Monday, June 15, 2009

Krishnananda. (Thomas Troub, MD) Infection.


(Thomas Troub, MD)


Several years ago I passed an intensive therapeutic workshop, the focus of which was the destruction of conditionality, based out of childhood. For me, one of the most significant developments has been the pilot experience that many of my fears are in fact the fear of my mother. I knew about this theory, but never so vividly not experienced this in reality. I have always been closely linked with the mother, and as a result, the fact not knowing, continued to see the world through the eyes of her. In our work, the phenomenon perenimaniya mysleform feelings and those of us who are grown, is called infection. Infection - this is all the negative influence exerted on our energy conditionality. Sami of not knowing, just breathing the same air with those who cared about us, we have absorbed depressive beliefs and fears, negative expectations and feelings of limitation. In childhood, we like a helpless reservoirs, in which the fears and join the overwhelming negative public and those of us grow. We call this process of infection. The infection penetrates into our mysleformy without our knowledge and is applicable, impacting on all aspects of life: energy, self-esteem, creativity, relationships, sexuality, intellect.

The concept of infection helps to explain much in the inner emotional experience of the child. Without it, difficult to understand where did we have so much in fear, shame, and doubt about the constraints themselves. It helps to clarify why it turns out that we reproduce the life and scripts belonging to one or both parents. Of course, not all of what we have been infected, negative. And many of our positive qualities in part, in some mysterious way, received by inheritance. But I will now focus on how emotional child in us has developed a fear, shame and distrust, and stress that much of this comes from the infection. Another term applied to a phenomenon called us infection, - "negative binding". In the innocence and helplessness of childhood, we naturally merge with those of us grow. If what we are merging, contaminated fears and negative, that a merger negatively.

If you examine any specific fears or behaviors, you can often trace the cause of his appearance before the conviction or conduct of a care of us in childhood. Normally, how we express our fears in today's daily life, a way to affect the expression of fear of one or both parents. Our negative and critical attitudes towards oneself and life in general often reflect similar positions of our parents. Attitude to money, sexuality, success, or playfulness can be traced to the conditions, given to us by parents, teachers, priests or other people important in our formation. Prior to study the Inner Child, we can not even suspect that these beliefs, we do not fit. And the source of infection is much more significant plane, than simply trusting beliefs imbibition friends. This is the air we breathe. The suppression of negative beliefs, delusions of self-defense, competition and pressure deep type in our culture. We can not avoid it.

Another way of understanding the disease - to see that each of us has been cast in a form with all reflections, suppress, beliefs and patterns of behavior, referred to us. We literally have become so, what we were expecting to see. This is what we now think and feel about yourself. We conduct ourselves as the machines have lost their inherent in the script. The infection created a form for casting, and all our concepts of who we are, are the sculptures, cast in this form. It is unimaginable to think or behave differently. We simply just such a feel.

Recently, we Amanov, moving from one workshop to another, staying for the night with a friend, to the care which had been left a large mansion of Florence. Its owners - the American family, living in Europe - have left to travel. The husband of the couple was gone responsible administrative office and at home is rare. Most of the time his wife lived with their children in this big house alone. She often complained to our friend on how this situation angers her. In the bedroom they had hung a personal certificate issued by the Pope in person in the blessing of their marriage, I realized that the whole situation - marriage, based on unconscious, family, living together without any true love or proximity - was a predictable result of their infections. Both of them were from similar strict religious families, and their parents lived together, without any consciousness or proximity. It seemed as if they mimic the lives of their parents.

Required immensely bravery in order to detect the infection, not to mention that the escape from it. This, of course, the brave step that we can make in life. Conditionality - religion, culture, social class, which we brought up - gives us a sense of identity. And usually we do not know how all this is choking us, or that even may be some other way to live, in addition to which we were taught. Judgments and pressure that came with the infection penetrated deep inside. We believe all life, that voice of internal and external critics - are correct, but we ourselves, as such - are inadequate. The infection happened to us so early that we never knew any "other itself". We think that our influences have been subjected to "I" - is ourselves. It is our most profound identification.

It is very scary to step away from the fact that for so long been familiar. We Amanov, including another eleven leading, recently held in Denmark for the training of physicians, each of which has long been a spiritual searcher. This is a radical experience for the sake of which come together participants from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Most of them are determined in life and has the traditional work and family. Participants represent a completely new way of life. A year and a half, which lasted the course, they learn to live meditative, uncompromisingly, in contact with the deep feelings and energy. During this time many of them find that living in the great changes taking place: Most of our students refuse to work longer they do not fit, finish a relationship based on old ways of life, and carry the priorities of the "making" in existence. But that happened, these changes require time and patience. Our sensitive and vulnerable side appalling gap between what we were taught. For our emotionally abandoned child, this means, the punishment and, perhaps, eternal damnation. For the child to adhere to the beliefs and scenarios in life - mean survival and a sense of belonging. Loose as a result - means isolation and starvation.

We have samples of behavior, we entered into some unknown ways, and maybe even incomprehensible. Sometimes we can not discover why doing so and not otherwise. The reasons may be buried in the family secrets or inclination, we have mysteriously infected. For example, a son or daughter of an alcohol can be a strong propensity for falling into the addiction in stressful situations. Another person whose parents adhere to a strict religion, have been tough in judgments and lived in the suppression, may find the same rigid structure. Hypochondriac son or daughter may be experiencing the same problem, or the constant fear of disease. Child suicidal parent can attend a suicidal state. And so on. Sometimes these behaviors and inclinations can be traced to the parents of the parents or other relatives. Or a person may lose a family secret, and only when the secret revealed, his behavior go beliefs are explained.

The deeper we explore the infection, the more aware that a lot of our views on life, behavior and energy was subjected to alien influences. We need to examine each individual beliefs that we hold, and see whether it belongs to us, or is part of the infection. We are waiting for the progressive study of our approaches to sexuality, feelings, personal strength, spontaneity, responsibility, spirituality, relationships, marriage, caring for the body, food, education, money and work. The mere consideration of all of this with a question mark in the mind gradually enable us to "disinfect". If something causes a response in the lower abdomen, this is our If not, an infection. At first, may be impossible to feel there is feedback in the lower abdomen on my own experience to develop this awareness takes time.

Investigation of the infection.

1. Examine each belief and behavior with regard to sexuality, spirituality, personal power, identity, feelings, money, ability to give, and a marriage, responsibility and freedom, family, food and body, work and relax.

2. Ask yourself:

a) from whom it came?

b) What would have been if I did not listen (las) of the beliefs or did not (a) behave as it seems to me to be (on) behave?

It was useful to periodically return to the roots, to see that my, and what does not. Every time I talk with my family, I had a new opportunity to observe their own infection. At first, I had a lot of time and great distance, to feel strong enough to do to go back and be with your family. I began to escape from the conditionality of almost thirty years ago, when the cast nursing. It was in one respect the most significant and brave step, which I have committed in life. I saw that the "living" is not my own life. Started me insight into the process of finding itself, which continues today. On that day, my priorities were moved from success to find the inner truth. Eventually, I returned to nursing, then moved on to practice in family medicine and psychiatry, but there will never been the same. I got off the train and never tying it has sat. Now, when I return home for three or four days, I can be the removal and see what suits me, but that does not belong to my world. After this time, I normally start to regress, and a big part of my clarity and ability to observe the flies out the window. If I remain much longer, this leads me into the suicidal state.

Prorabatyvanie infection just to kill the dragon Our conditionality - as if a huge fire monster that threatens us ispepelit flames if we shagnem away from procherchennoy line. Emotional child does not have enough courage to fight with a dragon. But other space inside of us it is. Searcher us like Yazonu or Hercules of the substance. I will consider this aspect of the merits of a subsequent chapters. But, no matter how strong was our Finder, if we are to remain in contact with the sensitivity, we must also remain in contact with the fears of emotional child. According to my experience, if our intention to find a sincere, behaviors and beliefs that do not belong to us, gradually disappears. The life force within us naturally asserts itself in spite of all our fears.

In the process of detection and cure of infection is a delicate moment, when we realize how deep were the result of distorted and negative attitudes and scenarios. Then, easily lost in anger, resentment and accusations. On the one hand, we need to feel as conditionality put in us a sense of energy and on the other hand, if we are going to accumulate the charges and grievances, it does not help us. I learned that I was required to survive the period of anger and allow themselves to feel anger and resentment at those who raised me. But then it was time to honor both my parents and all my roots for the gifts, beauty and love that I received.


1. Detection of infections.

Explore its principles in dealing with money. Write them. Now write down the principles for handling money each parent. Compare these two lists. Go back to your list and review the principles one by one, noting whether each of them to you or is part of the infection.

? Detection of fears, reinforcing infection.
Now ask yourself, what a feeling in you would if you release all those beliefs that were not yours? What are specific fears that appear?

? Search for traces of the infection.

You can apply this study to approaches and beliefs in other areas of life. Begin to notice that for inner feeling you "unsuitable". That is some sense of automaticity - part of the infection.

4. Revision of beliefs.

In the most important areas of life revise beliefs embedded on social class, religion and culture in which you grew up. Again, check which ones you want to apply, what - no.


? We can not discover who we are, have not yet seen their own infection. Our actions and the concepts themselves are full of beliefs and behaviors that do not belong to us. They were inadvertently inherited from those who raised us. Infection extends to all aspects of our lives.

? We better understand the infection, if aware of how deeply and subtly implemented it in our mind and we will see what the prison she finds our lives. When we systematically review various aspects of our lives, it becomes clearer and clearer that much of what we think and the automatically mehanichno, and that some of this might not apply to us. Something may not be correct for the internal sense.

3. In any case, it is also important to recognize and accept the enormous fear that arises when we departed from the conditions. The searcher pulls within us to find ourselves, but emotional child always remains in a deep fear of the fact that the "step back from a given line". Healing infection - a long process that requires great courage, patience and awareness.