Sunday, August 23, 2009

DIARY dreams.

DIARY dreams. Mandala - is a Sanskrit word meaning "circle" or "center." Drawing its symmetrical: usually it is a circle with a clear center. Inside the circle are more or less clearly marked main directions, orientations, number of which varies. Mandalas can be works of art, and forms created by nature itself. Nahuatl calendar stone is the mandala, the Earth as it is seen from outer space - as well. Compass - mandala, can be considered as a mandala and a snowflake, a gold dollar, the human eye or the pattern formed by iron filings, which are pulled to the magnet.

For many centuries, Buddhist monks in Tibet created a mandala - a work of art, woven patterns and ornaments of colored sand. The same is done in the New World Indians Navajo shamans. The Tibetans use mandalas as aids to meditation: with their help, they concentrate their minds and thoughts are, step by step, through the many dimensions of space, time and consciousness to freedom pure "being" a prisoner in the heart of all things. Such a trip, regardless of how often you repeat it always leads to a profound internal measurements give new insight of the "I" and the essence of life ...

Carl Jung was the first who introduced the idea of the mandala Western researchers dreams. In his autobiography, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung describes how, in 1916. He painted his first mandala, and two years later had a day in his notebook zarisovyval new mandalas. He discovered that each image reflects his inner life at the moment, and began to use these pictures to record their "mental transformation". In the end, Jung concluded that the method of the mandala - is the way to our center, with the opening of our unique individuality.

Working with the mandala has its own rhythm, and this book is structured in accordance with it. Our journey to the center initially will be slow: because we have to enter the sacred territory and the first to know all the deeper levels of the unknown universe that extends inside of us. In its promotion, we may suddenly face obstacles and challenges - because they are internally resist change. At some point we may want to return to their previous views and to continue to be the way of life that is difficult to reconcile with the new open our prospects. But then the true understanding of life begins to grow in our ever increasing speeds. As we move towards the center of the mandala of the gravitational attraction will increase. A moment when our energy is locked in a powerful impetus vyplesnetsya outwards, and then we find the light, freedom, joy, peace and a sense of unity.

How to keep a diary of dreams.

If you still do not manage the diary of dreams, then I strongly recommend that you begin to do so. Put beside the bed a notebook, a pen and a large notebook, which will make the final recording of dreams. The best way to make the preliminary point in the "formal" notebook when you go to bed. Prostavte day and date, then in a few short phrases, describe what you did and how you felt during the day.

Day mark in notebook everything you would dream. It's easy to do in the dark with his eyes closed, keeping a notebook horizontally vytyanuv little finger of his right hand, so as not to give a line nalezat each other. If the left hand to keep a notebook for a short side, right hand will find the way to the next line - like a typewriter carriage. Try to record at least the key events of the dream, as well as any unusual phrases and words.

If you have time in the morning when you wake up, write down your dream immediately - lying in bed, with his eyes closed. Then you will be able to remember more details. If you want to move, do so quietly - so that your consciousness has continued to cling to the remnants of sleep. Try to describe their dreams, beginning with the last episode, who remember (no matter how trivial it may appear to you), then move on to what was before. Most dreams are mentioned in reverse order, and the latest piece of recovering most clearly.

In the same morning, or at any time during the day, or even the evening before going to bed, move your notes to a constant diary of dreams, bringing them into more understandable form. This is a description of dreams must follow a list of the events of the day, it was preceded. Some people at first make a note of their dreams, and then publish a more complete description of typewriting or computer and file them in a folder. Using the computer facilitates the process of searching and comparison of similar dreams. Others prefer to write down their dreams in a thick notebook.

And while those who had never had a diary of dreams, all this may seem too troublesome, you'll soon find that your efforts are not in vain. After all, you create a document that no one else in the world will not be able to write - a book about your inner life. Notation of Dreams will give you a lot about yourself and provide a rich resource for creative work. Like watching a great drama, played out on the stage of your dreams, you will see their own fears, desires, ambitions, and perhaps even a meeting with his soul.

This diary can be your personal tour of transformation itself, which you will know what the lesson, the purpose and meaning in your life. Even if you do not have time for a permanent reference of the diary, try to allocate at least a month, periotpuska, several week-ends, to begin to study the treasures of your dreams.

Creating Your Own Mandalas dreams.

In this book I have step by step, constructing a mandala of Dreams - from its outer circumference to the sacred center. During the reading, you probably will think about what images could enter in your mandala. Perhaps you want to build a personal mandala as we move on book - finding parallels the images of my dreams in your own dreams. In this case, I can offer you some tips to start:

? Identify the frightening images of their dreams. This first step netruden. Just look at their terrible dreams or nightmares images. Although you probably do not want to think about them - they are the same characters, which can be transformed into your force. Their appalling quality of the degree of exposure equal to their ability to teach. Their energies can become your own power. Remembering these images are not confined to wild animals, bad or evil subhuman plagues that threaten you in a dream. Take into account also the places that seem to be particularly ominous. Do not dream you ever return to the fold, that you hated as it was with me? Do not be repeated in your dreams a sort of "decoration", which happens constantly with you something bad? At this point, however unattractive it may look, lies energy, which can be released for your positive growth. In reading about the elements of the mandala, rough "impute" some negative characters of your dreams to those elements that seem to them appropriate. Convenient to make a few photos or photocopies of drawing blank mandala, which is contained in the annex, and make them their marks - because later you may find a more appropriate manner for each element.

? Identify the images of "helpers" of your dreams. Who helps you overcome your fears in dreams? Which characters or things help you cope with the awesome animals, objects, people and places? For some adults and most children "Savior" are popular heroes and heroines of mass culture, like Superman or fairy fairies. Sometimes snovidyaschih save or protect religious personages, like Christ, God, holy, merciful goddess or guru. Some snovidyaschie when you are in danger of their dreams bead or say the mantra. Others call on the assistance of his wife or even his dog. Others are greeted with a certain kind of character that comes to their aid. This may be a speaking animal, people possessing magical forces, fantastic weapon or tool. Whatever your assistant, mark it and cherished. "Helpers" appear in dreams when snovidyaschie begin to meet face to face with danger and to urge their support allies.

? Identify the images of dreams, connected with the motive of rivalry. Most snovidyaschih in the dream reflected a characteristic motif of rivalry or pride. It may take the form of games or duels, competitions in singing, dancing or running.

? Identify the images of dreams, connected with the motive of cooperation. What takes shape in your dreams participation in the life of a group or team? Do you sing in the choir? Whether dancing, along with other people? Share Does someone their food? Recall the situation of your dreams, which seem to be an example of sincere cooperation with others.

? Identify the images of dreams that are associated with passion. Beloved of your dreams - a stranger, or people whom you know? Not whether they represent a certain quality that you want to find? Not whether the name of your partner, love the game of words, hinting at something else? A woman who dreamed that she loved a man named Art, in fact, missed by his artistic passion, which was forced to leave, and not by a particular person. What (or how) you vidites themselves in dreams, when having a passion or lust? Tempting if you are dressed? Are you wearing red clothing or in a different color? Does your hairstyle? All these details have symbolic meaning. When we sleep, our genitals, as well as the entire central nervous system, awake. Recently, scientists have found that both women and men face in their dreams sexual excitement. Not surprisingly, many dreams have sexual content - explicit or subtle. It is - a natural part of sleep. What form of sex takes snovidcheskoy your imagination?

? Identify the images of dreams related to true love. What are your dreams when you fall in love in earnest? What these dreams are different from dreams that are romantic or erotic overtones? Do you prefer offers jewelry or flowers? Not угощает whether you fine beverages and appetizing meal?

? Identify the images of dreams, related to the greed and excesses. What generates images snovidyaschee your mind when you overeat, too much work or perebarschivaete in some other activity? Are you dreaming of hundreds of young piglets and a big pig? Or maybe you seen neglected gardens, porosshie weeds? Or teams of builders working to exhaustion?

? Identify the images of dreams related to mental equilibrium. Do you see a healthy, flowering plants? Or you dream that you will surely go on a bike on rough terrain? Can you sleep in the rush to the skaters on the ice, with ease vydelyvaya difficult pirouette? What images appear in your dreams, where life runs smoothly?

? Identify the images of dreams related to ignorance. Do you dream Lost Children? Or Foundlings? Or the homeless men and women are starving? Injured or dying animals? As the elements missing in your life, reflected in dreams?

? Identify the images of dreams, related to the acquisition of new knowledge. Do not you ever dream a newborn child? Or child prodigy? And can you find room, the existence of which had never suspected, or unknown to you to explore neighborhoods in a familiar city? Have you wise old man? Priestess or Goddess? Mystery wire? These characters - "archetypes", the embodiment of the forces that occur when we learn to better understand themselves and their dreams. Sometimes, these figures are very fancy shapes - strange combination of animal, plant and human organisms. Sometimes they appear not as living beings, but as a magical ornaments or pictures. But in any case, they show a new aspect of "I".

? Scroll to the characteristic signs of the transition to a conscious dreams. What happens to you when you realize that you see a dream? What feelings do you have? Compare your experience with what is written in the "Informed dream." Which characters appear immediately, before your dream becomes conscious, and which - after this? What changes do you see? We still have much to learn about the conscious dreams, and experience of each snovidyaschego of great value.

? Build your dreams Mandala. All images and sensations that you have identified, it will take its place. You read about how I have a step by step to build a mandala. What do you think, how your images are consistent with this scheme? By reading this book, you can take temporary solutions, and complete the mandala later, or you can build it as read.

Attaching bright positive of your dreams any form, visible in the "awake" world, you can keep in their memory what they have learned. Do yourself, or find an image that transmit sensations of a particular dream. Basic scheme of the mandala is easy to adapt to your needs and interests. One woman, who was the ballerina, manifests their dreams in dance around an imaginary mandalas. You can make a simple temporary mandala mandala or permanent - for example, in the form of a small woven mat. It is important to be involved in this process: in fact, working with images of their dreams, you'll discover secrets contained in them.

Jung tells us: "Line of development is not, there is only gyre" I "." Raspoznavaya specific to your dreams image, presenting them in a visible form and posted on its mandala dreams, you do not simply express themselves in art. In fact, you re-establish themselves in the image, the paint for the paint - until not find the form of your true self. Let your journey along this path will lead you to the light.