Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meditation "Bridge of Light".

Meditation "Bridge of Light".

(This is a strong meditation, adapted from the wonderful book Launy Haffines - Bridge of Light - in order to find a connection with mental qualities that you need to make positive changes in their lives.)

Deeply relax and imagine yourself in a beautiful meadow. Use all the senses, to revive the scene. Then come to the mountain, which is behind you. At the top you will find a church, your temple of Light. Make every detail of this magnificent temple. When you enter, you will welcome the substance of Light, perhaps I am your top or your assistant. Let them lead you to where they want.

Tell us the merits of the light, that you want to do: could be paired with such qualities as love, trust, courage, joy, humor and wisdom. Listen to any comment that is the essence of light can do.

Now start to create a bridge of light. See you need the quality of the distance (it may be, as symbols or light). Then imagine that a golden strand of light comes from your heart and connects you with the quality. More and more strands of light comes from your heart, and so unless you build a bridge of light.

Secure the bridge of light to the temple and begin to go on the bridge. (You can see that the quality meets you at the bridge.) Give me a dip in quality, absorbing its energy as long as you want. Then quietly go back into the room.

(For maximum effect, repeat the meditation several times. It's fine if your meditation is not passed, as in this sample, believe me, whatever happened, this is exactly what you want.)

The more you see that each situation, event, feeling, thought or action - it is an opportunity you have created, the easier it is to present life as a glorious adventure, giant chess board, where you can move each foot, each horse, elephant, boat, King or Queen. Other people can join and will join your game, make a few moves here and there, but they can not move more than one figure on the board, if you at least do not give your consent. In the end, this is your game.

When we go foregone of our lives, we are on the verge of release. When we understand that our financial problems, illness, family conflicts, vanity at work, fear and frustration - only the illusion that we have created in order to learn and grow, to become who we are, then we can find " whisper "for each experience and make the appropriate action. Rather than stick to reproach or pity, we can see that each task, personal or global - is an opportunity, a chance to move on our chessboard. As Bartholomew said: "All that comes to you - is your friend".

Being a winner or loser is meaningless. It is considered only how we play the game. We can write a bestseller, to build a trading empire, set up a charitable foundation or to become famous movie stars - all this is totally unnecessary things in the blink of an eye, all this will be forgotten, but the way we create success in life, taught, as we are loved, as much love themselves and others and grow spiritually - that's what is important. There is a need to focus on process rather than the result. Objective - this is just an illusion, it's just a way to manage our journey. Is important only to the process and not an end. Our journey is the destination.

If we understand our life's purpose, our higher purpose, we are ready to realize our dream, not only to see who we can become, but to see what the world can become. While we are creating your own personal reality, we can influence the world. The basic principle of creating the illusion of physical reality - that we are either actively create or allow to appear each event.
Our opportunity to influence the world brings us much joy. We not only can create success in their own lives, but we can make a contribution to the world dream about the future. We can help others. We can love people. We can nurture our planet and make it different. Our love, our hope, joy, our vision, we help create a better world: world of our dreams.