Saturday, June 20, 2009

The evolution of values: Theory Greyvsa and Spiral Dynamics.

The evolution of values: Theory Greyvsa and Spiral Dynamics.

In the second half of the 20 th century, many theories that describe the individual evolution of consciousness on the basis of observable, empirical evidence. Piaget observed the line of cognitive development, Kohlberg - of moral development, Loevinger - the evolution of consciousness, Maslow, the author of the famous "pyramid Maslou" - for the development needs, Graves - the development of a system of values.

It was observed that most people in their development pass through certain stages, some are more, and some "stuck". Studies in cultures other than the culture of the West have shown that people are affected with the same stage, with the only difference is that in less developed cultures, the majority of the population is in the early stages of development (although this does not preclude the appearance in these cultures of individual thinkers higher order).

What is the criterion of a higher order? The main criterion is the relative complexity of the system. As an evolutionary development of the system tend to thicken. The history of the society itself is accompanied by an increase in approximately a million times. If a primitive society may consist of hundreds or thousands of people, the modern society can not exist when the number of members less than 100 million, more recently, that number becomes clearly inadequate for the realization of the most sophisticated technologies.

It should be particularly noted that the systems do not accumulate an arbitrary complexity, and complexity, which allows the system to function more effectively in the external system. For an animal it would ecosphere, for a person - a society, and for the country - a set of other countries with which the established cultural ties.

Which gives reason to draw an analogy between the individual stages of development and public stage? The point is that human consciousness is a cultural-due, in society there are mechanisms of inheritance of thinking, the vertical transmission of ideas. Each next generation inherits the ideas of the previous, which gives him the opportunity to more easily move to the next level in its development. Thus, if today we see how individuals are progressing in what seems to us more complex and higher stages, we can assume that all of society continue to follow them.

In 1970, 90 years of American psychologist Claire Greyvs *, and then his successors, Chris Cohen (Chris Cowan), Don Beck (Don Beck) and Ken Uilber (Ken Wilber) developed a new socio-evolutionary theory, later called the theory of Spiral Dynamics . This theory of evolution was chosen among many others, because, in my opinion, it is most fully describes the possible stages of evolution of development of both people and society **. Levels of development in the theory Greyvsa are described through a paradigm of consciousness (which for convenience are encoded with different colors from beige to yellow). These paradigms of consciousness, or value systems, which include spiritual beliefs, cultural ideas, moral principles, models of training, etc. occur on an as needs are in the process of sociocultural evolution.

Each next stage of development meets the needs that have not been satisfied (or suppressed) in the previous step in the development of civilization. The main difference from the social Darwinism is to holicheskom approach - the next level of development of society as it is seen as the next level holarhii, including a previous one. As a result, higher levels of development of society do not deny, and include the previous ones.

According to the theory of spiral dynamics, in upper-level cultural holarhii there are so-called values memy higher order - in the English language vMeme (hereinafter - tsMemy). Each tsMem represents a value system that will eventually cause some beliefs, social grouping, patterns of motivation, organizational dynamics, goals. If we artificially try to bring solutions to society or the structures that correspond tsMemu different from that on which the society, they will be rejected. The model is hierarchical, ie tsMemy it goes in order of increasing complexity, but the open, ie the endpoint is unknown. To date, describes eight levels holoarhii, which are presented below.

1) Beige - automatic, instinctive thinking.

The level of the Stone Age, is not especially popular today in the world. At this level, dominated by survival instincts, a person behaves in general as an animal, though very clever. Social organization: small tribal groups.

Ethics: Not available. Ethical that promotes survival.

Recent examples: babies and very old people.

Prerequisites for the transition to a new level: awareness of themselves as individuals, understand cause and effect relationships, concern survival, which requires group interaction.

2) Purple - animistichnoe, pedigree.

Animist, magic, landing thinking. Individuals subject to the interests of the group. The emphasis on group rituals and worship spirits. Blood relation is very strong. Strong power of shamans / Chiefs.

Ethics: ethical, all that will benefit the tribe.

Modern examples: the tribes of Africa.

Prerequisites for the transition: the emergence of dominant ego personality, which is stronger than the group, limited to the existence of niches.

3) Red - self-centered, power.

The rigid authoritarianism, manifested in rabovladelchestve or similar forms of exploitation of unskilled workers. Power through the leader and several vassals (two-tier model). The belief that people are lazy and they need to keep working. These leaders suppress a human emotion. Characteristic of the early states.

Ethics: a strong right.

Recent examples: street gangs, the African kingdom.

Prerequisites for the transition: the recognition of moral authority, the search for meaning and purpose of life, increase range planning.

4) Blue - absolutist, sacred.

Patriotic thinking, the only sure way to think the subjection of government, imposing a sense of guilt for non-conformity to group norms, self-sacrifice in the name of the ultimate goal. Active protection of "their" of assault "strangers". Works well in the industrial economy. The emergence of complex hierarchies. "Think locally - act globally".

Ethics: a religious or quasi-religious.

Modern examples: the puritanical United States States, modern Confucian Chinese family, the Islamic State.

Prerequisites for the transition: search for a better choice of many alternatives, the search for happiness in this life, the discovery of errors church / leadership.

5) Orange - materialistic, focused on achievement.

Rationalism, private enterprise in the name of their own benefits, the economic motivation, competition improves performance and quality of goods, increases. Perhaps the dominant tsMem in modern America. "Think locally - act locally".

Ethics: the secular law above all.

Recent examples: "capitalists" United States, Western Europe.

Prerequisites for the transition: the discovery that the material well-being does not bring happiness and a renewed sense of teamwork, the discontent of competition and inequality.

6) Green - sotsiotsentricheskoe.

The emphasis on shared growth, equality, humanism, tolerance, stability, sensitivity to environmental issues. Motivation - human relationships and learning. Appreciated the openness and trust, rather than competition. Leader of less autocratic, hierarchical blurred. Effectiveness of falls, is stagnating. "Think globally - act globally".

Ethics: the laws are important but they should serve the welfare of all.

Modern examples: the welfare state in Europe, Greenpeace, left the movement.

Prerequisites for the transition: very high cost of collective decision-making, the need to compete with systems who have fewer social obligations.

7) Yellow - system, integrating.

Motivation training, focus on growth, changes, challenges. Systemic thinking, the environment takes second place (but retained), the first plan out the effectiveness of the system. Recognition of value of chaos and self-organization. "Think globally - act locally".

Ethics: Ethics is a matter of contract between the people and not the state.

Modern examples: the company's high-tech sector.

Prerequisites for the transition: finding order in chaos, the search for guiding principles, the connection of spirituality and physics.

8) Cyan - globalistskoe, modernizatorskoe.

Synergistic, holographic thinking, able to fully see the advantages and disadvantages of the prior, integrating them into a single entity.

Modern examples: the theory Gayi, "global village", the idea of pluralistic harmony Gandhi.

An important feature of this model is that every odd level is based primarily on individual values, and even - in the collective (except the last one where collective and individual values are in harmony). Thus, the importance of culture and collective subjectivity is particularly high in the "purple", "blue", "green" level. On the contrary, the "red" will be a clear priority of force on "orange" - money and personal freedoms, the "yellow" will present the faith in the ability of society to organize themselves, to resolve the conflict between intersubektivnym interobektivnym and non-violent ways.

Typically, heterogeneous society of memeticheskomu structure, with the more advanced, complex society - the more there exists levels of diversity. Levels are not replaced for one night only, and does not constitute a step ladder, they behave more like planish waves, each following the previous wave of harder.

According to Beck and Cowen, 10% of the population of Earth is at a "purple" level 20% - on the "red" and 40% - in the "blue". The remaining 30% of the population dispersed "orange" and "green", with few entering the "yellow" and above.

The transition to a new level is not irreversible or inevitable. Corporation, for example, can get stuck in the "blue", while "orange" economic conditions pushed it to a completely different style of doing business. Usually, it ends in bankruptcy. For the state, stuck on the lower level of development, while the neighbors have gone ahead, this situation is fraught with poverty, hit in the colonial or rigid "shock therapy". In the transitional phase, when the two colors are mixed, a dominant color is written in big letters, while recessive - small, for example, "blue / orange" or "orange / GREEN".

Of particular interest in the theory Greyvsa represents the time factor in the transition (transitional factors), conditions that ensure a smooth transition from one value to another level.