Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ego v. 2.0 professional.

Ego v. 2.0 professional.

In many esoteric teachings, you can often hear a common view: human ego - is what prevents its development and the main problem people on the road of its development is to get rid of his ego, or even pokruche - to destroy it. In Western psychology, we hear the opposite - to the extent of its development man develops his ego. Nesostykovochka is ....

And could be a long stray paradox of opposites in these descriptions, which are in fact talking about the same, only different ways. Thanks to Ken Uilberu, which connects the theory of truth, in its eastern and western researchers and расставил every point on the i (and so pleased that many of us are too idea about this idea). The essence of the following.

As the mad man, his ego is progressing in a very complex system (the key is the ability to look at themselves in the position of another person, then controlling superego, mask, values, rules, roles, etc.). And when a person reaches the level of fully mature and integrated personality (level of "Centaur" by Uilberu), his mind becomes able to observe his ego as an object, a part of themselves, realizing that his self (man), is more a ego - a "mechanism" mentality. Arrangements required for the establishment and maintenance of identity cards, a mechanism for saying "azm AM" (I am) and therefore find their own lives than the general flow of the natural world. The mechanism that defines what "I" and what it is.

But the more complex system, so its difficult path, and, of course, is not always (say) human ego developed normally up to the level of Centaur. One of the most rasprostrannennyh problems on this path, through which, to varying degrees, are all the people who are "zalipanie 'attention on the man himself, if he center of the Earth (egocentrism). And here, in their desire to move people further along the spiritual path Oriental mysticism, and call "to destroy his ego, which, in general, is very ironic. Well, to surpass his ego, his transtsendirovat - even where there was neither, but to destroy ... You understand this is not possible physically. This is one of those cases where the desire to simplify - difficult.

But, thank God, thanks to the modern world to combine the knowledge of many teachings of east and west of institutions, we can find the exact direction of the ego and make the necessary "upgrade". Install the new version of "firmware", so to speak.

When you realize that your ego is only a part of you - the arrangement of your identity, you will understand the words of John Grindera (founder of NLP) "Consciousness is a dynamic function of the" I "." That is, you understand that, depending on who or what you identify yourself for the moment, changing world around you and your interaction with him. If you feel, just as a man, your thinking, communication, attitudes toward things, the implementation status, etc. will be one when you feel like a family / team / organization - the other, and when you identify your "I" with all humanity, or even better - the whole life in the universe ...

Change your filters of perception and thinking (as if you are familiar with NLP, you know that the filters - this is key) and you tune to a wave that you need (hello quantum physics and the wave structure of the world). That is, in fact, we get the effect that people are trying to achieve in meditation (and various mental and spiritual practices) in order to "turn off" your mind to transtsendirovat it and go beyond its limits. So, no need to turn off your mind! Instead, turn it to max! And adjust to the desired wave. After that you will be completely different meditation ... if any more would you need. Because you, if successful, will have a person completely different order.

P.S. "Life in the Universe" is not the ceiling. Next are "shown the whole world" and then "nedvoystvennoe.