Thursday, June 25, 2009

What is supersensible perception?

What is supersensible perception?

Many are familiar with maps supersensible perception, or a "SCHV, which are now on sale and used as a salon game. This is a package of twenty-five cards with five different designs on the front side, so that the package consists of five circles and five squares, five stars and five corrugated lines. The game is that trying to guess the picture on the card, not looking at him. Since there are five possible outcomes, according to the laws of the case, it seems obvious that there should be a correct guess one out of five.

This game is of scientific interest because of Duke University (Duke University) in the laboratory of Doctor J. B. Rein (J. B. Rhine), think of these cards, many people have shown the ability to correctly guess the card in more than one fifth of the cases in the series of many thousands of tests. Dr. Ryan came to the conclusion that the successful guesser must be aware of the figure on the next map in any way, irrespective of their sensory organs, and he indicated that the ability to guess correctly more often than it follows from the case law, the term "supersensible perception. "

Dr. Ryan invented the card in order to study the mental telepathy and clairvoyance. If the assistant is looking at a map and think hard about it, as if trying to transmit the image by telegraph guesser, this is called mental telepathy. Guesser can sit with the screen in the same or in another room for a lot of miles from the assistant, but in all cases, careful to ensure that he could not see the map.

If the guesser tries to guess the next card, which no one sees and which no one thinks it is called clairvoyance. According to the laws of the case, as we know them today, in both experiments on several thousand test should have an average of one fifth of the regular otgadok.

Over the years, millions of tests were made with different actors. Dr. Ryan has found many interesting things. Most importantly was the fact that some people almost always get a high percentage of correct otgadok, while others almost never. There is the impression that some capacity for telepathy and clairvoyance have been routinely higher than others. Further, if a good guesser tired or if he gave depressant medication for the blunting of mental abilities, the percentage of correct otgadok declined until reaching an average of the expected share of the fifth, but if he had coffee or other stimulating means, the correctness otgadok increased.

These results would seem to indicate that some people have the ability to clairvoyance, or mental telepathy, which naturally caused a sensation in scientific circles. The work of Rein was immediately criticized from different sides. First of all, was called into question his statistics. People said that when his method of experiment results to a simple accident. Such criticism is rare, because in 1937 the Institute of Mathematical Statistics formally announced that his calculations are correct, and approved the applications of case law in his work. You can, however, have argued that our understanding of case law developed on paper only. It may even be that the doctor Rain is the original case law in this situation because no one had ever tried it before these laws on so extensive, as did he.

Secondly, have criticized the quality of its maps. With some practice you can learn from the back of mind, and with the front side to the touch, not looking at them, and it devalues some of his experiments. There are, however, other experiments with convincing results, which do not have the opportunity to see or touch the card, especially in cases where experiments were conducted by telephone or when the subject was placed in another room sometimes at a distance of many miles.

The third, question, consciously or subconsciously dutifulness experimenters. Assumed that they may consciously or subconsciously delude themselves. Many of the experiments can be challenged on this ground, but by no means all.

And fourthly, in other experiments could not be so regular as in the Duke University. British Society of psychiatric research, seeking an objective approach to the ideas of Doctor Raina, but criticized his methods, failed to find actors who could convincingly showed telepathy or clairvoyance in the tests of his method.

Considering all experiments Rein and all their criticism, in general, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that either of us the method proves supersensible perception, case law or not, as we think. Many interested persons believe, however, that mathematics - not the best way to explore this issue, that telepathy and clairvoyance exist, but they should explore other methods. If you believe that supersensible perception perhaps, the most interesting issue is, of course, how it is implemented, and it was doubtful that mathematics could ever answer this question.

Dr. Ryan is also working on another issue of interest to many people, namely, whether the dice to influence the deposition of glasses? It seems that his answer to this very day is positive. People are just throwing a bone, a secure life is likely to succeed more than drop out "with превеликим desire." Using mechanical brosatelem, Dr. Ryan exclude any possibility of "raising" the bone. This problem is not so difficult to learn in everyday life, as the problem of clairvoyance and telepathy. In any group of players in the bone's always someone wins with astonishing regularity, and someone else, not winning is almost never.