Saturday, June 20, 2009

Osho "Meditation: First and Last Freedom".

Osho "Meditation: First and Last Freedom".

MEDITATION laughter.

Laughter makes some of the energy from your internal source to the surface. Energy begins to flow, it should be over with laughter like a shadow. You notice? - When you're laughing for real, for a few seconds you're staying in a deep meditative state. Thinking stops. You can not laugh and think simultaneously. Laughter and thinking are diametrically opposite: you're either laughing or thinking. If you're laughing in the present, thinking stops. If you continue to think, laugh would make a trail behind. This will be ugly laughter.

When you're really laughing, died suddenly disappears. As far as I know, dance and laughter - this is the best, natural, easy-doors shall be opened. If you're dancing, thinking stops. You continue to dance, you dance, dance, you become a whirlpool - all borders, all the division disappear. You do not even know where your body ends and where life begins. You and into the life, and life flows within you, and they overlap each other. If you're dancing - do not control the dancing, and allows him to control you, let him take possession of you - if you're obsessed with dance, your thinking is suspended.

The same happens with laughter. If you're obsessed with laughter, your thinking is suspended.

Laughter - the perfect introduction to the not-dumaniya.


Awake the morning, before you open your eyes, pull like a cat. Pull each part of your body. After three or four minutes, is still not opening his eyes, begin to laugh and laugh for five minutes. First, you'll be forced to, but soon the sound of your efforts will cause genuine laughter. Lost in the laughter. To do this you need a few days, you are not accustomed to this. But soon your laughter becomes spontaneous and completely change the nature of your day.

Laughing Buddha.

In Japan, tell a story about the laughing Buddha named Hotey. All his teaching was limited to laughter. He was transferred from place to place, from one marketplace to another, became the center of the bazaar and began to laugh - that's the whole sermon.

Laughed it exciting, contagious, it was a real laugh, his belly shake with laughter, Hotey fell to the ground and ride on it. Gathered around people, too, began to laugh, laughter spread more like a tidal wave, and now the whole village down laughing.

People are eagerly waiting for when Hotey come to their village, because it brought them so much joy, so much bliss. Hotey not pronounce a single word, never. He asked the Buddha, and he laughed, asked about his enlightenment, and he laughed, it was asked about the truth, and he laughed. Laughter was his only message.