Friday, June 19, 2009

Levels Greyvza. History.

Levels Greyvza. History.

Claire Greyvz American scientist, was a professor of psychology at Union College (New York). The study, which he began in 1952 and continued for three decades (almost until his death in 1986), sought to extract meaning from conflicting with each other concepts in the science of human behavior. Indeed, in this area created a lot of solid, backed by numerous studies of theories - which one is correct? (Answer: all right. The question in what sense they are correct, and how they compare with each other?)

Greyvz decided to choose some area of human behavior, about which there are differences, many different points of view and see what can be done. He opted for the concept of a mentally healthy human being. (Popular in the 50-ies in the United States - I can remember the concept of human samoaktualizirovavshegosya A. Maslou, full of personality K. Rogers, etc.) It is important to understand that Greyvza was interested not so much the content of these concepts, but it how they interact with each other.

As a test, he used the students under his leadership, personality psychology course. For eight years (with eight different sets of students), he collected data. In the first part of the course students simply talked to each other (and under the supervision of Greyvza) concept of a healthy person, in formulating their views. They then wrote and filed his statement of his concept.

Then the fun began.

Greyvz randomly formed student group, where everyone had to defend his vision (the researcher is usually watched over the process through the plate glass, while remaining invisible to the group). Then again, students presented their position paper, explaining how and under which it evolved, or why it has remained the same.

Then all happened again, but now Greyvz acquainted the students with different views on this matter, belonging to a recognized authority in this area.

In conclusion, Greyvz personally talked with the students, discussing, and that during the course of their effect on change in beliefs. The written work of students, he showed the independent experts (different each year), offering to classify those views - on any ground, if possible.

The results were staggering.

The first studies the majority of the presented concepts of a healthy person fall into the two categories with two subcategories for each:

* "Sacrificial" category (a change, adapting to the world):
o sacrifice something to get the reward later (need to work hard to achieve something; lead righteous lives, to get to heaven);
o sacrifice something to get something else right now (I go to the cinema with a friend, but not for the movie, which I want, but the one on which he wants to get its appreciation).
* "Expressive" category (changing world, adapting it to yourself):
o express, express themselves, as I want, politically and at the expense of others;
o express themselves, as I want, but not at the expense of others.

The studies start 60's Greyvz gained access to a wider range of subjects and he was able to make one more expressive category (traces of which, in fact, present in the earlier data), as follows: to express themselves impulsively, at any cost. (World - this is the jungle where the strongest survive, and every normal person knows this) and to obtain data indicating the sacred category, which could be described as adapting itself to the basic, existential and the principles of peace.

Analyzing the data revealed many Greyvz dependencies of the subjects of their beliefs about the normal person. For example, the group of victims is now easier for the awards later changed its views under the influence of opinion leaders. And those who belonged to the group showed themselves at the expense of others, changed only under the influence of information that is produced by ourselves. Belonging to the group to express themselves, but not at the expense of others in responding to information regardless of source.

However, there was another surprising.

When the subject of belief change, they will not change randomly, but in a certain sequence.

Category express themselves impulsively, at any cost passed to sacrifice something to get the reward later. In turn, this category is moving in the show itself politically, at the expense of others, she - as a sacrifice for one another is now, and this - to express themselves, but not at the expense of others.

For several years Greyvz continued their experimental studies. He held them through a variety of psychometric tests, simulation of problem situations, etc. Especially revealing were the results of tests for flexibility of behavior (subject presented problem situation, y which has many possible solutions). The results, shown by that person are directly dependent on where in the sequence of the categories they are.

For example, groups composed of people who fall into the latter, the sixth category (express yourself, but not at the expense of others), to generate more solutions than all other groups combined! In addition, the quality of their decisions were better, and they came to him quickly. And when the results of other tests do not show any significant differences neither in intelligence nor the temperament nor elsewhere.

Decade Greyvza further research led to the construction of what he described as hopping, cyclic, spiral development model adult psihobiosotsialnoy system. According to Greyvza, human nature is on the path of development from one equilibrium state to another. Each state adds new elements to what was before him, while forming the basis for the next state. Each level of human existence, determines its own unique set of filters of perception, suggesting a specific system of views on the world, a specific value system. That, in turn, leads to different decision-making processes, principles of organization, ideology, etc.

Here is a brief description of levels of existence, before the present time.

1. Hunters are single. Expressive type. Objective - biological survival. There are only basic biological instincts - hunger, reproduction, etc.
2. Tribe. Sacrificial Type: individuality sacrificed to the survival of the tribe. The purpose - the safety, survival of the tribe, family. Perceived world full of spirits, mysterious force, which should appease.
3. The gods and heroes. Expressive. Attempting giperrealizatsii themselves impulsively, at any cost. Goal - personal power, expanding the scope of control. World - this is the jungle, the strongest will survive. Time travel and the great heroes.
4. Sacrificed for the idea. Sacrifice. Donate something to get the reward later. My desire sacrificed the idea of higher orders. A sense of duty. The objective - stability, order, observance of rituals. At this level there are major religions, persecution of heresies, etc.
5. Great game. Expressive. Show themselves deliberately, including those from other Implementation itself in competition with others, the actual process is valued above result. Loser then returned to lose to play again. You receive professional sports, beauty contests, etc. The purpose - the success, impact.
6. The man above all. Sacrifice. The victim is now for another one now. Credo - free pastries did not happen. Attention to the needs of others. There the concept of ecology. Let's lose the plant, but will be clean air. Objective - harmony, mutual growth and cooperation.
7. Integration. Expressive. I express myself, but not at the expense of others. The desire for integration of conflict, meet all requirements. The aim - independence, freedom, dignity, integration into the global system. The systemic approach, taking into account the context.
8. Global consciousness. So far, the nature of this level is not clear. Sacrificial type. Adapting itself to the basic principles of world order. The global community, the perception of humanity as a whole, the integration at the level of cultures.

Greyvza theory assumes that the 7-th level is the first level of second-tier systems. If the theory is correct, then there should be six, too, in a sense, reflect the first.

What is the mechanism of transition from one system biopsihosotsialnoy equilibrium state to another? Greyvz believed that the operation of each level is connected to certain structures of the human brain. Thus, the behavior of the system at the first level (biological survival) associated with the structures of the brain responsible for the periodic in nature, the vital physiological needs of the organism. (In fact, even Greyvz in 1971 to postulate the existence of such structures). He believed that the brain structures that ensure the functioning of the levels are different and significantly activated by different types of incentives.

1 st level - unconditional reflexes, instincts.
2 nd - conditional reflexes (J. Paul).
3rd - instrumental conditioning (B. Skinner)
4 th - the punishment and the promotion of the wines (Z. Freud)
5 th, 6 th - education, social studies (A. Bandura)