Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Alternative exercises: "Visually-kinesteticheskaya dissociation.

Alternative exercises: "Visually-kinesteticheskaya dissociation.

Step-by-step description of the whole procedure for changing (replacing the images on the screen).

1. Imagine yourself sitting in the middle of an empty theater.

2. When you see a black and white photograph. There you see yourself in a situation for a moment before the outbreak of severe emotional distress.

3. Log out of your body and pereberites in the projection booth. From there you can see yourself in the middle of the cinema, watching an on-screen.

4. Turn on overhead projector and black-and-white photograph into black and white film about a situation where it has been experience. To monitor the dissociation Hold switch arm. If you begin to associate with the situation, then simultaneously with the output of the projector booth disappears, and you "lose" situation.

5. See the movie from beginning to end and stop it in the frame immediately after the experience.

6. From the projection booth, go in the body in the hall and on the screen. In other words associated with the situation on the screen. To the image is not disappeared, then pre-switch Projector stronger, and fix it.

7. Make a colored film, and scroll through it in reverse order. You are dealing with their imagination, and imagination can do anything.

8. Do the procedure for the seventh step of two seconds.

9. Repeat the procedure for the seventh step in one second. Do this three or five times.

10. Test. Think about the situation that caused you to y before strong experience. Another way to check - so in real life to go through a disturbing situation. This procedure is used when dealing with severe emotional distress. From experience, which has violated the internal balance right.

The method of step-by-step WITH NEGATIVE The experience of medium intensity.

1. Submit a negative situation, and see everything happening with his own eyes. In other words, to associate with the situation. This is done to check whether the event still have the unpleasant experience for humans. As soon as you will feel the negative emotions, then take a look at everything that happens from the outside, ie dissociated from the situation.

2. View the entire situation in the dissociated state.

3. Postpone this picture to the side. She will need later.

4. Find fun, cheerful melody or song that you like. The melody is accompanied by a video. All this recalls the video. Listen to the melody with the image from beginning to end. It is important to verify that y positive experiences you encountered. If not, search for a different tone.

5. Put the background image with a melody, as in the picture negative situation. Look at two series of events from start to finish. This sounds chosen at the fourth step of a melody or song.

6. You can repeat the procedure for the fifth step, three or four times. When you do the what-it quickly - for one to two seconds.

7. Test. To determine the outcome of the procedure is associated with adverse situations and experiencing it again. Please note the changes in your perception of events and your feelings.