Sunday, October 11, 2009

There are three components of the law of least effort - three things that you need to do to this principle - "do less and make more" - began to work.

The first component - is acceptance.

Acceptance simply means that you are taking on a commitment: "Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events such as they are." This means that I know that this moment is the way it should be, because the whole universe is so only as it should be.

This moment - the one that you are experiencing right now - the culmination of all the moments you have experienced in the past. This moment is what it is, because the whole universe is what it is.

When you are fighting with the present moment, you really, struggles with the whole universe. Instead, you must decide today to stop fighting with the entire universe, resisting the present moment.

This means that your acceptance of this moment of complete and absolute. You take things as they really are, not as what you would like to see them at this moment.

It is important to understand that. You may want that something has changed in the future, but at this moment, you have to take everything as it is.

When you are disappointed or upset by some person or situation, remember that you're reacting not to a person or situation, but on those feelings that cause you have this person or situation.

It's your choice, your feelings, and your choice may be to blame somebody else. When you are fully aware of and understand, you're ready to take responsibility for their feelings and change them.

And if you can accept things as they are, you'll be ready to assume responsibility for the emerging situation in your life and all events in which you see any problems.

This brings us to the second component of the law of least effort: responsibility.

What is responsible? Be responsible - means not to blame for any situation, nothing and nobody, including himself.

When you accept this fact, this event, this issue, the responsibility is the ability of a creative response to this situation, for such as it is now.

Every problem contains the seeds of opportunity, and awareness of this allows you to take the time such as it is, and convert it into something better.

When you do this, any so-called, sad situation turns into an opportunity to create something new and beautiful, and every so-called tormentor or tyrant, it becomes your teacher.

Reality - is an interpretation. And if you choose to interpret reality in such a way around you get a lot of teachers and many opportunities for development.

Whenever you are faced with a torturer, a despot, a teacher, friend or foe (they all the same thing) remind yourself: "This moment is the way it should be."

Whatever relationship you may have attracted in your life at the moment, they are exactly in what you currently need. For all the events is a hidden meaning and that meaning is your own development.

The third component of the law of least effort - openness, which means that your awareness takes openness and you waive any need to convince or persuade others to their point of view.

If you observe those around you, you'll see that people are spending ninety-nine percent of their time defending their point of view.

If you simply need to refuse to defend their point of view, you get access to huge amounts of energy, which used to be wasted in vain.

When you defend, blame others, do not accept and go on assignment time, your life meets resistance. Try to understand that whenever you met resistance, forsiruete situation, resistance only grows.

You should remain firm, as a strong oak that cracks and killed during a storm. You must be flexible, like a reed that bends with the wind and survives.

Completely refrain from defending their point of view. When there would be nothing to defend, you do not allow any dispute arise. If you act consistently - if you stop the struggle and resistance - you will find yourself completely in the present, and this priceless gift.

Someone once told me: "The past belongs to history, the future - is a mystery, but this moment - a gift. That is why this moment is called "real".

If you apprehend the present and become one piece with it, if you merge with it, you feel the excitement, enthusiasm, glimpses of ecstasy inherent in any substance endowed with consciousness.

If you start to feel a triumph of spirit in all living things, if you feel a closeness with him, you will fill in the joy and you drop the heavy burden and the burden of upholding their point of view, anger and resentment. Only then can you get a light-heartedness, joy and freedom.

And experiencing this joyful, simple freedom, you'll know exactly what you can do anything what ever you wish, because your desire arose at the level of happiness, but not at the level of anxiety and fear.

You do not need, you simply declare himself of his intention, and you feel satisfaction, delight, joy, freedom and independence in every moment of his life.

Make a commitment to follow the path, no resistance. This is the way in which the mind of nature is revealed spontaneously, without friction and effort. When you have the perfect combination of acceptance, responsibility and openness, life flows easily and effortlessly.

When you are open to all points of view - rather than to adhere rigidly to one - your dreams and desires always coincide with the desires of nature.

Then you can release your intentions, without attachment, and simply wait for the opportune time, when your desires become reality.
You can be sure that when the time is appropriate, your desires come to life. This is the law of least effort.