Sunday, June 21, 2009

Find your mission, Self-realization and "core" personality.

Find your mission and "core" personality.

Ask yourself: "I am happy?", And if your answer does not suit you at all 100%, ask yourself: "Why should I live?".

Self-realization and the profession.

The Pyramid of Abraham MaslouEsli man needs to look at the pyramid of human needs (pyramid Maslou), we see that when all the human needs at least partially met (from basic to social and moral), the main question for him becomes a question of self-realization. Why? Because when you already have everything necessary for a normal life, like that it was more meaningful (highest profit), and love, and development. This is natural. However, the majority chooses to work based on where the better paid (35%), or where there is an opportunity for career growth (29%), and not for all (24%) primary criterion favorite cause (the data online poll at 27 December 2008). This is understandable, taking into account our standard of living, but as practice shows, the greatest success in the professional development and quickly sought the people who work in the profession, realizing their maximum potential. They are easier and more fun to learn and quickly become high quality professionals, and professionals are needed for all.

But the question - how to find a business? For those who have expressed a clear talent or disposition to any profession, it is obvious what to do when it is not obvious? And then, even among those who identified with the profession, and has long been working on it, often the question arises - how can this profession the most fulfillment? To get answers to these questions, you need to understand and identify himself - which is "the core" self.

Self-realization and the "core" personality.

What is the identity of any person? What is the "I"? According to what laws it develops?

Single answer to this question can not be, because trying to describe all the components of the human "I", we find that an infinite number of them, but if we try to find a central component, then find emptiness .... Therefore, in psychology there are only models, which are more similar to the vector, rather than on the grid, and can often be used only as a metaphor at all. But nevertheless, if they choose models that are needed to solve a specific problem, they can be to get the result.

In order to answer questions related to self-realization and professional vocation, we need to take account of three "layers" "core" personality.

The most profound "layer" is the value of rights. Most of the "iceberg" was not understood by us, but this is the "iceberg" defines what is important to us that we like and what we want, and is the foundation of our worldview and life guidance. Number values are not infinite, and within one culture, in general, they coincide in humans, but the priorities of values among all their rights. And most importantly - values' layer 'human to evolve and grow, and if people do not upersya in the ceiling of its environment, then a year or two its value may change, and sometimes very much. (Trends in the development of values and worldview described Claire Greyvzom in a model of Spiral Dynamics.)

The next deepest "layer" core identity (which was a parallel values "layer"), this ability or talent man. The phrase "talented people" taught us to think that this is not about everyone. In fact, the talent and the ability to have all without exception. Just someone, they are very advanced and very clear, as someone doze at the propensity or predisposition. But because each of us that it is easier and gives better - this means that each of us has a propensity to certain talents, and, hence, can detect them, find them a suitable context and develop. The fact that for a man of course, always evolving rapidly. Dreamers, and the rationalist critique of the soul, for example, can easily become the creators, strategists and analysts. Etc.

And the third "layer" core - a life experience. It could be described as superficial because it is the result of human interaction with life's circumstances ... But it is so habitual behavior, habitual thinking, the usual focus of attention, conventional beliefs about how everything "should be" (which, incidentally, we protect more than revision), that very often it is - the experience - defines period our lives. Yes, it is not more global solutions, but rather the everyday affairs, but it is these everyday affairs may detract us from the global solutions in a groove of events every day of the year.

However, the good news is that we can control our own experience and knowledge to structure it as they wish. And, most remarkable, we can "plan"! Of course, life does not give us assurance that our plans is performed in a detailed accuracy, but the inevitability of change, we can be sure. And we can decide where to send this wave of the circumstances and choose how to use it.

About how organized people can talk for hours and write books, but none of this information, the library has no meaning if we fail to seize at least one particle on it to change their lives for the better. After all, consider how beautiful and fascinating world in which people do what they like and can do, know what live and to develop personally and spiritually. ... You know these people? This is a parallel world in which everyone can make a move now.