Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tools and wounds (based on Richard Bendlera).

Tools and wounds (based on Richard Bendlera).

The guy was an excellent target for hypnosis, and it would be put into a hypnotic state. I called the guy and asked whether there is no room in the administration for something to eat? A man answered: "Yes, I do not look!" And I said: "And you do not go to see? You want to show you some mechanisms of the psyche?" And the guy said: "Mechanisms of the psyche? You can see how they work?" So look there! I have not closed his eyes, he was fully conscious, and said: "I noticed one thing."

"It seems stupid, but try to find out what arrangements your psyche to do there."

He opened with a happy kind of electronic device reached the switch, and cried: "Wa-a-while-u! How cool!". It was incredible blast! And I: "Take a couple of Raziq!" And he: "Wow!" "Yes!" This is the first time I was jumping jumping! " Then I asked: "Ski jumping? What a jump from a springboard?

A guy like that and put some sticks on his feet, pushed, and said: "I see a mountain, and the place where the world ends!" - And the bloody prytyu jumps to nowhere: "Oh-and-and-and!" Then I asked: "Yes you are Swedish, or what?" And he replied: "My father was a Finn." And I: "This can be seen! Do you not say that, reaching peaks, it is necessary to stay?" "No," - he answers, - "the father participated in the Olympics, he was an Olympic high-jumping." I asked: "And the results?" "It was an accident." I said: "Not bad, we would learn from their parents."

He said: "A look-ka, that is, if you press the lever to the next!" And standing against the wall, man thought: "What you click, right or left?". And I said: "Come, behold the floor!" And he: "Healthy lever!" Me: "Click! Broken? Click anyway! Are you all right?" There was no reply, and I said: "Come-ka it back!" And he replied: "I clicked the one that increases. O-o-on! That's the stoned, fucking cool, fucking!"

And here I thought ... When we need, we build a control panel inside our brains and start to deal with all these thing ... Starting to build a car, can I find it a lot of applications. Most amusing. For example, I am diabetic, and in the audience, according to statistics, at least one diabetic is yes, and perhaps more. For example, you work for an operator or someone like that. Due to the fact that you have to measure the level of sugar in the blood, your fingers become istykany ... You are a bunch of holes from the needle. Awful, especially when playing the guitar ... And you know what I thought? All this should know my body. So I began to fret a 150 times a day, and to ensure that my internal thermometer works just exactly as the thermometer on the building the store on the street. Why is it I can not control the temperature? I configure it to be sure that the measurement is right and there are no reasons why I could not build a car in his head.