Friday, June 19, 2009

Spiral Dynamics and second-order thinking.

Spiral Dynamics and second-order thinking.

Chapter "Spiral dynamics: the case of the waves of life"
Ken Uilbera from the book "Integral Psychology".

Spiral Dynamics.

Beck and Cowan (who retain the full fidelity system Greyvza) indicate the levels of self-existence as a matrix of values. Each matrix - is both psychological structure, value system and style of adaptation, which may be expressed in many ways, from the philosophies and manners of dress and to forms of governance. And each MATRIX - it Holon, which surpasses and includes its predecessors - the development as the expansion of coverage. The figure I cite Greyvza figure, which he used to illustrate this "matreshechnogo" inclusion (which we would call holarhiey).

Beck and Cowan use different names and colors to denote different levels of the world self, whose number ranges from eight to nine. But this is not just a passing phase in the deployment of Zamość, and they represent a constantly available capacity and adaptation strategies, which, if they arise, can be activated under appropriate conditions (eg, survival instincts can be activated in emergency situations, ability to bind can be activated in close relations between human beings and so on). Moreover, in the words of Beck: "The spiral is irregular, but not symmetrical, and consists of a diverse mixture rather than pure types. They form a mosaic, mesh and hybrids."

The first six levels - a "level of existence", which is characterized by "first-level thinking." Then a revolutionary shift in consciousness: there are "levels of existence" and "second-tier thinking." Here is a brief description of all eight waves, the proportion of the world's population, located at each wave, and the share of public power and influence, which has each of these groups.

Beige color: archaic, instinctive level. The level of physical self-preservation. Priority is given to food, water, warmth, sex and security. Instincts and skills are used only for survival. A separate self barely wakes. To continue the life form groups to survive.

Where there is: In the primitive societies, the newborn infants with senile dementia, at the last stages of Alzheimer's disease, the mentally ill homeless people, with mass starvation, when the military neurosis. 0.1% of the adult population of the globe, 0% power.

Color Purple: Magical-animist level. Thinking mainly animist type land overflows evil magic and good spirits, which have the blessings, curses and charms Sorcerer defining all the events. Of community formed by the type of ethnic tribes. Spirits of ancestors bind the tribe together. Political communications are established in accordance with the principle of blood and tribal kinship. This level is "holistic," but in fact is the "atomistic": "is the name for every river bend, but no name for the river."

Where: Beliefs in witchcraft was evil, like the cult of voodoo, blood oaths, blood feud, good luck talismans, family rituals, magical ethnic beliefs and prejudices; available in a Third World in the bands, sports teams and corporate "clans." 10% of the world's population, 1% power.

Red: The gods force. The first appearance of self, separate from the tribe - a powerful, impulsive, egocentric, heroic. Mythical spirits, dragons, monsters and Bogatyrev. Feudal rulers protect his subjects in return for their loyalty and labor. The basis of feudal empires - power and glory. World is seen as a dangerous jungle, full of dangers and predators. The hero conquers force, the cunning wins and subordinates, to the best of enjoying themselves, not knowing of regret and remorse.

Where there is: "A terrible divided, rebellious youth, the mentality of" edge ", feudal kingdoms, epic heroes, the heroes of" a la James Bond, "soldiers of fortune, violent rock stars, Atilla, Lord of flies. 20% of the population of the Earth

Blue: Standard conformist. In life, there is a sense of direction and purpose, and everything is determined or some other omnipotent. This righteous Order imposing a code of conduct based on absolutist and constant terms "right" and "wrong." Violation of the Code or the rules will result in severe, perhaps everlasting punishment. Compliance with the Code brings a reward for righteousness. The basis of the ancient nations (civilizations). The rigid social hierarchy, paternalism, there is one and only one correct way of thinking about everything. Law and Order; impulsiveness controlled through guilt; bukvalistskie and fundamentalist beliefs, all of the total obedience and submission procedure. Often "religious" (in the sense of a mythical-membership; Greyvz Beck and call this the level of sacral / absolutist), but can be secular or atheistic Order or Mission.

Where: puritanical America, Confucian China, Victorian England, described by Dickens, Singapore discipline, codes of honor and chivalry, Islamic fundamentalism, youth scout organizations, "moral majority," patriotism. 40% of the world's population, 30% power.

Orange: Scientific Progress. On this wave of self "saved" from the "herd mentality" of blue, and seeks the truth and meaning in individualistic terms - gipotetiko-deductive, experimental, objective, mechanistic, operational - a typical "science." World to a rational and well-oiled machine that operates according to natural laws that can be explored and developed, and then manipulate them for their own purposes. Focused on personal success and career, which (especially in America) are understood primarily as a wealth. Scientific laws govern the policy, the economy and the events of human life. World like a giant chessboard on which the party played complex, and the winners of exercise authority over the vanquished. Market business alliances, exploitation of natural resources to achieve strategic advantage. The foundation of corporate states.

Where: The Age of Enlightenment, Wall Street, the Riviera, the emerging middle class worldwide cosmetics industry, sport hunting, colonialism, cold war, the fashion industry, materialism, liberal individualism. 30% of the world's population, 50% power.

Green light: receptive self. The ideals of community, connecting people, awareness of environmental issues, "the network" mentality. The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogmatism and divisiveness, and a sense of common interest prevail over the cold rationality, concern for the earth, life, Gee. Resisting the hierarchy, the establishment of horizontal linkages. Permeable self, self in relation, group interaction. The emphasis on dialogue and relationships. The basis of the collective community (ie, freely chosen by groups based on the commonality of feelings and opinions). Decisions are made by an agreement and reach a common view (back side: endless "processing" and the inability to come to a decision). The new spirituality, harmony, enrichment of the potential of every human being. Strong egalitarianism, antiierarhizm, pluralistic values, social construction of reality, diversity, multiculturalism, relyativisticheskie values, a worldview is often called pluralistic relativism. Subjective, nonlinear thinking; a high degree of affective warmth, sensitivity and caring about the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Where there: The movement of deep ecology, postmodernism, Dutch idealism, psychotherapy of Carl Rogers, a Canadian health care, humanistic psychology, liberation theology, Ecumenical Movement (World Council of Churches), Greenpeace, the movement to protect the rights of animals, ekofeminizm, postkolonializm Foucault / Derrida, political correctness, a movement to protect diversity, human rights, ekopsihologiya. 10% of the world's population, 15% power.

But none of these matrices are not able to fully understand the significance of the existence of other matrices. Each of the matrices of first order is of the opinion that her world view - this is the correct or best perspective. If this is in question, she responds negatively, whenever it is threatened, it is violently resisting, it using the available funds. Blue pattern is very unpleasant and red impulsiveness and orange individualism. Orange successful believes that blue is used to fools and losers, and the green binding weakly and insignificantly. Green egalitarianism can not tolerate the superiority and ranking of values, "big picture" and all that is authoritarian, and therefore sensitive to blue, orange, and all that comes after the green.

All of this start to change when a second-order thinking. As the consciousness of the second circle is fully aware of internal stages of development - even if it is unable to clearly identify - it recedes back and captures the overall picture and, therefore, necessary to understand the role played by all the various matrices. By using what we would call the visual logic of * awareness of second-order thinking in terms of the whole spiral of life, not just the categories of any single level.

Yellow: Integrative. Life - is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies [holarhii], systems and forms. Highest priority has the flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality. The differences and the plurality can be integrated into interdependent, natural flows. Where appropriate, egalitarianism is complemented by natural degrees of superiority. The knowledge and competence should be more important than the rank, power, status or group affiliation. The prevailing world order is the result of the existence of different levels (matrix) of reality and the inevitable patterns of movement up and down the dynamic spiral. Good governance facilitates the rise of social structures through levels of increasing complexity (nested hierarchy).

Cyan color: holistic. Universal holistic system, Holon / wave energy integration, association of feelings with knowledge [centaur **]; many levels are intertwined in a conscious system. Universal, but alive and conscious manner, not based on external rules (as at the blue level) or group relationships (such as on a green level). "Grand Union" is possible in theory and in reality. Sometimes is the emergence of a new spirituality as a network of all things. Turquoise thinking uses the entire spiral; sees multiple levels of interaction; observed overtones, mystical power and pervasive fluid state, piercing any organization.

Thinking of second order: 1% population, 5% of power.

Because only 1% of the population of Earth are thinking of second-order (and only 0.1% are in the turquoise-level), the second circle of consciousness is relatively rare, since it is currently the "front line" of collective evolution of mankind. Beck and Cohen are a lot of examples, from the concept of noosphere of Pierre de Chardin Teyyara to increase the impact transpersonalnoy psychology, and concludes that the thinking of the second level begins to meet increasingly - as seen on the horizon even higher levels.

* Visually and logical thinking Uilber defines as the highest stage of development of mind, followed by a mental way of thinking, already referring to the soul.

** Centaur - a term that is used to determine Uilber existential, integrated self.