Thursday, September 11, 2008


The first what it is necessary to practise, is a fixing of thoughts on any subject or idea, without supposing a thought deviation aside. It is extremely difficult problem, but it needs though to some extent to be executed, before there is possible a further progress. The thinking is an ability which we use for creation of images, pictures, мыслеформ, corresponding to our internal ideas. It is our main ability, and we should learn completely it to supervise that that at us turns out, was not the wild illusion imposed by external conditions, and the correct imagination generated by Spirit in us. Sceptics will tell that all this imagination, but as it has been told earlier if inventors were not capable to imagine mentally phone and other, we and would not have today all it. The imagination of inventors, as a rule, does not happen in the beginning completely correct and exact, differently inventors would make success from the very beginning, without set of failures and experiments which almost always precede creation practical and able to be used the tool or the car. In the same way the imagination of the beginning clairvoyant first is inexact. A unique way to make its exact is a continuous practice, day after day, with use of will for thought deduction on one subject or idea, with a complete elimination of all of the rest. Thought – huge force which we have got used to spend in vain. To it allow to flow aimlessly as water flows, until then while the person, having constructed a dam, will not force it to rotate a wheel. The solar beams disseminated over all surface of the Earth, give only moderate heat but even if some beams to concentrate by means of a lens, they are capable to light fire in a focus point.