Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The mechanism of the materialization of thought.

The mechanism of the materialization of thought.

The fact that our thoughts will materialize - no longer news (this has even managed to rent a movie!), But few people apply to it seriously, because ... First, because then would have to take responsibility for their thoughts before the quality of their lives - that is, recognize that success is not coming is not to blame for bad they are and not an abstract "good luck", but you are (a)! And secondly, (even if you already have a willingness to take responsibility), a logical mind still does not believe to the end that it works, because the logic of the results, which came "after" is not necessarily the results, which came in consequence ", and that this logic (the results as the effects of thoughts) can be found, you must at least have an idea about the mechanism of the materialization of thought. (Clearly, this is not all, but only to the intellectual antiezoteram and those who to this moment had not heard anything about it because everyone else has long been a long time enjoyed what some technicians materialization of thought, like a magic wand).

So, the hypothesis of mechanism of the materialization of thought. This hypothesis came to me while listening to audio seminars by Betty Alice Erickson, where she once again reiterated the idea that the successful induction trance ", it is important to be in trance itself, and to expect good, expect a pleasant outcome." That is, if you do not expect that the client will go into trance and it would be good, the customer will not go into trance. Picks? See ...

As a result, in the expectation communication of two people affects the outcome of their communications? It is necessary to understand this in the context of the foundations of systems thinking, and a mechanism for the materialization of thought becomes apparent. No mystery! Let us explain everything in order ...

Basic (required here), the principles of systems.

1. World consists of systems. Each system consists of other systems (elements) and is part of a larger scale. A simple example - the square, people, society.

2. Each system has a feature and function specifies the system. Take any human authority, any department or unit in a commercial organization, any organization in the market. The market gives us the money for what it does (sells, manufactures, provides a), nourishes the human body and contains a specific body of his, too, not from mere love of the bodies:)

3. The system does not form elements and links between the elements (!) To implement the system, its functions. A well-known medical fact - for 2 years in the human body does not remain any old cells, but people in general may continue to look and feel as well. In the firms employees have come and gone, and life companies is continuing.

4. Relations between the elements always exist in both ends (such as "challenge-response, action and reaction") - that is, each link in the feedback system is expressed in one way or another. And, importantly, each element in the system has a feedback loop to and from the system through the elements with which it is directly connected. A feedback can be divided into the "strengthening" and "a counterbalancing" (Joseph O'Connor "The Art of Systems Thinking"), which, if simplistically, increase or balance the state (and / or function) of the system. For example, feelings of pleasure and pain of living organisms, as their body's reaction to their behavior. Prizes and dismissals in the organizations, or his lack of respect and teamwork, as the reaction of human behavior.

Now let us return to the example of the trans.

When the therapist works with the client, they certainly have contact and interaction (forward and backward linkages) and the overall objective (function). That is, they constitute a system. Influence on the system may be one of them, but he who takes the lead (for example, a therapist), chooses a way to implement the tasks (system functions). Thus, entering the trance and trance expecting from the client, therapist as a way to determine the objective for the entire transport system. And while waiting for his trance-client privilege exists, it supports the strengthening (with movement to trans), and a counterbalancing (while trying to traffic from the trance) feedbacks (which are manifested in behavior, usually unconsciously, as the conscious mind is occupied by another). And, as a result, after some time (depending on the customer's ability to enter trance state and repeat with the therapist) the customer is bound in trans.

And now let's move the model in a communicative context and all will be clear. At the head of human lives is constantly a great number of thoughts. And some ideas just fonyat ", and some occur so persistently, that occupy a significant portion of his attention and become his expectations (sometimes unconscious). World surrounding us - it is a great system with high complexity, and knowledge we can not predict even 10% of all the possible concatenation of circumstances. But if methodically "bomb" on the system to certain "demand" (as it is doing to our expectations), then after some time (depends on the capacity of the world and our repeat it), our expectation of the result takes on the result. And no this is no mystery - the mere expectation, and the reinforcing and balancing feedback, manifested in our behavior (usually unconscious, so as a conscious mind is occupied by another).

P.S. This mechanism, incidentally, well explain why people in times of personal and spiritual growth suddenly begins to occur a large number of events is not the most pleasant, although seemingly - a man grown, developed - should begin on a large white stripe ... This is true, but when a man just stood on the step above, the repeat (contact) with the system, too, is better and the relationship has become faster. And so, it managed to have only positive out of the system (and the system needs some time to react and return the feedback), and loop back the old "karma" (пер. - the results of past actions) due to good contact, too, began to return faster. That's a feeling of inconsistency, which is east of terminology are often explained as "fast-track development of the karma." In general, and the word "karma" is not a primitive religious expression, a term that describes exactly the same mechanism, and to whom this article. And in conclusion like to offer - let us be in their minds to create good karma to our world!