Saturday, October 17, 2009

OPTIONS solve financial problems

OPTIONS solve financial problems

It is important to clearly define what prosperity is needed to feel confident in life and not too distracted by the prose of life. Can be built a few strategies.

You can select the most modest work that bears a small salary, which allows him and his family (if he is) to support its existence at the level of basic needs. In this case, he will be able to save for the spiritual work much more energy and time. I know several people who have chosen this difficult path, and worthy of bearing his cross, and respect their choice with great respect.

You can choose to work that brings higher income and allowing to meet their needs much more freely than in the first case. If, for his service, he serves as educator, ennobling society preaching lofty ideas, then he can feel happy, despite the fact that his income compared with middle-income countries, even very small businesses. I can only say that instances of this happy combination of favorite works, bringing a lot of money and distribution of high spiritual ideas are rare. Far more common are completely different mutually exclusive options: either good wages in the service, not having any relation to the spiritual realm, or the pulpit of moral and spiritual ideas on a voluntary basis, paid ephemeral penny salary. Incidentally, the first option for the spiritual seeker is not so bad. I have known cases where people are seriously immersed in esoteric knowledge, in his worldly activities were good professionals and highly paid masters of their craft, who did not have to spread spirituality irrelevant. They received money for the repair of apartments and qualified photographic services for foreign language teaching and translation work, with lecturing on marketing and business psychology. Their only problem was the chronic lack of time - because in order to be in demand as a highly paid specialists and to maintain their reputation, they had all too often offer their services in the labor market.

And finally, another version of the spiritual relationship with the student's energy and finance world. It can act as a teacher, living on donations from students and rich people who make their sponsorship contributions, or as a public figure, which implements large, perhaps even international humanitarian and cultural projects with global planetary significance and supported by the Grand Masters. If the first went through in the XX century, a variety of esoteric and spiritual heroes of the world such as Aurobindo Ghosh and Jiddu Krishnamurti, the second way represent figures such as the NK Roerich and his famous mission Pact and Banner of Peace Culture. And in fact, and in another case, in virtue of their spiritual mission, although students were not very rich, but poverty did not know. But, of course, these cases relate to the students a very high level and in relation to the ordinary people to serve in the rank of Teachers.

The problem of material support for pupils on the spiritual path is not a simple one. The student must learn how to solve it yourself. If, by a serious effort, resourcefulness and ability to write their professional skills in a plan of planetary evolution, he could solve the problem of money without burdening his karma, the great teachers may find that the student passed the exam and passed to a higher level. With such a student, subject to the karmic readiness, they communicate much more readily than with the man who, on the one hand, and had not won a complex money-grubbing, and on the other - never learned to make money.


Feel the power of money and the thin substance of financial flows, which flow through you and past you. Feel that the money that you earn - it is part of your more subtle energy during the life of the energy is converted into energy finance. Realize that the money power, it is necessary for survival in the modern world, its composition is much more coarse than the psychic energy of man. Therefore, if you are interested in the spiritual ascent, you should take in relation to the cash flows of the correct position: on the one hand, to bring them to him for their high quality professional work, and the other to cultivate in yourself the freedom and independence of the money when it comes of higher spiritual values. Tune in to this position the master of life, which has money and knows how to attract financial flows, but inwardly free from their oppression and negative features.