Saturday, October 17, 2009

The overall goal

The overall goal

Did you ever stop and ask ourselves the question: what am I doing on this planet? Why am I here? What is my destiny? The answer is simple ... Development, growth. We are here to grow - all together and individually. We - the living beings, the manifestation of universal energy. Should we stop growing, and we die. Look around you - the flowers and trees, birds and insects, plants and animals of all kinds are in a state of constant growth, and express themselves as living beings. Once their growth stops and they die.

Now you're experiencing the most amazing and precious moment of his life and future depends on what you think or do now. Whatever happened in the past that made you feel unhappy and dissatisfied now, leave it in the past, but let it you learn something. Then - it then and now - this is now.

In each of us laid the seed of divinity, the seed of love and perfection of God Himself. You only need to recognize this seed to provide him with food and the opportunity for growth - and then it begins to radiate beauty, which will not leave indifferent all and everything that surrounds you.

Do you possess a direct link to everything good and pure - an umbilical cord that connects you with the universal source. By that time, when you you reach the end of this book, you'll be to feel familiar and comfortable with his inner God, with its source.

If you are new in the way of internal growth, it may happen that you have to experience some pain, some discomfort at the physical and emotional levels. When will you get rid of old patterns and programs, you may create the impression that the very foundations crumble. But this is only an illusion. You loosed from the shackles of the past - to get rid of unnecessary emotional baggage and preconceived notions. You become free! When you learn to trust the process, when will find faith in him, then get rid of the fear and learn to love.

Regardless of how many seminars you have passed, how many have read "self-helpovskih" books and listened to the course, how much time spent thinking about the process of personal development, you must act! Only a conscious action and repetition will enable you to achieve those goals that you set before him, will enhance the process of purification and growth. Remember, you pereprogrammiruesh your subconscious. The subconscious mind understands only the action!

Imagine, for example, a glass of dirty water, which is gradually added to the net - the glass in the end turns into a glass of clean water. Muddy water is replaced by clean. Reading about how you pour a glass of clean water, or just thinking about it, you do not get clean water. The water in the glass will continue to remain dirty.

Just doing something, you'll get results! When you pour the dirty water clean, you do not let them immediately, but will certainly see the result. Persevere, and it will pay off! If you will constantly remind yourself that you are gradually moving forward, you'll get something that aspired.

Deciding to nurture the seed planted in you, your essence, begin to act. You'll be amazed at how quickly it grows and stretches to the light and liberty outside of soil, in which the seed was thrown. Any pain that you can test out of the way through the thickness of the soil, will be temporary.

If the pain becomes too strong, it means that you resist and refuse to "let go" the old program or get rid of them. You have nothing to lose, but you can find everything. The more you resist, the greater the pain will persist. But soon you will feel the warmth of their love and the brightness of his inner light. Exempt and grow!

Here is an example from everyday life. Imagine that you have on the body appeared abscess. By applying peroxide go some other ointment, you know, that can be painful. But you also know that this pain - a sign of the healing process. The same things and the processes of inner healing.

Remember that nothing can find there, if you yourself are not presented, has not dreamed or thought about it. Creativity - the greatest power of human beings. Among all animals, plants or minerals, we - the only species that can consciously create our own reality.

When you begin to grow and you will persevere in this process, you should always remember and understand that the only existing reality - this is the reality that exists in the domestic realm. Everything else - an illusion. Before becoming visible, all created in the invisible. Keep all the time to realize this truth, and you become master of its destiny.

Should you take responsibility for their own growth, you will act in concert with the Divine Law, and it will speed up the process. Until now you could not achieve what you wanted, for one reason only - do not believe in that possibility. You lacked faith.

One of the greatest mistakes that we commit as human beings - is the inability to take the power of faith. Remember, thought is energy! When your thoughts are distinct, you can manifest and create anything you wish. This is an immutable law of physics. The energy created with a clear mind, it becomes real, physical energy, which should result in the result.

Of paramount importance is the understanding that the subconscious mind responds to all your thoughts. Therefore, if your mental process is dirty and confused, unconscious, too, will be frightened and can not serve the realization of your desires.

Clearly define and visualize their desires. Fed them and let them grow up strong! How discouraged the idea that everything that happens to you, due to external influence. Just imagine: if you think the other responsible for all of your troubles, you should wait until they have something to do with that so that you become happy!

If you are ill, and blame for that someone or something outside of yourself (no matter what: heredity, weather, or something else), you must have patience and wait until these external influences will not change and does not allow you to once again become healthy! Willing or do you want to wait so long? Is it not wiser to build your very own health and their own lives?

Take responsibility for your life now - know that at this point you can change your life ... Edit yourself! You can learn to see the glass half-full instead of seeing it half empty! When you learn to be guided not by his head and heart, then you begin to watch the eyes of love and you'll see around the beauty and goodness. Can you imagine the feeling of constant love in life!

The reality is what you see it. The fact that you feel like the truth becomes your truth. Be selective in what you feed your mind. Spend a moment to visualize a party to the joyous event, and your body will feel the happiness.

Now imagine yourself all abandoned, and your body will experience sadness. In a moment you changed my life. Learn to see the beauty of ugliness, for criticism of love. Had a spiritual - is seeing the love (of God), and beauty everywhere, in everything and all ...

When you re-acquainted with his true self, the shell of your identity (or ego) will disappear and you do not have to be the way others see you. If you use the more familiar concepts, you have to "find himself" ... their true selves. External side, which was once your ego has to change. It will no longer be an obstacle in your life, and you will be able to freely be myself!

Take a sheet of paper and write down what you will be able to remember from what you did last week, highlighting the following categories:

1. What did you do just for myself, such that caused your well-being or bring you happiness?

2. What have you done for others? I do you do it? What are you guided in each case?

3. List all those who said or did something that made you feel as if you criticize or condemn. Then compile a list of situations where you have caught myself on the fact that criticize or condemn others. What do it feel? Do you see the connection between the two?

4. Repeat the following affirmation every time you find yourself alone with your thoughts until you feel that you have received and let the above-mentioned situation.