Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feel gratitude and appreciation every day

Jill Edwards
Feel gratitude and appreciation every day

Thanks and appreciation - very important elements for life in a carefree time. They help us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and less to think about the negative. For many of us there are many reasons to express their gratitude, but we are so preoccupied with their problems, that just forget about it.

Gratitude is the perfect antidote to not feel self-pity. When we start to cry, then get stuck in a "difficult time", while the real appreciation (not servile degrading feeling, and going from the heart of a huge wave of love and appreciation) easily takes us into a cycle of a carefree time. As Meister Eckhart said: "If the only prayer you uttered in her life was the word" thanks ", then this is enough."

Moreover, thanks to a property attracts like a magnet, reciprocal feelings. If we are sincerely grateful, for example, a good attitude to themselves, for their own prosperity, good tidings and peace among nations, these events begin to repeat itself. (Not surprisingly, the Hawaiian language, the word "blessing" also means "to empower".)

Gratitude goes hand in hand with gratitude. When was the last time you expressed its appreciation to a loved one, children, parents, friends? When you talked about how to appreciate and love them? It often happens that only after a person dies, his relatives in a fully begin to appreciate its advantages and strengths. (When he died recently, my good friend, I immediately wrote a long letter to his widow, speaking to him about how much I appreciate this man and how he was grateful for all that he has done for me and taught. No matter how sad but while he was alive, I was never able to find the time to thank him for all sufficiently.)

Gratitude warms the heart. A letter of appreciation written from the heart, can make me happy all day. So do not wait. Express your gratitude to someone right now. As gratitude, the feeling will lift your mood and you, and you too will glow with happiness!

In addition, each person from time to time needs to be thanks to himself. Do not forget you "pat yourself on the back" when successfully continue and complete the deal, cope with the task, making a courageous act, listen to inner wisdom and take care of yourself and your family. Many of us were taught in childhood "never boast, however, growing up, we are very reluctant to pronounce a positive word in the address. However, the appreciation itself is an important step towards becoming a friend to yourself. By the way, this will help us better evaluate the others.

Here are some tips.

Keep a "gratitude diary. Every night (or when you remember about it) puts everything back, because of what you have now experienced a feeling of gratitude. It can be warm and friendly embrace, watching the sun come up, help the seller in the purchase option or a song, a lark. It's amazing how this simple practice will enhance your sense of gratitude and to help you estimate the thinner your daily life.

Thank the other. Send a postcard or make a surprise gift to a friend and thank him for what he "just is". Bring him a bouquet of flowers, the next time you drop by to visit for a cup of coffee. Tell your friend, for what it is you love him: for his care and sensitivity, for a sense of humor, for honesty, for the courage and enthusiasm.

Congratulate yourself. Take a look at your life. How you've changed and grown spiritually over the past five years? What you have achieved? What are the challenges of life you had to meet and overcome? What good have you done for the whole world (let it be even a tiny contribution)? Make yourself a gift, express your appreciation. Let it be a bouquet of flowers, a nice notebook, a day spent outside the city. Be honest - tell yourself about what you're wonderful!

Thanks and appreciation - very important elements for life in a carefree time. They help us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and less to think about the negative. For many of us there are many reasons to express their gratitude, but we are so preoccupied with their problems, that just forget about it.

Gratitude is the perfect antidote to not feel self-pity. When we start to cry, then get stuck in a "difficult time", while the real appreciation (not servile degrading feeling, and going from the heart of a huge wave of love and appreciation) easily takes us into a cycle of a carefree time. As Meister Eckhart said: "If the only prayer you uttered in her life was the word" thanks ", then this is enough."

Moreover, thanks to a property attracts like a magnet, reciprocal feelings. If we are sincerely grateful, for example, a good attitude to themselves, for their own prosperity, good tidings and peace among nations, these events begin to repeat itself. (Not surprisingly, the Hawaiian language, the word "blessing" also means "to empower".)

Gratitude goes hand in hand with gratitude. When was the last time you expressed its appreciation to a loved one, children, parents, friends? When you talked about how to appreciate and love them? It often happens that only after a person dies, his relatives in a fully begin to appreciate its advantages and strengths. (When he died recently, my good friend, I immediately wrote a long letter to his widow, speaking to him about how much I appreciate this man and how he was grateful for all that he has done for me and taught. No matter how sad but while he was alive, I was never able to find the time to thank him for all sufficiently.)

Gratitude warms the heart. A letter of appreciation written from the heart, can make me happy all day. So do not wait. Express your gratitude to someone right now. As gratitude, the feeling will lift your mood and you, and you too will glow with happiness!

In addition, each person from time to time needs to be thanks to himself. Do not forget you "pat yourself on the back" when successfully continue and complete the deal, cope with the task, making a courageous act, listen to inner wisdom and take care of yourself and your family. Many of us were taught in childhood "never boast, however, growing up, we are very reluctant to pronounce a positive word in the address. However, the appreciation itself is an important step towards becoming a friend to yourself. By the way, this will help us better evaluate the others.

Here are some tips.

Keep a "gratitude diary. Every night (or when you remember about it) puts everything back, because of what you have now experienced a feeling of gratitude. It can be warm and friendly embrace, watching the sun come up, help the seller in the purchase option or a song, a lark. It's amazing how this simple practice will enhance your sense of gratitude and to help you estimate the thinner your daily life.

Thank the other. Send a postcard or make a surprise gift to a friend and thank him for what he "just is". Bring him a bouquet of flowers, the next time you drop by to visit for a cup of coffee. Tell your friend, for what it is you love him: for his care and sensitivity, for a sense of humor, for honesty, for their courage or enthusiasm.

Congratulate yourself. Take a look at your life. How you've changed and grown spiritually over the past five years? What you have achieved? What are the challenges of life you had to meet and overcome? What good have you done for the whole world (let it be even a tiny contribution)? Make yourself a gift, express your appreciation. Let it be a bouquet of flowers, a nice notebook, a day spent outside the city. Be honest - tell yourself about what you're wonderful!