Monday, June 22, 2009



Orina often spoke of the emptiness - a time of transition, when we left this life, but still not sure where to go next. Time, when we look like lost, scared, lonely and confused. The time when we need to feel alone, look to reach their doubts and uncertainty and patient confidence in the darkness envelops. At the time of emptiness, we can overcome the obstacles of our lives and to choose a new goal.

Void often arise during divorce or separation when work no longer seems satisfying, when children go to school or leave home or when we toskuem for some striking changes, and when we enter the void: the future lies empty and vague. At such moments it is very important to get rid of the past, freed from work, home, property, images of himself, of kinship and emotional patterns that are pulling us back, so we create a space for a new one. Often we need to slam the door right behind them, not even knowing where the next door: to make a leap of faith, which shows that we trust our lives.

At such times, the Ego is usually attempts to create obstacles to us or to introduce us into confusion. Ego is afraid of change. It prefers routine, monotonous sound. He would like to present repeating the past. Once we start thinking about changes in our lives, careers or relationships, Ego whispers to us in the ears: "best tit in hand than a crane in the sky", - and reminds us of past failures and humiliations, and the shaking of pleasure. Ego is not concerned about your happiness or the execution of desires, it just wants to cling to the past. "Let it terribly, but know!"

The problem is that unless we overcome obstacles and constraints, we meet with them again and again, in a different guise, perhaps, but it's all the same stumbling blocks. Until we put an end to our martyrs, or fear of success, or suppressed anger, or the belief that love "inflicts pain", then, as we create our reality, all this will be repeated in life year after year, until we, at the end all, not having learned the lessons.

We must move to a side of beliefs and attitudes and get rid of:-pity, grand, negative scenarios, a lack of love for himself, from fear, guilt, reproach, projections, prevarication from responsibility but we must not think, should get rid of the desire favor of the suppression of emotions, from "zatsepok" to the past, all that is causing us unhappiness and holds us, that divides us from our supreme Ya When we do, learn, and when changed, we can make the jump to the creativity, love and broad capabilities: to achieve the goals of our lives, the work of our lives, our dream.

Materialistic worldview says that the cause produces a result that the past creates the present. But metaphysics believes that, on the contrary, the future creates the present. We usually choose the consequence, which we want, and then hunt for the cause. If we decided, for example, that we would like an ordinary cold, to spend a day or two in bed, then we look for the draft or a loaf of people who are sneezing or if we are lazy, we do not even care about the "why", but simply show "consequence" - cold. And then at the first sign of headache or shivering, we say: "Oh no, I am!" - And vigorously put to bed.

If we send in the future that simply recreates the past, then our present will reflect this, it will be repeated and inflexible. If we dream of better opportunities, if the dream of a future that we need, the fact stretch to meet us, and because the future is not predetermined, we can always amend a decision and choose the movement of our other plausible-I wish and submission the future to change our present life.

Creating change.

1. If you think that life is stuck in place or you can not decide what changes you'd like, do what you normally do: shake your feelings and stunned your old habits. (Quick way to do this - to settle, now in another part of the room, maybe under the table or in a corner, or at the door. Now look at the room from this perspective, as if you never saw.) Change your normal routine for some time. Make every day a new and fresh. Try something else - to drive on skates, poeshte Mexican food, play a pipe, go to the cinema alone, do more walking at dawn, to join the club of photographers, read science fiction novel, Move furniture, listen to Wagner, write a poem .. . Do everything they want, no matter how insane or show you this encouragement. It does not matter, maybe you will never want this - it is important that you are doing something different, explore new opportunities.

2. Look for yourself whether you have an excuse for not making changes? "I am too busy", "He (she) will not allow me", "I look forward to when the children grow up (when I go to a pension when marry when ...)"," I have not enough money "," It would be selfishly do what I want ". What justification do you find for yourself? Be honest with yourself. What you need to leave in order to move forward?

3. You are encouraging your friends, partner, relative or child to grow and change? Do you express surprise or disapproval, when they are unpredictable? "But you always drink coffee!", "You are particularly fond of his work!", "Do you like the carrot at the same last week!", "This is another of your crazy project?" If yes, how you could support them in their search for the future?
