Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Heavenly signs.

Heavenly signs.

After the invasion of England Conqueror heavenly signs are not forced to wait. Thus, Dzhofri gamer wrote:

1067. "This year, many people really saw ognepodobny sign. During the year, he frantically burned and zheg, approaching to land at kakoeto time, he vividly described it. Then, rotation, he left up and then down deep into the sea. In many places He vyzheg forests and fields. No one knew anything more than it was) or that the sign predictions. In the county of Northumberland, this light show for two seasons. "

Violent flames turned into ashes, many cities and crops in 1032, 1048 and 1078. These disasters could occur as a result of spontaneous combustion, emerging from the great heat in summer, but the reference to the fiery sign in the sky, which appeared in 1067, suggesting the presence of a controlled spacecraft. They say that many of the current UFO file signals to people through the heat rays.

Benedictine monk, Mathieu Paris, worked on his manuscripts in the monastery of St.. Alban before his death in 1259, borrowed from the public for his chronicles of "The History of England" of the approximately sixty unexplained phenomena.

In both studies istorikograficheskih he was heir to the traditions of the major medieval scholars as William Malmeberiysky, William Nyuberiysky and Ralph Koggeshel. His works represent the main source for the history of British XII century. Here are some excerpts from his work mentioned.

1077. "April 9. In this year's Palm Sunday in about 6 hours in a serene sky near the sun was a huge star (Mathieu Paris. History of England).

Crusaders besieged Jerusalem witnessed remarkable picture. In 1096 "battalions were in the air" and in 1098 "horsemen ride through the sky."

1099. "From Mount Olive a radiant dis asny warrior waved his shield as a sign that our army must make to meet the enemy and to resume the battle. Encouraged by this sign of the Duke Godfrey, shouting loudly, quickly convened all its latnikov, and they again engaged in battle with such vehemence like the recent fighting began again, "(Mathieu Paris. History of England).

1100. "In the thirteenth year of his life here (in England) and abroad was quite different, all had a great fear of the devil, who appeared before the people in chaschah forest and desert places. He zagovarival with passers."

1105. "In the first week of Lent, on Friday, 16 February, in the evening, a strange star, which then lights up at some time every evening. It occurred to the south-west, and seemed very small and dark, but it is its light was very bright and looked like a ray aimed pa northeast. Once it seemed that he had begun to shine in the opposite direction, toward the star. Some people told, about the same time period saw other unknown stars, but we can not conclude unequivocally this is because they have not seen. On the eve of the Great Wednesday before Easter in the sky were visible, two full moon, one to the east, the other in the west, to this day the moon was 14 days (William Malsberi).

Were these the moon is actually a UFO? 1110. "This year was an unusual appearance of a comet. Carried to the east, she went to heaven, not moving forward and back" (Mathieu Paris. History of England).

1120. "This year, May 13, the light came down from heaven to the tomb the Lord" (Mathieu Paris. History of England).

But not all people were friendly space to earth. How many now argue that some of their appearance were odd and at least threatening. In German traditions "(1816-1818) Grimm brothers led a strange story, happen in 1125:

"This year, the fiery people wandered in the mountains like a ghost. It happened at midnight. A man passes from one to another, and birch lit them. Strazhnik said) that he was like a blazing flame. He did it all three nights. Miltenburger Georg .. . says: "In the first appearance Sunday night between the hours of 11i12 near my house burned down all the people around him. He moves from mezhy to the border, and after midnight, suddenly disappeared. Many people, he inspired fear, because of the nose and mouth he was fired, with terrible speed razletavshiysya in all directions. "

This fantastic event vosmisotletney ago suggests its relation to the presentation on the outer substance of fire, opal scout leader in Florida, USA, in 1952, and the terrifying "man", the newly frightening South American farmers.