Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dedicate one day a week to rest

Robin S. Sharma

Dedicate one day a week to rest


In ancient times, the seventh day of the week called Shabbat (sabbath). Dedicated to perhaps the most important, but usually all the neglected area of ​​our lives, involving staying with family or in a long deep contemplation and self-renewal, this day, let diligent workers to recharge the batteries of their spiritual and physical strength. Thanks to this day lives of the people was more complete and meaningful. However, with the acceleration of the rhythm of life and spheres of human activity increase in this wonderful tradition, people darivshaya great personal benefit was lost.

By itself, the stress can not be considered harmful phenomenon. Thanks to him we are often at their best, find themselves in the incredible power and reach of what in other circumstances would have seemed incredible. This may confirm any outstanding athlete. Our main problem lies in the fact that in a world beset with constant anxiety, we still can not relax to get rid of the influence of stress.

To restore their vitality and awaken the deep power of his spirit, take for yourself one day a week - a kind of Sabbath - the day of complete rest to return to the small joys of life, from which you've probably already lost the habit of living more stressful and difficult life. This simple weekly ritual will help you cope with stress, to feel in touch with their creative and start to feel happier, whatever role in life you do not have to play.

It is not necessary to a weekly rest period lasted the whole day.All you need - just a few hours to spend time alone with him.Perhaps it will be a quiet Sunday morning, when you can devote a little time to his own hobby. Probably you want to go to the bookstore favored by you, to meet the dawn, wander through the deserted coast or write any thoughts in the journal of personal observations.

By organizing your lifestyle in such a way as to do more hobbies, you do the first step to improve their lives. It does not matter what others do not understand what you want to achieve, making an integral part of a weekly rest of his life. Try for yourself, because you are what you are.

In the words of Thoreau: "If a person is not in step with his companions, perhaps he hears the other drums. Let him walking by the music which he hears - no matter how it sounded from what would be given not to tell. "