Friday, June 26, 2009

Intuition for different stages of human history.

Intuition for different stages of human history.

At the dawn of human history the problem of survival was to itself. It was necessary to take care of food, protect themselves from wild animals, from enemies, from the weather. Life is supported by enormous effort and work. The instinct to fight for survival has played an important role, without it mankind would have died. By instinct we understand more or less a requirement to separate the living substance of ways to take advantage of conduct made by the kind to which the substance belongs. Thus excluded freedom of choice, the structure of behavior is determined by the finished model.
This perfectly demonstrates the behavior of domestic dogs. When attacking a larger and stronger beings weakest male instinctively upright on his back, and substitutes the enemy throat. Instinct in this case makes a strong attack to stop. Thus the weak specimen preserves his life, a stronger asserts its supremacy. There is clearly instinctive behavior, not allowing for choice, but coming from the sample of species.
The evolution of man.

Initially, people and animals do not differ on the mode of communication. But people need to develop a more intensive communication with other people - be it through touch, gestures or sounds. Of the sounds of words whose meaning is gradually clarified. The role of language as a means of communication increases. Signs and symbols are gradually improving. Impressions are fixed in the poems and stories. The means of the fine arts descendants passed on the knowledge and experience.
Over time, people develop themselves and in other capacities, he has continually improved. Satisfied, in place of their own thinking, it has expanded its scope. To the extent that the person "rationalized", hireli first such powerful instincts. Parallel process going on and becoming the highest form of communication: people learn to encourage ourselves to compassion. This allowed the judge and unfamiliar people. Moreover, anticipate the future. The feeling, even the knowledge of the future did not depend on the distance to which the prophet was removed from the scene.
Razum peresilil intuition and become critical. Over time, he obeyed all intuition, all valued below and was used less. The consequence was a gradual extinction named abilities. Man perceives himself as a supreme being, because he could think. He opened himself to the world and tried to discover its cause. He taught to distinguish the facts of foresight, insights and prejudices.
All that he could not catch, see, understand or prove simply ignored. On this basis, was based initially limited scientific picture of the world.
At the same time evolved spirit rise spirituality, frequent fluctuations in the energy field antroposfery.
Science upward tendency often led to the downfall. It should have been done, it was programmed, as they say now, because the mind relates only to part of the whole. And with partial use of force can be achieved only limited success. It is known that the human eye is able to perceive only eight per cent of the spectrum, hence the rest, we can not judge, relying on sight, while in life and beyond the visible, obvious.
Nevertheless, and no longer retained a belief in the possibility of using only one technology to overcome the laws of nature. This belief is able to bring to a standstill. Natural disasters, the collapse of the global economy, the continuing war proved limited in the application of reason to human problems and his own inability to ensure the development of mankind.
But where to find a solution? Based on the current state of the world, we can conclude that the way the mind does not lead to improved quality of life in its fullness, fortunately. If we were able to activate and use all their abilities, this would open the possibility of positive change in all areas of life.
By instinct, we have developed a rassudochnost, opening it a space that our other abilities, almost no space. And the more encouraged rational thinking, the less opportunities to elevate themselves to the development of intuitive abilities. In fact, only able to detect the validity of the facade of visibility, we will be able to find their own real life.
Higher consciousness.

Distraught undividedly prevailed in the evaluation of human behavior. Rationality was the criterion of truth. The result is clear. And it is not surprising that in recent years - at first almost indiscernible, and then more and more clearly - marked a different approach. Mind, no doubt, is necessary, but that's not all. And of course, now that the word "Intuition" become everyday, and the term associated with the word, acquired prestige. From the leaders clearly want the ability to predict, ie creative, because analysts' forecasts, based on bare facts and figures, not in a position to succeed. Lack of knowledge and the isolation of logical thinking in order to ensure an adequate period of favorable conditions for development, clearly visible on the example of the economy. Intuition, especially important for leaders is required in any professional activity, and in the future, demand will increase further, because increasing the proportion of fateful decisions by quickly despite insufficient information.
Intuition and foresight.

The Latin word intueri - watch, observe - in the Middle Ages gave rise intuicio - inspiration, advanced perception. In the dictionary it is explained as a direct inner perception or inspiring vision So intuition - it does not understand on the basis of experience or rational discourse, and direct experience of reality. Goethe called intuition revealing the inner man. Psychoanalyst CG Jung saw it as a kind of instinctive understanding that there is no comprehension of the explanation of causes and effects. Trying to define intuition, we are talking about sensitivity, gift entry, on the anticipation of or unconscious perception, but mentions also the creative ideas and abilities. This understanding of the processes that occur outside of our consciousness, perceived spirit, addressed to himself.
We say "muse kissed", when we "shadow": a concept covers the inspiration come to mind затеи. Intuition - it is an unexpected tip when we follow the "something's in the air", or see the "spiritual eyes" a certain picture, but not as a movie, but rather, as in the outbreak - sharply and unexpectedly. This "surge thoughts", "the idea caught on the fly". Some may boast "feel good", with "visceral sense".
In most cases, intuition is triggered unexpectedly, but at the right time. We provide insight, and simultaneously consume it. Creation of inner peace, intuition, are needed in the external push. These testimonies. But intuition led us there - it turns out after some time and may affirm only when compared with reality.
Intuition - a natural human ability. This is the spark that caused the fire of thought, prophetic gift, a creative force, creative energy, the inner guard, fortune, the key to the discovery and correct decisions, counselor every day life. Intuition is much stronger effect on life than we suppose. It is an essential component of our creativity. The most important criterion of intuition: in most cases it occurs when we lose heart, stops the search for a solution the problem, answer a difficult question, how to change the situation. In short, when we leave the persistent attempts of rational decisions, the game becomes intuition. However, not every spontaneous idea that every lighting-fast intuitive insight can be called. The more developed your intuition, the easier you make a distinction between intuitive insight and an idea created by an external influence. When you are using their talents to the intuitive perception, the crucial moment you completely understand exactly what you are dealing.

As Einstein said, the present calculations is all intuition.

And yet there are people who deny intuition. Others, though, and believe in its existence, feel that not all have intuition. There are some that are ready to defend the intuitive approach, since it provides them with success.
Change lives for the better, improve quality, to advance on several fronts can only be activated intuitive abilities. Therefore, it would be appropriate to consider the nature of intuition, to learn to use it. We need to do everything possible to connect to the "universal information field". If you succeed, our life will become much easier and more beautiful. There is no need to "seek solutions", they will come. Do not need a thorough analysis, careful planning, as intuition tells us the right path, "lead" us to the correct decision. It is not only our personal happiness or our professional success, but about all aspects of life and all mankind. In the future, manage their lives will become even more difficult. Need to instantly take action under incomplete information will occur with increasing frequency. Technology development will be even quicker to devalue the knowledge available. And all the more difficult decisions will be given as in private life, and in business. We see that the actual knowledge of reality does not provide plans for any period. Analysts agree: relying solely on reason, we will produce errors, and incorrect decisions will have catastrophic consequences.