Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life path: love.

At the highest level of consciousness, before we come into this life, we choose a life path, we want to overcome some barriers and borders, to develop certain personal qualities, and make their unique contribution to society. Then we carefully select our culture, history, race, sex, parents and life experiences of childhood, that they are consistent with the chosen life path.

Exploring the past, the challenges faced by our interests and skills, our sources of joy, we can identify the repeatable events, ideas, tasks and goals that we set ourselves up to his birth: but as the moment - it is always a point of application of force, we can switch to the other way, if you wish.

Our lives will require, of course, personal and spiritual growth: self, love of learning, awareness of our connectedness with others, overcome obstacles and constraints, the expression of our capabilities and forces beyond the Ego, of becoming someone unique, creative and joyful.

All of us sure are two vital ways: First, learn to live happily and, secondly, to consciously create success. This means constantly overestimated for ourselves what we mean by "fun" and "successful", and taught to create these experiences in our lives reprocessing of negative beliefs, issues and underlying problems, as well as programming that we want. In addition, Lazaris offers us to choose five individual life paths that, in general, is "the magic number" seven.

Life path: love.

Most of us are exploring many aspects of love through the love of friends, loved children, family, pets, or perhaps through the love for nature, animals, art music, favorite sport, the planet or to God.

Pauline was born into a family where she had been sexually abused. From childhood harassed her father, two uncles and a brother, and as many female victims, she grew up blaming and hate themselves. For a child is easier to imagine that it would somehow "merit" of their suffering (and are, therefore, can stop, if understand what it was doing wrong) than to come to the conclusion that her parents "bad", or are not able to love (and this would mean that the hopes of ending the suffering of not). As Pauline felt that it deserves the violence and believed that all men are equal, she married a man, physically and sexually as prone to violence. Even girlfriends exploited her. For Pauline "love" meant pain, suffering and resentment.

In my classes, along with others, such as patients, Pauline beginning to release their resentment and anger and deal with its lowered self-esteem. She realized that if you do not change now, the children would destroy her adult life, and it will remain a victim for his entire life. Rather than constantly relive the tragedy of childhood, and to accuse himself and family, she gradually came to live in the present and look to the future. She was now going to love themselves, even if it no longer love. She knew one of their life goals. As soon as she began to love and respect themselves, their relationships with the surrounding world has changed.

Does this mean that she wanted another child is suffering, that she chose this? Of course not, but at the highest level, like many others of her generation, she chose her parents. Perhaps she knows that she will and strength, and love to break the "chain of violence", which stretches back through many generations, and thus prevent the suffering of others.

Not every one who chooses the love of his life, satisfied with such a painful and difficult start in life. However, we will often arrange barriers of one kind or another.

Charlie grew up with a boundless love for literature. Even in the seven years he spent every free minute in the local library, exploring the mythology and the classics. But his father, who worked at the mine and was completely illiterate, considered as read "devchonoche occupation". He was not allowed to bring books into the house, and Charlie learned not to mention their secret passions.

When he asked permission to enter the university, his father rejected him, and Charlie, who had to choose between love of family and love of literature, reluctantly agreed to become a miner. Ten years later, in pursuit of his first love, he escaped from the family circle and began a remarkable career as a teacher of English. Later, he "accidentally" heard, as his father proudly called "intelligent" son.