Each day corresponds to a particular color, which helps in many cases. This color is called "the color of good luck." Color luck of the day should be present in the clothes or the surroundings. He adjusts the rights to a wave of energy, which helps to realize the desired.
Saturday. If you want to make new acquaintances, friends or enhance their lives, to diversify its put something turquoise color. Dress anything turquoise, if you want to move the original idea, to attract money. This color helps to finding new friends and generally enhance the social life. Brown on that day will protect against the adverse impacts and improve the work of the mind. Brown also bring to you the money.
Sunday. The yellow and cream-colored to help you in any activity that requires optimism and faith in the future, will help to establish trusting relationships with children. It also attracted a good mood. Gold and orange colors will help you in a relationship at rest and in any activity that requires optimism and faith in the future.
Monday. Colors of luck that day - silver, pearl, opal, silver, mother of pearl-colored wash. These colors will help you in all that relates to issues of ownership, the beginning of the new cases and will protect you from trouble. The white color of clothing or objects around you will help private and family life, will help deal with the house. The white color of the day will enhance intuition, and helps to initiate any projects. White clothing can help you start a new business or strengthen their own business.
Tuesday. Colors of luck that day - a bright red and violet. Bright red color helps to love. Purple color, attending to clothing or surrounding objects can help you improve your world, to develop magical abilities. Purple color in the day helps in dealing with material matters, including those relating to real estate taxes. If you want to dramatically improve and change their lives, wear something purple or red. The black color in the dress on that day he will protect you the negative impacts.
Environments. The color of good luck that day - green. It will help make money, and would meet with the love and help to make new friends. The blue color of your clothes and objects around you, improve health, but also help to remember the necessary information. It will help you when preparing for exams and learning, with all the painstaking work in communication.
Thursday. Colors of luck that day - the yellow and green. The green color in your clothes and objects around you, will contribute to your prosperity, attract abundance, as well as love and partnership. Pearl color helps in all cases.
Friday. Pink, shades of color from sky blue to lemon-yellow, will help in the day in cases of love, the activities related to entertainment and relaxation.