Sunday, October 11, 2009

Law of least effort

Law of least effort

Reason nature works easily, without any effort ... carefree, harmoniously and lovingly. And when we become servants of the forces of harmony, joy and love, we are making progress and success is easy and without any effort.

Integral being knows without studying,
sees without looking, and achieves, without.


The fourth spiritual law of success - is the Law of Least Effort. This law is based on the fact that the nature of the mind works easily, without effort and without worries. This is the principle of least action, the lack of resistance and, therefore, is the principle of harmony and love.

After learning this lesson, which presents us with nature, we can easily satisfy their desires.

If you observe how nature works, you'll see that she always spends a minimum of effort. Grass is growing, making no attempt to grow - it just grows. Fish do not try to swim - it just floats. Flowers do not try to bloom, they bloom. Birds do not try to fly, they fly.

This is their true nature. The earth does not try to rotate around its axis, is in the nature of the Earth - to spin with dizzying speed, sweeping through space. It is in the nature of the baby - to remain in bliss.

Is in the nature of the sun - shine. It is in the nature of stars - to shine and sparkle. And in human nature - to clothe their dreams in physical form, easily and without effort.

In the Vedic teachings, the philosophy of ancient India, this principle is known as the principle of economy of effort, or "do less and make more." In the end, you reach the point where not doing anything and committing all.

This means that simply weak performances - and the manifestation of this representation is carried out without any effort. What is commonly called a "miracle" - is simply an expression of the Law of Least Effort.

Reason nature works effortlessly, without friction, spontaneously. It is nonlinear, is holistic, it is based on intuition, and he gives us food. And when you live in harmony with nature, when you build up in the knowledge of your true Self, you can use the Law of Least Effort.

The smallest effort is wasted when you're in their actions are motivated by love, because everything in nature combines the energy of love.

When you are looking for power and the ability to manage other people, you are wasting your energy. Even when you are striving for money and power for the sake of his ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying the happiness of this moment.

If you are looking for money just for the sake of personal gain, you override the energy flow to itself and prevents the expression of the mind of nature. But when your actions motivated by love, can not be in vain waste of energy.

When your actions motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates - and is the excess energy you have accumulated may be aimed at creating anything you want, including unlimited wealth.

You can look at your physical body as a device for power management: it can generate, store and use it. If you know how to effectively generate, store and expend energy, you can create any wealth.

Caring for his ego requires a tremendous amount of energy. If your internal reference point - your ego, if you're looking for power over other people or their approval, you are wastefully expend energy.

When this energy is released, it can send a completely different direction and used to create anything you want.

When your internal reference point - your spirit when you're immune to what they say about you, and are not afraid of any test, you can master the power of love and use energy creatively to achieve wealth and development.

In "Art of Dreaming" Don Juan tells Carlos Castaneda: "... most of our energy goes into maintaining a sense of self importance ... If we could get rid of at least part of this feeling with us, there would be two amazing things.

First, we would free our energy from trying to maintain an illusion of his own greatness, and, secondly, we would provide a sufficient energy to ... see a glimpse of the true greatness of the universe.