Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thinking as a success.

Thinking as a success.

The mechanism of "positive" and "negative" thinking.
Imagine kanatohodtsa walking on the wire. What would happen if every step he would think about where he did not need to occur? And what are his chances to keep the balance, if he will think that he need not stoop? ... And if he would accept a compromise "to resolve the issue with minimal losses"?

Take eight seconds and two mental experiment.

First, imagine kanatohodtsa on the wire, try not to lose balance, it does not pass and do not fall from the wire. " Let me live this picture in your mind and observe the kanatohodtsem it. What's going on?

In the second case, imagine kanatohodtsa, "trying to keep a balance, occur exactly at the wire and remain on it after each step." Let me live, and this picture in your mind and see what happens with the image now.

Do any of these kanatohodtsev more likely a successful and beautiful walk to the end of the road?

It is our mind: what we think, alive inside it as an image, phrase, or a vague sense of the idea (even if we have this idea has not been aware of). And if we deduct it the idea, which we do not want to, it just has not realized it, we are deliberately not allowed to do - that is, deliberately deduct it. It should be the same for us something to forget, "released" this idea from his mind, and the process has begun ... And, what emotional message (for example, under the influence of fear or delight), the more it forces our minds, and the more it manifests itself in our thinking and consequently our actions.

It is therefore natural and logical to look at once the creation of a positive (affirmative phrases desired emotions, relevant ideas), that is, thoughts that do not need to add the particle "no" that they gave us, thinking that we are completely like in his original form of and before. After all, if you will that is the same responsibility as the passage of a wire, the image in the minds of kanatohodtsa you would like to step on it? When the price is high, it is all possible, before the last forward on the success, so why could not take care of your luggage mind?

Each case that we start, whether a new project, business meeting, or sharpening a pencil - this is exactly the same wire kanatohodtsa, which has its origin and possible options for completion. And the way we think about it, talk about it, feel it - affects not only the result but also on the way to achieve it. Waiting for success "attracts" success, the expectation of support in the way of attracting support. It does not matter, we are aware of these thoughts, or suppress them, as well of the depth of the subconscious, but, though not always immediately, but in one form or another in our lives happens then, what are systematically focusing our consciousness.

The system of success.
"Good" - possibly tell someone - "These copybook maxims are not new to me, and I will not forget about them."

Most people have heard a thousand times about this, but someone, maybe even makes visualization techniques essential to the success of the negotiations or sports start. But what happens in their head the other 98% of the time? When thinking of a success is that you should make a person special - he does not own them, even if it is a master NLP and professional kouch. In fact you begin to own them at a time when it becomes a habit for you that you did not notice. That is the norm. Resulting in a systematic manner.

Worth, of course, to formulate the important things yes, but if the remaining 99% of their sentences man builds a negative, he was trying to swim against the currents of their own. There is no need to sail to success, you need to become self-flow success! After all, you never know what traffic will be decisive - even the potential for success lies with all the traffic!

For example, some people during lunch, when Naela still doedayut residue foods "that are not lost." This sounds quite logical in this formulation. But in its affirmative form, the phrase would read "that benefited," and if you ask yourself: "Is going to the benefit of a sufficient excess of fuel?", It is evident that much better would it have been throw out.

We take every moment of life decision, and the criteria that we're having guided directly dependent on how we formulate the task itself.

Tasks to spend as little as possible and buy only what you need "in a campaign in the supermarket quite different direct our actions. Live in such a way that nothing spared and live a life so as to be completely satisfied her - two very different philosophy, creating two very different ways of life.

How to develop the habit of thinking in the success
Training pattern is very simple: to catch a nepozitivnom thinking (eg, negative or negative wording of the phrase), simply reformulated the phrase in a positive and assertive and say it to myself several times to remember. Soon, all the basic phrases you involved in decision-making (and, in general, a person only a few dozen), will be changed to the successful and will work for you. And after some time you will notice that is already automatically formuliruete phrase "Yes, because the mind tends to reduce the redundant" loop "in action. At this point you will see how successful you become the norm, and many tasks are incredibly simple.

If you found inside the film with the negative scenario (for example, any strashilka), first ask yourself what you warned this movie and you have to do that all was well? This may be an important "message" the subconscious, to inform you that something you did not foresee. In most cases, the essence of the message is obvious or easily detected with a more detailed reflection on this issue.
And then, when all you need to take into account take into account, reviews the film inside them for the desired scenario in bright colors and large screen (minor points may be on the fast), and then forget about it. All. This change will be enough to create a new "channel" for the flow of ideas that shape a more accurate criteria for decision making.

In order to form stable neural communication needs of 21 to 40 days. After that, the action becomes unconscious automaticity - that is a habit, which does not need to think that it would perform. But actions do you need much less. Just only a few times to correct the negative thought with a positive one, that would remember her in the new version, but a habit it has become itself, in the course of repetition in its new form.

Good luck and all the best!