems, the best is when you're hungry, and stop eating once you feel a pleasant satiety. This is the only practice that can lead to weight loss! Listen to your body - you get all the necessary signals. Do what these signals.

Excess weight may reflect not only the accumulation of material wealth. Often it can be an external manifestation of the accumulated ideas and thoughts. The person who accumulates too much of anything was afraid of losing their savings. The basis of excessive obesity may lie precisely this fear. He - the fear left with nothing - makes people save insurance policies. Those people are usually very attached to their things, and the attachment of this kind is harmful to your spiritual growth and development. Learn easily let go and trust that you will always be only in prosperity.

Maybe you would like to have a lot of material wealth, but you're even afraid of himself to admit it. Secretly, you dream of others have more. In this case, your superconscious sends you the following message: "Your birthright to live in a beautiful - material things can be very spiritual."

Obesity may be an indication that you do not accept or love yourself. You feel unloved, unworthy and eager to win the approval and love of others. You're afraid of being rejected, but rejection of you around - just an illusion. You get so much love, how much it away. Look around - and you'll find that they love you more than you think.

Obesity may also be a manifestation of "connection" with a kind of person that needs to be broken. When you were younger, whether in your life fat person you could not take? Fear to become like him, you created exactly what feared.

This is a lesson that you should learn - about acceptance. Look at yourself and try to accept and love this man as he was - physically, mentally and emotionally. Then you discover that you can take yourself and your weight will no longer be a problem for you.

Perhaps when you were younger, in your life was someone whom you loved, who admired - and this man was very thick. If you admire some qualities of this man, take it without regard for the physical data.

Weight problems that have plagued you since birth may be linked to past life. Like other congenital physical defects, it may be necessary to you to take lessons, tempered you in this life. Learn to love and accept myself as is. You have to go through life in that form until one realizes sending you a message or a cause that lies behind the physical, mental or emotional weakness.

It happens that the handicapped from birth people miraculously healed completely - that is normally associated with a profound spiritual revelation. And the problem of excess weight is no exception. No one should live life, copying everything on the "karma" from previous lives. Only you can decide when to stop this.

Problems with weight often have a spiritual aspirations of people, because their souls vaguely remember about other dimensions, and yearn to go there. Such people often say that they are "not of this world". They subconsciously tend to be in a better place. Consciously, these people may not think about suicide, but some of them would prefer to not be there.

Excess weight in some degree allows them to gain a firm foothold on Earth. The message they receive goes something like this: "Please accept, once and for its presence on Earth. You are here has a purpose - you must learn to love and accept themselves and others. " If this is your case, try to look around and see the beauty of nature. Start to love yourself and take their place in the universe.

Excess weight can also be attributed to the fact that you get more than you give. Are you afraid to open another? You may be fenced wall, because you feel vulnerable. You open delishsya their thoughts and feelings or you think that others should experience the same pain that you, and go through learning the hard way "?

Break your attentively and try to understand why you still hold within - are afraid to cause someone pain or fear that you will not accept and love such as it is? Or maybe you're one of those people who are happy to discuss other people's secrets and problems, but do not dare to share their own? Find the courage to get rid of the emotional load - and you get rid of the physical goods.

Thy superconscious know thousands of ways to convey your message - so learn to hear it and realize that it speaks to you. Messages may be manifested in the form of pimples, redness or rash on the body, in the form of explicit or implicit conditions. Learn to notice them.

Look at the way what is happening inside you. To get to the cause - a result take care of itself. Diets do not solve the problem - it is only temporary assistance, besides they are contrary to the natural flow of processes in the body. Drinkers drink to forget about their problems. But the next morning all the problems again with him and appear with a hangover even worse.

For similar results lead and diet. Even if you managed to temporarily lose weight, cause of obesity has not disappeared and will continue to bring you a constant internal dissatisfaction. If you want to once and for all to reach their ideal weight, look for the cause and work with it.

Remember: you should not worry how long it may be necessary to achieve the goal. Know how to follow their body rhythms. Much more important is that you have learned to be your own boss and, ultimately, the master of their destiny.

So, if you really decided to lose weight, forget words such as "diet" and "violation of the diet. Nobody breaks. If you think you are breaking the diet, it means that deep down you are still sitting on it and allows your mind to control the decisions of the body.

Feeling that "are breaking the diet", ask for forgiveness from his body. Say: "Excuse me, can discuss, for ill-treatment. I gave you too much food - I did not listen to you. I tried a little harder; was very patient - we have with you one goal. " Working side-by-side with your body, you protect oneself from unnecessary guilt, which is often accompanied by "diet".

Make a list of all products that you are depriving yourself. Include the products that you wish to eat or drink, but do not you mind to it from fear of gaining weight. Acknowledge that some of your still "sits on a diet.

1. Accept the idea that you can have what you want and when you want. It is your bodies. You are not one but himself, is not obliged to report.

2. Begin to listen carefully to what your body says about their needs. Try to realize any of its "addiction" and to determine their basis. Before I eat something, ask yourself whether you're hungry, and that there is food that will benefit your body. Eat consciously.

3. Remember that self-programming by the words "impossible" and "should not" can only lead to the emergence of obsessions. These words will lead you to a result directly opposite to what you're trying to achieve.

(To be continued)