Monday, June 22, 2009

On intuition, and divination.(Eric Berne)

On intuition, and divination.(Eric Berne)

In 1922, Freud stirred great interest among his students, published an article called "dreams and telepathy." Currently, mental telepathy is considered by many psychiatrists and psychologists as a legitimate subject of study. Freud was also interested in the aspects of divination. Divination, intuition, and what is now called the supersensible perception - all of the existing human psyche. These issues attracted much general interest, and often draw the attention of all engaged in psychiatry and especially psychoanalysis, which seems justified given their rightful place.

Unknown is no way to acquire or develop parapsihologicheskie abilities. Each observer is subject to its own laws and can only work in an environment suitable to his personality that he himself would not normally be accurately determined. The current position of psychiatrists in relation to parapsihologicheskim experiments based on the following considerations:

1. Almost all psychiatrists are widely used intuition in their daily work, and it rarely does not come to their assistance (the same can be said of the patients).
2. Many analyst have published observations showing their faith in the existence of telepathic phenomena.
3. As soon as the mention of this subject, almost all men, except for certain types of personality, can lead (and lead) parapsihologicheskie personal experiences. Many of these experiences can be explained otherwise, but the possibility of other explanations do not necessarily mean that these "other" explanations are closer to the truth than parapsihologicheskie.

A fortune-teller

We'll graphology and palmistry, and other similar types of divination are mentioned in passing.

On writing rights can be measured in two ways: first, by using scientific methods, that is studying the characteristics of a large number of samples and comparing them with the characteristics of people writing that allows you to set the criteria for comparison, and then applied to the classification of people. This approach is called the scientific graphology. This subject is devoted to a lot of books, and some of them written by serious psychologists. Rigorous academics, prefer this method. But some believe that they can form a better opinion about the possible behavior of the individual in different practical situations with a different method of assessment of the handwriting, the so-called intuitive graphology.

In the intuitive graphology graphologist leads itself to the deliberate concentration, and then accurately reproduces the mentally or using your fingers traffic to write when he wrote one or more letters. If he had to share a special intuition, he could feel with the emotional state wrote such things that do not show well-known fact and content of the text, and in some cases suppressed, and therefore are not known even to the actor. From this scant information on the face of an experienced psychiatrist or psychologist can make a valid representation of the structure of the individual to write and its possible emotional stress at the moment, which will determine its behavior in the near future.

One of the biggest problems graphology is what features the person may appear in writing. In other words, equally difficult to decide which should raise questions and how to get them to answer. However, subtle movements are all handwriting personality of the individual, and reasonable to assume that they can find some value, unless we know exactly what value are looking for.

Palmist, phrenology and other gadateli studying the physical structure of man, is probably their judgments about people, subconsciously noting the position and movement of facial muscles or any of the muscles in other parts of the body. However, they consciously believe that their judgments are based on the permanent features of the body, such as a cone or a skull on the lines of the palm of your hand. As the cones skull with a person does not relate, to keep us no more phrenology.

With respect to divination along a palm, from the scientific side, there is no reason to believe that the anatomical lines on the palm of your hand man may have something to say about his past or future. Lucky python-palmist consciously or unconsciously base their opinions on other factors, including, possibly, mental telepathy and clairvoyance, if such things exist. An obvious source of information is a form of hands. No doubt, many palmist succeeded classify people on the ground, and they may suspect or really know the differences between endomorfami, mezomorfami and ektomorfami. Naturally we assume that young ektomorf "concerned about the love affairs," and mature ektomorf might "hear the good news at the banquet." With such guidance palmist able to increase the percentage of correct guesses.

Palm rights can also find his classes, and the palmist can subtly take advantage of this knowledge, consciously or not. Horny hand working immediately suggests the cash constraints, while vyholennaya hand scapegrace tell complications in sexual activity. In the first case, palmist said: "The money will be soon, do not worry." If he randomly guess at least in one case, he ensured the popularity among the friends of the laborer, no matter how wrong he was on the other. In the second case, he can predict: "Soon your life will go blonde actress, she will bring you much happiness, but then cause concern? If next week, this sad wishes to walk with a dancer from Chimera Club, he did contrive to make this already long before, and if he will have to settle with her then finance, a palmist can take their future secured.

On the women's business, all this is done even easier. If hiromantke come to work exhausted housewife with a cross on his chest and your hands are wrinkled from the wash nappies, it may without much risk to tell this woman: "This year you will have another child." If the customer is the girl from the bar in norkovom Manto with steadfast face and bright manicure, then hiromantka may adopt its reputation, she predicted: "The rich people will give you soon a lot of money." Enough to reverse this prophecy to see how they are simple and obvious. It would be inappropriate to say starveling laborer's wife, that a rich man is going to settle it on Park Avenue. It would be equally inappropriate to say the girl from the night club, apparently pursuing every opportunity for success that it should be born this year, one more child.

If a rosebud with a remarkable name Silest to make a career than the proletarian woman, which got the name of Mabel, the reason for this is not in the numerology of names. In the same way some people act on the moon or the atmospheric pressure, but any reasonable person, not specifically interested in astronomy, to be indifferent to whether at this time Mars and Mercury in conjunction with Venus. Good guesses numerology or astrologers should be either attributed to the accident or vague mode of expression, or to ascribe their observation of the above kind. The same applies to read the thick of coffee, on domestic birds, and so on. We have already referred to intuition, playing, apparently, an important role in all these cases. Mental telepathy and clairvoyance also deserve serious relationship if gadatel regularly gives correct answers, containing numbers, such as dates, amounts, age or family size. As for predicting the future, the best discussion of this belongs to, perhaps, Balzac: "You can predict the future with the same success as the jealous man in uniform fire, predicting that it will extinguish the fire."

People who publicly demonstrate the reading of thoughts, or fortune-telling on stage or screen television, have at their disposal a large number of tricks, sometimes very witty. At least the experience of reading thoughts, in which viewers are invited to write something, it can be a victim of sleight of hand gadatelya, however innocently or looking cap. There are surprisingly effective methods of "reading thoughts" does not even require a letter and based on the focus. The most amazing experience "reading thoughts" can be done with the help of machines and systems that are sold in any shop of magical equipment.
