Sunday, August 9, 2009

Programmed for success.

Programmed for success.

This activity - a gift that you can make yourself, a reward for good performance. Some see it as a blessing because it allows you to stick to the good opinion of themselves and their potential. The allegation is extremely simple, direct and effective. Verbal approval will be instructed in the left hemisphere of your brain, and the imaginary - the right program. It is important that both hemispheres "believed" that the success can become a reality, and you actually already on the way to it.

The allegations of the first day of classes is designed to help you realize a unique, creative individual with a rich imagination. You have the birth of creativity, and now the full realization of this fact.

Read the following proposals and provide their name inscribed in them.

"I, ________, was born able to create."

"You, _________, born able to create."

"He (she was born ),_______, able to innovate."

The first sentence - this argument, by which your adult I certify their skills. The second proposal that would have sounded the voice of someone close, a man important to you, whose opinion you value. Consider the third sentence of praise from people with authority, or those whom you have tried to please.

Pronounce approval aloud, giving words to capture in mind. Perhaps you want to write them on cards and are scattered throughout the house. Many people have collected these allegations and do not forget to repeat them several times a day.

Now write down all three sentences in his notebook and let these positive claims about your potential to penetrate into the consciousness.

To program the right hemisphere of the brain, it is important that you not only think but also feel that these words - the truth. There are many ways to present them to the feeling. I offer you one of them worked with him, to see whether there are any other ways, other imaginary scenarios that can provide those asserting the right brain hemisphere.

Take a deep, relaxing breaths and imagine that you are in an unusually quiet, safe and quiet place. Tilt the head forward. Concentrating on feelings of calm and welcome. Imagine that someone is now (this could be muse or angel) is about you, and you feel the warm, healing hands over his head. Let these hands to perform the touch of the one who wishes that your life was a lot of good. Healing hands commit Making creative power and the resurgence of the Creative Consciousness.
Pofantaziruyte on this topic as you think proper.