Monday, June 29, 2009

6. Awareness.

6. Awareness.

A key concept in dealing with the essence of consciousness is awareness. In order to understand something, you do not need to make any effort, it is always simple and natural. If we look at the clear sky, we do not need to understand that it is blue, just look up. If someone said that he was born the son of Maria Ivanovna, we are aware of it as easily. The ability to perceive - innate characteristic, inherent in consciousness.
We, however, accustomed always to understand something. Now let's try to understand the very consciousness, we are trying to become it. Vibration awareness higher vibration of thought. By virtue of this idea came to us in a state of awareness, is dissolved. This dilution occurs by itself, automatically - the same as itself in the sun melts the ice.
Imagine: every incoming message is melting in the radiant energy of awareness. That is, if we remain open advertence not follow the incoming thoughts and not allow them to carry us.
Thinking - the natural characteristics of the mind. There is no need to fight it, realize that some kind of otherworldly truth. Thoughts come and go, causing us any harm. They are losing their strength to bring us, if we abide in a state of deep calm awareness.
Consciousness is pure and clear, does not require any effort. Quality awareness - our fundamental inherent property. It does not depend either on age or level of development nor of the circumstances. It is our essence, run out of moments in an instant, like a diamond sparkling in the sun yarn.
At the beginning of the maintenance of continuous awareness requires delicate efforts, which are terminated with the understanding that consciousness - our essence and the foundation. Consciousness pervades all its light, the light is born, lives and dissolve all the existing ones. Therefore, in whatever way we went, everywhere we meet only in the minds of his countless modifications. In many ways self go too far. They lose sight of what they are looking for - its essence.
The effort required in the beginning, become an obstacle in the future. "Everyone is suffering because of their own efforts, and no one understands this," - said the Indian sage Ashtavakra. If we see only the conscience of all, the efforts become meaningless. Where and what to seek, if we are inside the radiant fairy palace?
Stay at the core, the essence of which is to open a careful awareness events, not harder, than to watch or hear. Moreover, if we feel that we have lost the foundation, this is an error, since it is present in all.
Efforts in relation to the basis - the violence of their nature, leading into the trap of an infinite series of thoughts, fantasies, fears, and with the inevitable tension. Let me also just realize what is happening. So simple and so complicated.
It is important to learn two things: relax in a state of awareness and look straight into its essence. It seems that, as if going to the bottom. Difficulty relaxing in a state of awareness is that relaxation is a fine effort. But any effort from taking effect, never changing, and not committing effort.
The best - where relaxation comes naturally, just as the drops on the pillow mortally weary people. He does not need to relax, you just get to bed and lie down. For such automatic relaxation occurred in the state of awareness itself, you need to reach a certain level in practice. We need to work on.
Consciousness or essence permeates everything. It is the source of all, and at the same time, the ocean, where the river of life flows. We go there, from left: to their source.
We do not have the source levels. It is equally present in all. Therefore, in whatever direction we did not go in our life, or meditation, we did not find anything other than a manifestation of the source, who did not differ from him. We can not see the source and did not feel his fresh breath, lost in endless forms and guises, which he accepts. But we must firmly bear in mind: all he had only one spill - an endless ocean of immortal consciousness.
The source is located at the bottom and top, in the past, the future is now. It is our thoughts and feelings, our body and the air we breathe. All that we see, hear, understand or do not understand - this is it. So, using what we see and understand - it is the same. And finally, the one who sees and understands - he is also one. In the universe there is nothing but consciousness.
Living with this understanding does not require anything special, even the need to relax in the awareness - that happens by itself. Just a feeling of unity is the universe. To do this, there is no need to do something. You can do anything you want or do not do anything - either does not change anything in what's happening.
Comes a deep, genuine relief. As if we have long carried a heavy bag to the ground and suddenly realized that you can just vyvalit him by the roadside. This bag - the goods of our past problems and concerns, including issues of sadhana.
Watch the center of awareness, you can use the body without it. In the area of the heart, the center of the chest most intense light of consciousness. It is from here, ascending from a special channel, reaching into the eyes, mind projects outwards hologram outside world. Screen for this hologram is the emptiness. Fantastic unfolding before us the picture is so plausible that captivates us completely, forcing her to take over the sole reality. But it is not.
If we send a beam of attention from the field for the eyes down to the center of the chest, then we will find ourselves in a new house. This house - the light of heart, filled the entire universe, the true center of consciousness.
Intuitively, we know about it: saying "I", we point to the center of your chest. Realizing the source of our life in the heart, we are returning home from his temporary seized power head. This allows you to live and practice, based on the depth of the heart, rather than by rassudochnym thinking.
The way to look at the center of consciousness, not through the body, different. Strictly speaking, there is no center of consciousness. Therefore, use the heart is not required. In this practice, we look to the essence of awareness, and direct the beam of attention to the source of consciousness, not locating it in the body or space.
We are very conscious awareness and penetrate its essence. Become aware of and understand one. This consciousness looking at itself and ask itself a first in itself, then in all. Here are disappearing center and periphery. In this state, we can go through either our "I", spread to infinity, and includes all, or its complete dissolution.
We need to bear in mind that the practices described here works only if we can break free from the rule of rassudochnogo thinking and come to the net, or, as it is called the Tibetans, nude perception. Intensive evaluation of ideas devoid of perception - it's just a calm awareness events. This perception becomes bright because the energy of consciousness is not dissipated. Do not leave the center of consciousness, it becomes concentrated and balanced.
Consciousness and body with a relaxed, no tension or in the body or in the psyche. In this clear awareness of thoughts dissolve themselves, and their energy is absorbed by a field of consciousness. Thus, the perception of incoming feeds on ideas, absorbing their energy, thereby increasing the intensity of its luminosity.
If we notice that once again captured whirlpool of thoughts, it is necessary to safely return to the basic technique - clearly understand the situation, which can be any, and remain in a state of relaxed awareness. This makes no distinction between internal and external - is one situation. We just quietly aware of what is happening both inside and outside, working with this as a single field of reality.
Whatever happened, to get to remind myself that this is happening to your body and mind, but not with us. Get used to the realization that our essence or the foundation will always remain unchanged. Learn to be of the essence.
If the situation requires us to activity, we are not allowing yourself doze off and be taken action. We continue to feel aware of this activity. The very act that spontaneously, and is based on the internal momentum is calculated and it is not no question "of the head." Thus, both the effect and its contemplation are an intuitive process that proceeds from a single center.
Connecting action to contemplation, we do not "do", but simply to adequately respond to emerging situations. "Adequate" means the best, best of all possible ways, as efficiently as possible. Such reactions do not occur as a result of miscalculation of options, but derives from an awareness, and it happens by itself.
In fact, the situation allows itself. Each of the emerging situations - a challenge that requires us to correct responses. If we are correct, the problem goes and will not be refunded. When the erroneous response and the wrong action of the problem remains unresolved. Accumulating, and unresolved problems create our karma.
What does it mean to respond to the situation? This means do not allow events or emotionally or intellectually to grasp us. It means deeply realize the unreality of the events. It means to preserve natural open attentiveness. This means either the second did not leave the center of awareness. This means to allow the situation to evolve independently, not trying to send it to our selfish ends. This means stay calm.