Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mark Thirty minutes a day for anxiety

Robin S. Sharma

Mark Thirty minutes a day for anxiety

Many people spend the best years of his life in a constant state of anxiety. Their experiences are associated with the work, paying bills, the world around them and raising their own children. Yet deep down we realize that in most cases, our experiences are in vain.

Everything happens just as Mark Twain said: "In my life there were many fatalities, and some of them actually took place."

My father - an unusually wise man, which had a big impact on my life - once told me that the character for "funeral pyre" strikingly similar character for "disturbing."

- Surprisingly, I replied.

- There is nothing surprising, - said the father softly. - Just some people are burned after their death, while others are burned while still alive.

From personal experience I am well aware how much impoverishes human life as a constant habit of worry. I was not yet thirty years old when I joined the so-called path of rapid advancement to success. By the time I had already received two legal diplomas, ending one of the most prestigious universities in the country, worked as a bailiff in the chief justice and as a trial lawyer engaged in particularly complex cases. I had to work hard and a lot nervous. On Monday morning I woke up feeling uneasy feeling from the fact that I suck in the stomach, and perfectly aware that wasting his talent on the job, which does not correspond to my human nature.Then I started looking for a way to improve their lives, especially referring to the literature on human self-improvement and leadership in various spheres of life. In these books, I found a useful lesson more balanced, peaceful and full of life.

Among the lessons I have simple methods to help control the experience, I would single out one. It is to take for anxiety and unrest special time that I have provisionally called the "hour of trouble." Faced with the difficulties, we usually focus our attention on them during the day. Instead, I suggest you schedule a specific time for their problems. For example, paid his feelings for thirty minutes every night. Secluded at this time, you can wallow in a sea of ​​their own problems and worry thoughts about their difficulties.

But immediately after the appointed time you will have to leave your cares and go back to a more useful and creative activities. For example, a walk in the park, to feel a connection with nature, read a book or inspiring you to talk confidentially with someone you love. If you want to jittery at other times of the day, write in a notebook the subject of their experiences, to think of it in the allotted time for this. Thanks to this simple but very effective method, you can gradually reduce the time needed for the alarm, until completely get rid of this habit.