Thursday, June 11, 2009

NLP in advertising. The other side of SCORE.

NLP in advertising. The other side of SCORE.

I am sometimes asked how NLP is used in advertising? And then added: "Well, at the level of speech reception in the formulation of advertising phrases and slogans, it is understandable. But if any of the special NLP advertising strategy or model?"

The issue at all complicated, because it is difficult to allocate from the system one of its elements and make it work alone. NLP is all the same, it is not a set of tools, this system. However, there is one model that could be a template for the creation of an independent advertising. True, it had to turn inside out.

The other side of SCORE.

In NLP there is a model - SCORE. Usually it is used for counseling. However, the model of SCORE, thanks to its structure, there is another, less known but no less powerful function - Advertising Information. And in order to take advantage of it, you'll need to use SCORE with accuracy up to the contrary.

If you remember the old Ogilvi, it is often said that the best advertisement for the product - it is providing full information about it. And, as experience shows, this is indeed the case. But hey, do not think that I mean a technical or historical information! :) It is no wonder, until they become buyers. In advertising the same people need other information.

I think I agree with all professional sellers - no product by itself in nature do not need. What people really need is to meet their needs, solve their problems, and the embodiment of their desires. Therefore, they would be interested in a product that will help them in a particular situation to solve their specific problems. And here it is about this and need to provide people with information.

To do this, it just appears to be very spodruchen SCORE. Five letters of the abbreviation SCORE match of five (five points SCORE), using the answers to which can be described as any situation, giving a person is logically coherent picture of her.
And the charm of the logical description that it would have formed inside them need, motivation charged, the most obvious way to solve which will be advertised product. How does it look like?

In the Russian translation (and in the advertising context) SCORE points will sound like this:

S - "symptom" - The situation at the moment, as it is.
About - "The desired result" - that we would have to replace the current situation.
E - "Effects" - What are the positive effects we get when the "desired result".
C - "Reason" - Why has the original situation.
R - "Life" - What do we need to obtain "the desired result."

While the answers to the first four issues (listed above), we create a complete and logical description of the whole context in which a person has a need - a conscious desire, motivation and a full understanding of why so and not otherwise. It remains now only one issue that worries him - it is a question of "How?" But rather: "How do I now, what the hell, knowing all this, finally, get what I want?"
And then we offer him demanded his life - specifically advertised product. One can only wait when he takes a decision (of course, unless the context, needs and motivations for it were valid).

For visibility, I will give you an example of a short advertising articles. SCORE points are there in the above sequence and correspond to the paragraph.

The modern world is designed so that life in the full communication, on which much depends. All of us occasionally need to agree on something important to others, to seek from them what we need, and sometimes in these discussions and had to seriously defend their position or point of view. We both know how to do it, and if honest, not always with us, it turns out. And when it turns out that more often with the help of shouting and pressure, use of authority or other most flexible ways.

But, probably, almost every one of us would like to be able to resolve disputed issues calmly and confidently go immediately to talk, urging people with sound logic and well-cited arguments. And so people do not simply agree, and really take our point of view and do what we have agreed with them. As if we were old friends with them.

The prospects of such abilities is tempting. Anyone who knows how to persuade and negotiate with people who succeed not only in his case. These people want everything and everywhere, and this means at a minimum, improving the social status and income increase, while the maximum - the universal love and respect.

Naturally, the successful communicators are not born. And neither in school nor in the institutions sufficiently that do not learn. Therefore, it turns out that to learn effectively and is easy to persuade people to agree with them, only at special rates, which, for various reasons, are not for everyone.

But today, thanks to the Internet, there is a solution that combines and accessibility, and quality tested by practical results. This individual online course GLP Art Convince. " The course teaches the entire range of skills necessary for successful communication: techniques of contact and reading "body language" to the techniques of persuasion and negotiation strategy "win-win." It includes all the basic communication techniques of NLP, which developed directly in the life - where they then will be applied. Training is conducted under the guidance of coach, individually, through the Internet. More information about the course ...

Some of the points thus SCORE based advertising article: First, you describe the context problem, and then give way to solve it. The sequence of the first four points of particular significance is not, above all, to follow the logic, but the point is always the last resource. Using all points of SCORE is not necessarily - the point of the causes and effects need to be skipped, if retained integrity.