Saturday, November 2, 2013

BUILD YOUR DESIRE HOT MONEY on a solid foundation of decency and kindness.

BUILD YOUR DESIRE HOT MONEY on a solid foundation of decency and kindness.

If you want to attract a large amount of money , you have come to the realization that it is able to make money. Become aware of the potential money to do good in the world , not just the pleasure that they will deliver to you personally as a result of their accumulation. Uvyazhite their passionate desire for money with such conviction, which will encourage you to getting on it for the above reason. And do not show timidity and shyness. You have to equate his burning desire for success and money to the highest values ​​- so as to feel the inspiration to do everything necessary in order to attract , to draw to themselves the financial well-being .

The master of this was Muhammad Ali. Every time he went to a fight , he fought for " the little people ". For the addict , his mother , vegetate for a benefit for a little boy without a father , he equated his success to the great achievement of all black tribesmen. He fought and won for them. It gave him an even greater determination and ignited his invincible desire to win so much that he simply refused to accept the possibility of defeat.

The fact that most of his opponents also were black , not in any way affect its determination and did not detract from it. He believed that he was acting for the sake of his people, and this greatly helped him .

On his way to his first million I used essentially the same method . Having started to teach other powerful capabilities of the mind , I have always insisted that demonstrate these capabilities in their own lives. I had the feeling that I have no right to stand on the chair and present students , all such truth , if he is not able to clearly and unequivocally demonstrate them by example. At the time was a time when I actually despair . Therefore, and demanded of himself to demonstrate the ability to teach me techniques and become a millionaire. In my life, I set out to only two financial goals . The first was to become a millionaire , and I achieved it . The second - to earn a million dollars in one year, I was also able to a few years later . So when I am sharing with you the various truths about achieving prosperity , I say, by right, having to do and to have the authority and experience. But I always tied his personal success to achieve the greater good for society as a whole.

And here's the point: as long as you feel , what is the benefit to be gained from the availability of money , and the large number of them , you are unlikely to come find them , It is the values ​​and beliefs that are available to you regarding money predetermine what their sums you ultimately will possess . Convince yourself of the importance of this prosperity. Do not allow yourself to enjoy the thought of anything less .

Let you inspire those individuals who use their money as a tool for social change , who brings to life changes .

Examine towards success, wealth and money but good feelings. Do not allow anyone to distort negative views of the value and importance of money. Keep in your mind a clear vision of the good that they carry with them . To believe in anything less means prevent himself and possibly rob the world , depriving him the diverse benefits that you could give him , but did not because of erroneous stuck , limiting beliefs. Burning desire to make the world change. One way to achieve this - with the help of your success.

/ John Kehoe /