Sunday, June 14, 2009

Year unconscious.

Year unconscious.

The choice of apartments - a favorite example of Professor of Psychology Apa Deykstergyuysa of Amsterdam University. "Imagine that you look a new home. Proposals from realtors head is round. A bigger house, but expensive. Near the other great garden. The third in a quiet and pleasant street. And the fourth - the agent said about him in the end - three bathrooms, one is finished Carrara marble. During the psychological experiments Deykstergyuys makes houses of volunteers to choose the characteristics. Several years ago he himself had pomuchitsya to solve this problem in real life, when he was invited to University of Amsterdam and had to move to the capital.

Some thirty years ago, it seemed, was left quite a bit: one more effort in cyberspace - and it is the era of artificial intelligence. What now seems naïve, those forecasts. The truth, meanwhile there was the era of information technology - small podporok of natural intelligence. Internet allows you to extract added value from our minds, which is now easier to get access to each other.

But the paradox: we are plainly not represent the work of our own minds. "If our brain was so simple that it can be understood, we would be so simple, that would not understand" - zatsiklil paradox biologist Layall Watson.

In 2006, this vicious circle has a gap. Information technology stagniruyut? Nothing, not long left. Access to the resources of consciousness will mean more than the earth's interior. Welcome to the brain is 2.0.

Inner Voice.

The more difficult choice, the less you need to break above the head. The logic is good to deal with simple questions and to better cope with the complex unconscious thinking. In defending this paradoxical conclusion Deykstergyuys amassed a lot of dedicated opponents. "I strongly disagree with the fact that the man is the wise unconscious essence, that you need to seek advice. Such a function of the unconscious is not. Feet, it is well managed. Zheludkov - wonderful. And to think you need to head, knowingly, "--

chafe psychologist and author of two dozen popular books Nikolai Kozlov. "Conclusions Deykstergyuysa and colleagues not to the actual context" - indignant Hillary Becker, a psychologist-biheviorist from the University of Leeds (United Kingdom). And what noisy colleagues?

In a world full of theories okoloezotericheskih "access to the depths" and the practice of "lateral thinking". But they exist in a world parallel to the official science. Credit Deykstergyuysa Lorena and his colleagues Nordgrena that they are in simple experiments show: our unconscious does not skopische dark Freudian complexes, a perfect tool, indispensable in making difficult decisions.

Their results were so strong and well understood that the article is not some marginal Journal of Applied парапсихологии, and in one of the most prestigious scientific journals - Science.

Volunteers in the experiments Deykstergyuysa choose yourself one of the four houses on 12 criteria. Houses are chosen so that one of them clearly better than others. But to recognize it not so simple: minor details to overshadow the main point. Participants from the first group should be to make the right choice as soon as read the descriptions. The second group may be a few minutes to think about prikinut pros and cons. A third group also have a timeout, only use it plainly can not be: a few minutes, test subjects are forced to solve puzzles. And then suddenly demand an answer. But all the time, explains Deykstergyuys, behind closed doors was impenetrable mind, but a busy mind. And the result: in the first and second groups of the best home guesses about 25% of the participants. With the same success could throw the dice. Participants from the third group, which during the timeout distract puzzles, nothing remained of "choose your heart." And the result - 60% of correct answers.

Heavy equipment.

Deykstergyuys have repeated the experiment in different ways. Instead, he offered apartments to choose cars. Or avant-garde painting, which then tried to redeem the money back for this, look who most appreciate your choice. Queried customers haberdashery in the Amsterdam department store Bijenkorf and visitors to IKEA. The result is the same: in situations of difficult choices wins, who gathered all the information, and then diverting to foreign affairs, and then relying on the decision of intuition.

In simple situations - for example a car, you need to select only four features - works better as time logical thinking, demonstrates in his experiments Deykstergyuys. Those who deliberately weighed more importantly - a high ranking security holders or beautiful, give the correct answer in 58% of cases. A technique of "unconscious thought" is so successful with multi-choice, gives only 40% correct answers. It seems that the unconscious - is too powerful to include it on trifles. It helps only if the problem does not fit into the limited amount of memory available for conscious processing.

Tigran Harutyunyan, Professor, Institute of Business Administration and Business Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, is confident that intuition - an indispensable tool for complex problems: "As a consultant, I constantly have to deal with the logical analysis of information. But by themselves, and their business clients know that the most breakthrough and difficult decisions are made intuitively. With confidence, which can be analytically explained how that post. "

Do we think there is another interesting feature that visually and mathematically precise demonstrated Deykstergyuys: if the information is too much, trying to mind its structure by means of stereotypes - the well-known means of saving resources. For example, the characteristics of fictitious "Mr. Jamundí from Morocco": half the qualities fit into the stereotype of a Moroccan immigrant, half strongly does not match. Those who analyzed the image rassudochno Jamundí, completely discarded from the memory of non-stereotypical traits. Those who are "thinking unconsciously, being diverted outside task, remember Moroccan better.

This is not about to throw reason to the dustbin of history and revert to instinctive action, said Nordgren. In the unconscious its limitations. For example, it can not make decisions based on clear rules. Do not know the mathematics, can not realize how much is 14? 17, even if the answer - the question of life and death. Moreover, consciousness is preparing material for the subconscious thought. And it depends in what form it will get there.

We have Deykstergyuysa hypothesis, how to use the "best of two worlds: the complex solutions udayutsya when initially distraught carefully collects and prepares the information, and further delegated to an unconscious mind. "Intuition, which pushes you to buying a car, price, mileage and safety that you do not know, not very useful intuition" - ironiziruet Deykstergyuys. And another important point: the subconscious does not like to strain in vain - a person must understand in advance that he would demand. Subjects in experiments Deykstergyuysa if they were not warned of the need to answer, selected cars and apartments from the hands of out well.

Well, once again lost.

The prescription is ready, you can use? It would not. Subject Deykstergyuysa easily, they make choices in a sterile laboratory conditions. In real life, much more complicated. In 2006, those who think of themselves as human beings rational, objective, reasonable, heard from a lot of unpleasant psychologists: Scientists told and showed how people are changing, not aware of this. How much of the future behavior affect only questions about it. And why we do not know how to extract useful lessons from what is not history, but at least from what happened five minutes ago.

Start a new life in the new year is not easy. Another attempt to restrict itself to a sweet Ekaterina Mihailova accountant failed. Cake, with the remainder of New Year, destroyed the morning of January 2. "A year ago I did not have the force of will - recognized Mihajlova - but this always endure." Just such cases are very occupied psychologists from the same Amsterdam University: Frenk van Harrevelda, Dzhupa van der Pligta and known Nordgrena. They investigate how adequately explains the man committed in the state of hunger, fatigue, pain, or excitation. And what lessons for the future extracts. The result - a complete disappointment in the ability of people to understand themselves. And also the "choice" for the best year in the journal article Psychological Science. Nordgren has shown that people consistently underestimate the impact of bodily instincts of their own actions and deeds of others. Not only syty hungry does not understand (even if it was hungry five minutes ago, he himself), so even a little hungry and do not understand do not get hungry on the joke.

Our behaviors are affected and more subtle influences than the call of the flesh. "Who do you think now?" Provocative question prompts to think about what might not have been. "Do you read in the coming days for their own pleasure? Clean the teeth tooth-cutting? "- Those issues, Jonathan Levan from Columbia University and the University of Havana Fitssimons Duke asked listeners Executive MBA. And serious people, who can hardly be suspected of being prone to manipulation, from the beginning of this issue to read more and more frequent use of dental floss. Questions about future behavior, and explain Levan Fitssimons, change the rights: "it seeks to correct errors in their forecasts."

And the effect prednastroyki or prayminga - this is a direct breaking subconscious. To relieve our minds from unnecessary work, it tries to adjust our behavior under the environment. For example, money makes people more self-reliant and less sociable. Those who prosidel few minutes in front of a calendar with images of banknotes and coins, increase the distance of one and a half times and three times less likely to work in a team, found Assistant Professor School of Management University of Minnesota Kathleen Vos. An hour later it passes, but at this time, people do not realize - as evidenced by the questionnaire after the test - which under the influence of changing their behavior. They did not notice that it has changed.

So how then to trust the subconscious in the new year? Perhaps to answer this question, it is a bit distracted.