Sunday, October 11, 2009



Spiritual seeker and the more students, regardless of the tradition to which he is closer, to make a few steps.

First, take an unbending intention to do everything possible to learn to control his mind, which includes:

- The ability to closely monitor and bezotsenochno flow of thoughts;

- The ability to stop them and hold them as much as possible for a long time in the still, calm and silent state;

- The ability to focus thoughts and mind on any object, and even merge with them;

- The ability to easily and freely switch attention.

You must learn to do this in order, at any cost.

An important method of mastery, mind - tying him to any natural processes, such as walking, movement, breathing. Attach the attention of the mind to the process of breathing, carefully watching as you rhythmically expanded and narrowed thorax, inflated and relaxes the stomach, enters and leaves the nostrils of air. This will help you save energy, as consciousness, focusing on breathing, which in itself is a powerful energy process that begins to extract from the air hidden in it energy - prana. Energetically charged mind easily and without stress can be kept in a state of tranquility. Unnecessary thoughts weathered from the mental space.

Another effective way to master the mind: moving it from the head space in any area of the body - in the stomach with the center of the tribute-tien, or breast area with the center of Anahata. In the narrow space of the mind of the head is always crowded and largely uncomfortable. Moreover, he does not get there enough momentum of life-giving energy. In other energy centers and areas of energy is much greater, and it is somewhat different quality. Because useful to combine, for example, mental energy with emotional or, as suggested Taoists, to let the heavy mental note of the head at the center of vitality in the center of the lower abdomen. If they manage to wrest attention or a feeling of "I" from the scope of the head, then gradually begins to take people to freedom. This will help stop the mind and improve the psycho-energetic potential.

Some traditions, such as some schools of Buddhism and Krishnamurti, offer a method based on an understanding of deep instabilities illusory nature of mind. It is based on steadfast scrutinizing the space of the mind and try to see the birth of ideas at the moment of their birth and to understand why they are born. If the student learns to do this exercise and will use it as often as possible, he will understand that the mind with thoughts - it is an illusion, and all his movements and jumps as illusory as they are placed in a huge continuum of freedom and emptiness. Then the mind stops and consciousness merges with the emptiness.

Methods stopping the mind very much. Some of them are going back to the Sufi and Zen traditions, based on paradoxes, a sudden encounter with that jolt the mind of its usual sleepy stir in the space of the head and causing a state of near shock. It was a brief moment of mental rigidity, emerged under the influence of powerful forces of surprise, a man may descend insight - numb the mind will cease to interfere with the passage of higher energies.

Few know the correct methods of stopping the mind - it is important to learn how to properly apply. My experience has shown that when working with the mind spiritual seeker will usually make two common mistakes. He's either not doing enough on himself, leaving the mind is stronger than its fragile attention, or processes, investing in private practice to stop the mind so hard that it starts to harm the spiritual development of man who simply wean think. Sometimes students begin to identify with any one method, resulting in its development becomes lopsided. I knew one of raja yoga, which is so heavily pressed on his thoughts, trying to stop the mind that eventually dulled the sharpness of the mental perception of the world and now can not read more than three pages of text.

The man lived with his chaotic mind for many years and is now trying to rein it in a few months and sees an offense that good results yet, because all it takes time. Blavatsky argued that with rare exceptions only prove the rule, rapid results in such cases are impossible, as impossible to make fragrant barrel, which for many years was oil from the herring, the smell of nectar poured an hour ago. Some people have no opportunity to engage in long sitting meditation and so they immediately put an end to their attempts to still learn how to stop the mind. But beyond static meditation is dynamic, in which, too, can effectively learn this essential practice. The main thing that a man had been striving to master himself and his mind. Everything else will follow.


Supervised the waves of a troubled mind. Take your observing "I" fixed, self-comfort point in the psychological space. Try to observe the breath, and thereby strengthen the position of the observer. Then, try to stop tossing easy mind, by an effort of the thin lining game chaotic waves. Obtain complete immobility of his thoughts and mental state of pure transparency of the screen. Slow down the breath, leaving it at a very thin, hardly noticeable vibrations. Support is a stationary state of mind within a few minutes in one and the same point without movement, and then release it. Feel that with serious effort, you eventually will be able to not only stop the mind, but also successfully to switch it from object to object, and thus will be able to freely control the mental processes.