Thursday, June 25, 2009

Meeting with your mentor. Jill Edvardz

Jill Edvardz:

There are a lot of variety of invisible friends: mentors, advisers, assistants, archetypes, angel, kontaktery, our future, I Higher I am the Christ consciousness and, ultimately, all that exists. "Real" or not such substance, in the sense that they exist outside of our subconscious mind, this is probably not relevant as long as they care and blagodetelstvuyut. (If "invisible friend" said that your mission - to save the world, or that you - rejectamenta land can be sure that it says your ego. Ego likes to disguise himself by visitors from other kingdoms, but if you know the tricks of your Ego You can usually identify them.)

Lazaris believes that each of us has a mentor or adviser to two - one male and one female, which may be products of our imagination, aspects of our higher consciousness, or conscious beings in their own right and has no significance to which category our leaders belong. Imaginary mentors can be as useful as any other. Again, this is the Ego wants to be a real!

My own mentors, adding delicate indinka on behalf Amurta and dressed in a white man Saul, which emits light, taught me to use metaphysical techniques. I have often discussed with them their future plans and desires загадывала with them, program, or simply enjoy their company in meditation. Mentors - "real" or not, wise, loving and dear friends, and build relationships with them are highly useful.

Meeting with your mentor.

Deeply relax and imagine that you stand at the foot of the hill, porosshego grass. It should be a bright moon night. You hear how uhayut owls, trees and leaves rustling in the bushes shurshit small animals. The air smells sweet.

Look at the top of the hill and See terms of standing stones on the top, ghostly and mysterious in the moonlight. You go flat slope and go in a circle through two high sloping stone. You see, as the two shadows swept through the circle, as if the two figures to hide behind rocks on your side, waiting for his time. You stand and wait, feeling safe. A warm breeze blowing through the stones.

After a short time behind you outside the circle of men and women. They are slowly approaching. You feel their love envelops you. Allow yourself to see these two figures. What kind of shoes on them? What are they wearing? What they are growing? What are these features? What are your impressions about these people?

Welcoming their mentors pozhimaya their hands and embracing them. Then ask for their names. (You can "hearing" or "see" the word, but you're unlikely to hear how your mentors speak directly with you.) Speak with your mentor as much as you want and thank them before you leave. Then slowly return to his room. (If it turns out that there is only one mentor, or a few - do not worry. Trust your own experience).

Although our mentors, as well as our University I will assist in any aspect of our lives, we can get some more help if you desire. If we have a specific project, problem situations, in which you want to work, we may ask the Assistant for this specific task. As with the mentors, we can meet and talk with the assistant in meditation.

We can also sent to our future, I, for example, ask about the likely outcome of the decision, which accepted it. The Future I - is not just an abstract concept. Time - an illusion. Past, present and future occur simultaneously. All likely future is already taking place. A variety of probable future, I exist, and they are just as "real", as we do. Just as we can be a future, I for the five-year child in us, our own future I suggest that we love, support and encouragement. Our future, I know that we have the power to become such, what we want. It can see where we are sending. It can serve as an assistant and mentor to us. It can help us move toward our dream.