Sunday, June 21, 2009

Imposed feelings (from the book, Jagdish S. "The impact and communication").

Imposed feelings (from the book, Jagdish S. "The impact and communication").

The development of attention in the vibration level of awareness opens up a lot of hidden aspects of life. And not all of them pleasant. One unpleasant discovery is the realization that the majority opinions, feelings, desires, we imposed. People impose us their vibration unconsciously, though, of course, knowing the secrets of influences, some use this for their own interest. So too the world works - everyone is doing what it is convenient. Knowledge and skill to impose any feeling significantly increase the induction of Rights.

For people with a strong induction of birth, to impose its view, the decision, the feeling is easy. If your induction is weak, it is developed. This will explain in detail in the following chapters. If a person has inherited from the parents of the genetic properties that allow it to affect stronger, we feel close to him otherwise than with the other, a weak inducer. Next to such a strong man, we feel like a captive of his feelings and his rhythms. He always tries to impose itself as the pre knows that his fate - to be the center of attention. Sometimes the habits of these people seem to me cheek. But they have no choice because the other will always be weaker if, of course, will not apply to the process of dialogue or negotiation more carefully and consciously. Natural background non-aggressive person - this is a nice feeling of calm cool harmony. If the person you seek to impose their ideas, even positive, it is often around, we feel the wave of excitation, waves of joy, as if emerging from nowhere. This is his intuitive ability to create a whirlwind of energy, built around a single goal.

The problem of people not even in that he perceives the other on clothes and the tone of his speech, almost without regard for meaning. And another ... Modern psychology has created a huge number psihotehnology, communication methods and techniques that can help you seize attention buddy, but missed the most important - aspect of bioenergetic. Normal confusing beginners-communicators that they are confident that they can objectively evaluate the information provided. While the professionals offer no information, and mood. Let us in details at this point. Professional communicators know that whatever was conversation, it will be the result of a mood, which will remain on a person who does not much sense. The point may be to associate with the spirit and accepted. Or do not associate and are not passed, then you can talk about the mood, which was unable to razvibrirovat audience.

At the beginning of their research, they felt the need to make as many moments of sentiment in the speech string. And this method can be figuratively described as a method of "imposing attitude", which consciously parallel nityam performances, a string alignment. For example, a speech devoted to the relevance of investments of investors in the new market segment. The text can stand as standard, through the opinion and the facts of brevity, thoughts and other mental adventures. And the mood within separate threads as the result of thought or separate paragraphs, or individual gestures, or a gesture, which is not intended to set out the facts, and create the appropriate mood, in this case that the attachment - it is a big happy emotion with a a lot of pleasure and profit. Audience perceived solely emotion rather than facts, the emotion that went further firmware, in order to penetrate inside the shell listeners that the spirit spoke to them inside. This method of creating mood through the imposition of sentiments - a very rude reception, although training campaign is still continuing to train and educate managers and PR men in this method. His chosen some sects.

Those who are familiar with the power more professional, they know that it is sufficient to create a model of commitment to engage in it, and then all the words of speech are associated, and unconsciously built in such a rhythm and intonirovanii that the statements will be achieved. This method allows you to put yourself on the intonation of speech line alignment. Such skills can be learned in half an hour. Significant developments in the field of psychology yet. Because it would allow many experiments. You must remember - that remains after the conversation, it's not the content of speech, and suggestible mood. Therefore, if you prepare well and be involved in the resulting vibration, then it passes censorship listeners and unconsciously perceived as true or energy. This applies not only to audiences but also to everyday communication. You can find a close friend, and she, as a result of friendly exchange of news, connect you to your spirit, and from it you have not leave with her mood, but imposed. There is nothing wrong. If you know in reality what you are, you can experience the tides of optimism or a sense of increasing its capacity from other people, but one must remember that in your life you do not help. Because your life is built entirely around your vibration, and when you podseli to anyone, has been spent in your life wasted.

The next step in imposing a coding environment. Some Western specialists, psychologists already feel a "approaches to this method, such as Dr. Jose Silva. However, those techniques that they offer, it is very cumbersome, and neither politicians nor the mere mortals do not want to spend so much time to develop such methods inedible. Admission must be practical and convenient. And what they do, like the first attempts to teach parapsychology rapid response teams to detect the ambush. When an officer or soldier increased sensory perception, he ceased to be an officer, he became a milk-and-water girls, and any aggression, not to mention the aggression in a real fight, sshibala his mind and feelings. Subsequently, of course, have been found real ways. I think in psychology appear to impose an effective and rapid techniques, knowledge-based bio-energy. Returning to the reception coding sheath can be a simple experiment.

Before you go to a supervisor. Imagine that you fill its shell within a radius of three meters exceptional softness and kindness, believe that everything that goes into the shell, will assume the properties of kindness and gentleness. When the state reached, try to keep that vibration, and enter the office of the Chief, staunchly hold their attention and mood in this wave, and you will see how a few seconds later you will become the chief good and soft. After the development of my people to training programs for a few seconds to form the necessary code, and nobody noticed trick from. So they get the skills out of the many complex situations. All that we discussed above, typical for the imposition of feeling at home, at work, presentations, or for marketing purposes.

But there are people who upgraded separately or under the supervision of high-class professionals. These people have so mastered the techniques of imposing that sees man as a combination of the right buttons (energy centers) and safely click on these buttons. Because in a lot of man all that he wants, but can not because of malnutrition. And many energy centers seek energy. Just submit the necessary impetus, such as sex, the second center - and we can do with a man anything. Unfortunately, this research studied Hitler, in his archives, you'll see a variety of schemes of the human energy centers. His case once again reminded that this knowledge can be applied only to the benefit of the people. And now have this rare Masters. Or people who just play in it for the sake of self-esteem vanity. Such people, you will not meet on the street or at work, as a rule, students rarely esoteric schools, where, regardless of the real world, they seek to improve sidhallnom in the sense of the word: to develop their paranormal abilities, the ability of consciousness. They do not like to talk and do not open themselves to peace. There are students with a highly moral and ethical character, not violent, competition or revolyutsionerstvu. They just improved as seen in this sense and for themselves, and of nature itself. I was lucky a few times to communicate with such individuals, and I am very sorry that they have no desire to share their skills and abilities to the world of real, ordinary people.

Returning to our subject, I notice that whoever you impose your feelings, taking the end point you set for yourself. To penetrate your skin, you need your consent to open it from inside. People who you meet everywhere, you try to impose their feelings, they always make about the same thing: look for something that will respond to your soul and just when you have opened their minds and agreed to. Then comes the impact. That is, breakdown occurs from the inside. We are open to all. For example, to impose a sense of fear, you first need to scare. You write your motto: I can not be scare, I can scare myself. Myself! For people who want to impose on you to fear, or, for example, damage to (a popular superstition in Russia), first you say that you have damage. Do not believe these people. Do not open them with your mind. If you do not let that thought in your mind, it is very difficult to penetrate you. And if your mind is pure, clean, and your energy.

Many of our thoughts and feelings imposed on us, but due to lack of experience in domestic surveillance, we do not notice it. Often we perceive mood interlocutor, rather than the meaning of his speech. Man is able to encode the aura of another person. Any adverse effects of energy, we open ourselves, from the inside.