Sunday, August 23, 2009

The development of the right hemisphere.

The development of the right hemisphere.

You are currently in the process of change, and these changes are occurring because of your decision to allow them to happen. Suggested exercises - only means of movement which will bring you to the unexplored corners of your creative Y. Remember that opening belongs to you alone, it expands your talent, and that you make an excursion, which could allow it to open. Try to consider the exercise course, not as a mystical process, but only as a means of quickly and reliably move you into the vast world of personal possibilities.

Since training the right brain hemisphere, remember the basic necessary conditions of employment: a quiet place where you can work without interruption, the period of time, which you can devote yourself to one, and animated by the hope to acquire new experience.

Sit back in your favorite chair in the labor room. Close your eyes and pay attention to the sounds around you. If there is calm, relax and enjoy it. If any sounds distract you, you know that your mind can protect themselves from penetration, concentration itself creates calmness.
Training biological feedback
Colors of consciousness

Make sure that you are located conveniently. Close your eyes. Check your breath to make sure that it emanates from the depth of the chest. Vydohnite and take breaths through the nose: counting to five, inhale the air until the lungs filled; hold your breath until the account for five and exhale.

Again breath ... hold your breath ... exhale. Now, breathe normally, in your own rhythm.

Close your eyes and imagine the color red. Let it be so bright, which you can only imagine.

Imagine the color red as a bright circle of light over your head, which envelops all the body to glow. (If you are experiencing difficulties trying to mentally see red, apple remember from yesterday's activity and the transfer of its bright red color of the light, shining over you.)

To pretend that you really can breathe this color.

Let it spill on your body, penetrating into all of its parts, which he wants to fill

If in connection with the color you have visited any thoughts, let them freely appear and disappear.

Thoughts will come and go away, but you must be totally focused on the color of which is slow and easily passes through your body.

Clearly imagine orange. Imagine yourself in over your head, radiating a warm orange light.

This color penetrates inside your body, moving easily, warm and soft.

Let your body absorb any of the orange, where it is needed.

Let the color penetrate, wherever he may wish.

Let the remainder of this color, which you do not need, go into the ground through the soles of your feet.

Thoughts provide a bright yellow light over his head.

His breath. Let him enter, where he wished.

Let it warm you and calm down.

Let all of this color, what you do not need, will go through the soles.

Imagine a green light above your head.

The green light is moving through your body. All of what you do not need, infiltrates through the body and goes into the ground through the soles.

Imagine that you see the blue above your head. Vtyanite blue light inside the body. Suppose that he will support and reassure you.

From all that you do not have to ... Release your foot through the legs.

Violet light shines on you, his breath ...

feel like the color of soft infiltrates through your body and goes into the ground.

The bright white light shines on you.

Deep breath and pull it into your body until you will not be filled with illumination ...

feel it flows through you, surprisingly calming and move forward ...

Imagine yourself running or dancing - easily, safely, beautifully ...

Immerse yourself in the light of any color, you know,

and fill it with light ...

Let your imagination claim, where the wish ...

When you are finished, slowly open your eyes and enjoy some time of their feelings.

There is no hurry ...