Tuesday, June 30, 2009

13. Swami Saraswati Giridzhananda.

13. Swami Saraswati Giridzhananda.

Under Indore, in Madhya Pradesh has Ashram Vidya Dham, where during the winter months are a great artist Giridzhananda Swami Saraswati, who 150 years. He - one of the last keepers of the secrets shaktiyskoy tradition of Sri Vidya, which in Russian means "good wisdom." The school maintains its followers to the ultimate reality through the comprehension of the female, maternal aspect.
Fully implement the master did not teach. He knows well the grass, and after one glance at the man gives the required prescription. Giridzhananda feeds makes Puja, advise, help people, but know no one passes. He says he does not believe in the scheme of the teacher-pupil.
Do Giridzhanandy amazing eyes and voice. This is the only man of all those I met, in the sight of which affect all of the suffering of the world and, simultaneously, a deep joy. While wandering in from the Himalayas, Swami had many adventures.
Once he failed in the snow pit and could not get out. Suddenly he heard a thin voice: "Out there, out there." Finally he noticed a little grass, break out of the snow (Giridzhananda understands the language of plants). He ate grass, and felt such a force that was able to jump out of the deep crevices.
On another occasion, Swami went to the mountains for ten days without food and fairly ogolodal. Seats were empty and had nowhere to get food. Finally, he nabrel the old kostrovische and found it abandoned by the package, which was a bit of flour. That number was enough to bake chapati [Chapati - bannock. - Approx. auth.]. Giridzhananda divorced fire, made two cakes and just about to eat, where as the bride appeared strange sadhu.
Seeing chapati, sadhu said that it was very hungry and asked to feed him. Girizhdananda agreed, and sadhu instantly uplel both cakes. Then, wake, he asked forgiveness for the fact that nothing is left. Swami bowed and said: "I is full so that you took from me this food." At this point, a stranger, and was transfigured before Giridzhananda saw a Vladyka yoginov Shivu.
Lord Shiva said to him: "Henceforth thou shalt not know neither hunger nor thirst, and will feed thousands of people."
Since then and is happening. Everyone coming to the ashram, feed and sometimes during the holidays, the Saraswati Giridzhanandy materialize in the hands of the stack of money, it gives those present.

Type in Giridzhanandy somewhat inhuman. It is not like the Indians - but rather on the Aztec leader, with a humpback nose, huge ears and bottomless glance. Master severe, it radiates energy, power and greatness of wisdom, but knowledge does not. You can just stay with him while in his vibrations. Every day during the second half of the day it come and go, people to solve their everyday problems. No one comes for the teaching.
Actually, it's quite normal, and the sad situation in the Indian ashram - the Indians have come to a true master as a magician, at best, as a counselor, or healers, but almost no one comes to practice. Came from other countries seekers in this way is better - many come for the knowledge.
But there are other problems - ignorance of the language (English is often not enough), lack of time and patience, the lack of recommendations, which, as elsewhere, it is helping. In addition, foreign seekers are often poorly dealt with in the culture, ethics, terminology, and many other things needed for full contact. Teachers see and understand this. And silent, or tell stories. To start this training, you need to become his. And for that often have not eaten a pood of salt.