Friday, June 26, 2009

2. The desire to release.

2. The desire to release.

Like everything in life, practice begins with desire. The desire of liberation - the last of human desires. The latter not chronologically, but in fact. From this desire, if it came to us, not so easy to get rid of. Sometimes we can forget about it, but his return clearly indicates that we have not yet reached their end, and oneself is impossible. The path thus starts with the desire to release and ends with his disappearance.
The emergence of the desire of liberation, there is a new coming to us with the energy and the energy is initially opposed to the surrounding reality. World seems to us hostile, blunt, malicious and destructive.
We can not understand - how and why we were here, what do all these people, how the Creator could create a terrible world, where death reigns in the land, water and air, and so on without end. We feel powerless before the forces of evil and ignorance that prevails around them.
We usually do not have neither the teacher nor a strong and wise friend, who we could trust and whom to contact for advice and help. What we see in church, in the ashram, monasteries, collective meditation, seminars or training courses are often not only fails to respond to our questions, but starts at an even greater impasse.
And even if we find the same sincerity and aspirations of seekers as we are, we cover the bitterness and disappointment at the sight of them naive and stupid attempt to enter the kingdom of God.
We believe that once had a teacher who could give us the road, but they are all gone. Still the book, which is not much more sense than in the guides how to become rich and happy, so profit from the names guru disciples capital.
We believe in the fact that somewhere in the distant countries should be, in the end, the people, to translate what is written in the wisdom books, but where are they? How do they find? It would be if they turned out the same charlatans, morochaschimi hapless seekers in all the edges of the earth?
And yet, despite the long line of sad and no less sad answer, a desire to pass it by itself, not only does not disappear, but even enhanced. We are beginning to feel the excitement of search. We want to try. For we have understood that our own way - is unique and inimitable, and nobody but us, it is not given to them to pass.